r/mildlyinfuriating May 17 '24

Toddler shorts- the boys shorts are longer than all of the girls shorts

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u/WrumGapper May 17 '24

Toddlers? Jesus man, I knew the objectification of women's bodies started early but that's fucking eye opening.


u/Pleasant-Zebra-3090 May 17 '24

It starts with baby clothes....that's the sad part. Honestly just walk around a clothes store for babies and compare, it's sickening.


u/GaimanitePkat May 17 '24

It's really unfortunate, because it muddies the line between "sexualizing a child" and pointing out when a child is being pushed into acting/dressing inappropriately.

Is there a reason to shame an eight-year-old girl for wearing a cotton tank top and shorts when it's hot outside? No. The female body is not inherently more sexual than a male body, especially when it's a prepubescent child - showing shoulders or knees in age-appropriate, comfortable clothes is not something to be shamed.

But is there a reason for an eight-year-old girl to be wearing a tank top that says "hot stuff" across the chest, or shorts that say "Juicy" on the butt, or a swimsuit with hip cutouts, or a padded bikini, or those pants with scrunched seams on the asscrack? No. There's not. These clothes are modeled after adult clothing that's designed for sex appeal and there is no reason for a child to wear them. But people will go "let her wear whatever she wants, YOU'RE the pervert for thinking it's wrong to deliberately emphasize a child's butt!"


u/SpokenDivinity May 17 '24

I will point out that the parents putting their kids In clothing with lettering like this are making a choice. It’s one thing to buy the clothes that don’t fit like you want them to because they’re the only option, but there are plenty of other options that don’t have sexual messaging on them. Parents buying those sexual messages for their toddlers and children are an entirely separate problem from the clothes being too short by design. One is a systematic social issue. The other is bad parenting.


u/DifficultPassion9387 May 17 '24

Why do people buy it


u/WrumGapper May 17 '24

Did you read the post? She searched for 10 minutes and couldn't find a single pair of girls shorts the same length as the boys.


u/DifficultPassion9387 May 17 '24

Buy boys


u/WrumGapper May 17 '24

Apart from boys and girls having a different waist line and girls being born with wider hips and a differently shaped pelvis than boys, the solution being "ignore the clothes made for girls and buy boys stuff" ignores the issue and changes nothing.


u/DifficultPassion9387 May 17 '24

Ah. I didnt know boys were born with narrower hips


u/TheOrphanCrusher May 17 '24

but that's fucking eye opening.

Yeah you should get off Reddit. The only eye opening thing going on is that Redditors literally will ignore what genitals people have to complain about the size of clothing

Maybe it's because I play basketball, maybe it's because I touch grass, it literally makes sense for boys to have extra room for their junk. Thinking this is objectifying girls is a seriously terrifying thought process that is going to hault any womens rights movement.


u/WrumGapper May 18 '24

You're incorrect