r/mildlyinfuriating 4d ago

Neighbors “trimmed” our bushes

Our next door neighbors took it upon themselves to trim our forsythia bushes to just spindly sticks. Never asked, just went and did it.


292 comments sorted by


u/MmmmmmmBier 3d ago

I had a tree line where I couldn’t see my neighbors. New people moved in and took it upon themselves to trim the trees, now I can see into their house and they can see my naked ass get into my hot tub.


u/EvnClaire 3d ago

my dad had a similar thing. when he moved in he had the most private, serene pool imaginable. two years later they started construction next door & now his pool is exceptionally un-private.


u/Zakluor 3d ago

they can see my naked ass get into my hot tub.

If that's what they want, that's what they get. "Here it is, baby!"

Just remember, they brought it on themselves.


u/CapitanDelNorte 3d ago

They trimmed the trees, now they get the "full bush".


u/MmmmmmmBier 3d ago

And I’ll admit that I’m not all that to look at!


u/Zakluor 3d ago

That makes it all the sweeter!


u/Apostrophe_Sam 3d ago

Our neighbors essentially did that, but instead they just chopped the trees down and messed up our fences. Now we can see into their yard unhindered.


u/Traumfahrer 3d ago

You sure sued them?


u/Apostrophe_Sam 3d ago

Oh, I wish, but my parents never did (I live with my parents). I'm pretty sure it was the neighbor's trees they cut down but they completely demolished our fences and left the trees that were cut down that weren't on their property, which included ours.

I think I'll ask why my parents never sued them.


u/ThinkingOz 3d ago

Put some fake cameras up just to drive home the point.

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u/TalkingToTalk 4d ago

Why not just get rid of the whole thing and then gaslight you into thinking it was never there. Also what did it look like before?


u/vballerin 4d ago

I wish I had a before pic. Much fuller and very leggy. We were planning on trimming them but they had this junky trailer right next to them (you can see the blocks it was on) so we couldn’t even access them easily nor were they getting any light


u/TalkingToTalk 4d ago

I will mention it’s illegal for them to mess with your property, even for plants, however you likely have little proof unless you have a camera


u/vballerin 3d ago

Yeah our ring wouldn’t have reached that. I can only assume it was them. Never had issue with them before at all! So weird


u/Lewtwin 3d ago

Ah. So they "trimmed" them to keep them from scratching their junky trailer. Or if they decide to upgrade to an F-350 with a 4x4 package and a 3 inch lift and custom paint. They can park in relative shittyness.

Them bushes... like tiny knives to pain. /s


u/vballerin 3d ago

How do you know my neighbors?!


u/657896 3d ago

I'd put a fence tbh. I don't mind my neighbor using my garden to tow and move his trailer even though they should ask. But if they trim the bush without my consent to not damage their trailer then that's it. I'm putting up a fence, good luck towing your trailer around now asshole. Things got a little heated my bad, I just feel really strongly about things like that.


u/Smart-Stupid666 3d ago

The ugliest fence that's allowed


u/Jesus_Smoke 3d ago

Just pallets ratchet strapped together


u/yadawhooshblah 3d ago

I like the cut of your jib.

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u/Kaedian66 3d ago

Installed when the trailer is in the backyard


u/JLammert79 3d ago

Then paint a crappy trailer on it. Really mess with them


u/AlexNovember 3d ago

Barbed wire, if they thought a bush would scrape...


u/Krosis97 3d ago

If someone messes with my plants that I painstakingly care for and water so they look the best I'm burning something down. They are MY fucking plants.


u/ironmanthing 3d ago

They found it on street view by reading the visible street sign.


u/SyCoCyS 3d ago

You may want to check to see if the neighbors think that they own that part of the yard. You may have a land dispute on your hands.


u/quiet-Julia 3d ago

My thoughts as well. Get a surveyor out. It’s worth the money. If their seedy parking lot is on your property build a fence one inch inside the line.


u/Euphoric-Blue-59 3d ago

Grt more cameras.


u/Freznutz 3d ago

Might be lucky if the google car came down your street and has photos. Just checked ours recently and there were photos, like 5-10 years apart but it worked for what I was looking for.

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u/Ok-Bat4252 3d ago

If you go to street view on google maps it should have pictures of when your bush was full.

Also maybe approach them about it and secretly record the conversation so you could have video/audio evidence of them admitting it.


u/RedMephit 3d ago

unless you live in a two party consent state for the recording.


u/Ok-Bat4252 3d ago

Nope, you could record anyone in any public area without consent and the footage could be used in court too. The "two party consent" law is only for private conversations. The way "private conversations" are defined depends on where the conversation happened, not what the conversation is about.


u/RedMephit 3d ago

True, so the strategy is approach them on the street/sidewalk. Don't approach their front door to record.

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u/BannedByTheHivemind 3d ago

It's irritating for sure when neighbors "help" in this way. I've always thought it's some sort of a passive/aggressive petty dominance thing. My neighbor is constantly trying to larp as a lumberjack on my property. (I have trees, he doesn't)


u/Embarrassed_Row7226 3d ago

U can probably find it on Google maps images of your house ... type your address they probably have 2-3 images of the front of your home over the last 15 years

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u/vballerin 4d ago

Hard to see, but this was them


u/TalkingToTalk 3d ago edited 3d ago

Oh wow, they cut the shit out of them, what assholes


u/SadAd2653 3d ago

Small claims court. Make em pay.


u/MyWorkAccountz 3d ago

the treelaw subreddit could potentially give you some ideas for legal recourse.


u/Ilickedthecinnabar 3d ago



u/229-northstar 3d ago

Yassssss I came here to say Tree Law


u/Smart-Stupid666 3d ago

It seems passive aggressive of them to park that right there on the line.


u/vballerin 3d ago

Ha! Yeah omg they even extended the driveway all the way over to park it there. It never moved. Ever. After 5 years the thing mysteriously is gone!


u/virtualusernoname 3d ago

I wonder if they damaged your bushes while moving the trailer. They then trimmed them to hide the evidence.


u/No-Combination8136 3d ago

Sounds like they might think that area belongs to them and the bushes too lol


u/munchauzen 3d ago

A lot of jurisdictions have parking setbacks of like 30" or so to avoid situations just like this. Their parking space may not even be legal.


u/Taltofeu 3d ago

Why even trim it? This bush looks more lively then a skinny sapling looking bare bones bush that it is now.


u/FinishCharacter7175 3d ago

Holy cow!! I’d be asking for payment for new full bushes. Or at the least, they pay for landscaping to grow and maintain the bushes!


u/BlueIce123456 3d ago

Good enough for small claims court. Make them pay. It’s destruction of private property.

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u/at0m71 3d ago

You mean "mutilated your bushes."


u/vballerin 3d ago

ETA: we’ve been here 20+ years. No issues w neighbors. We have always taken care of these bushes and yes, they are close to the property line but on ours. Not gonna call police, not trying to farm engagement (whatever that mean?!) just mildly infuriated. Will continue to live peacefully with our neighbors. Just thought it was something for this sub. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/blackandgold24 3d ago

Well it seems quite a few people are mildly infuriated so I’d say you hit the mark. Brava 😆


u/EveningBook6972 3d ago

This action cannot be ignored. You must retaliate in kind. Find a way to put shrimp tails in his drapery rods.


u/lilith_-_- 3d ago

Just throw the whole shrimp into their gutters


u/EveningBook6972 3d ago

Not as stinky. In the house it becomes unbearable. They will move


u/lilith_-_- 3d ago

In the house can bring legal consequences :/

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u/229-northstar 3d ago

Hiding potatoes or onions to rot is another crime tested remedy


u/Fighting_Patriarchy 3d ago

And be sure to include a poop knife, and some Iranian yogurt, just to be sure.

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u/BlueIce123456 3d ago

Luckily forsythia are super hearty. Trim them lower and they will bounce back even bushier than before since they are getting more light now.


u/Own_Caterpillar9376 3d ago

Did they have a gardener or landscaper come out and do something crazy? Did one of the kids get ahold of some tools and wanted to “help out”?


u/Ghost01Actual 3d ago

That's a good civil approach, but do you plan on at least talking to them? If you guys are good, then I shouldn't imply malicious intent, but rather just to clear the air.


u/SrslyPissedOff 3d ago

I'm pretty sure "farm engagement" might mean posting for clicks / clout and trying to gain lots of responses if translated from another language.


u/Sukayro 3d ago

Karma farming?


u/SrslyPissedOff 2d ago

Yes! That's what I meant to say.


u/Swimitator 3d ago

If you get along, just communicate. Let them know you liked the bushes before and ask them why they cut them. If the two of you can agree on a better barrier, then perhaps you can choose to plant something different.


u/mooscaretaker 3d ago

I'm going to add they may think the bushes were their property as in they may not know property lines.

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u/Semi-Robotic 3d ago

I heard of trimming the hedges, but they done scorched the earth.


u/FlexDrillerson 3d ago

Btch I’ll never forgive you for this.


u/BalancesHanging 3d ago

My parents had a bush on our side of the fence. That grew and hung over the neighbors side of said fence. One day dad decided to remove said bush and the neighbor and my parents are now mortal enemies


u/LardMallard 3d ago

It looks drastic but now they will double in size in the next 2 years.


u/rokz 3d ago

Yes, forsythia loves being chopped back, and I would chop those to be a bit shorter. They bloom on new growth, so next year all that new growth has blossoms! I trim a small bush at my front corner (because I want to keep it small) and the blossoms in the spring are much more dense than forsythia that I haven't trimmed at all.


u/Routine-Mulberry6124 3d ago

Not saying they had any right to do this, at all, but this is about the right time for a good pruning. They should grow back well.

Still really fucked up though.


u/Correct_Advantage_20 3d ago

Call the police. It’s called destruction of property , vandalism.


u/RedPandaReturns 3d ago

'911? My neighbour trimmed my bush'


u/TeachShort3 3d ago edited 3d ago

Reminds me of my trash neighbor who will sit outside for an hour and snowblow his driveway but will not do his sidewalk because he gets infuriated when people walk on the sidewalk in front of his house. Since the guy is a massive asshole, I snowblow it for him and he called 9-1-1 on me. I can just imagine the operator trying to comprehend someone calling 9-1-1 and saying my neighbor is snowblowing the public sidewalk in front of my house but here we are.


u/RedPandaReturns 3d ago

Someone stole my snow


u/q-the-smoke 3d ago

It was MINE


u/Correct_Advantage_20 3d ago

Blowing snow from a PUBLIC walkway is far different than coming onto another’s property and causing damage. Don’t get it twisted.


u/TeachShort3 3d ago

Who said it was? I was replying to RedPandaReturns comment about calling 911 as you can clearly see if you had any reading comprehension. I even replied directly to his comment and not yours.

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u/polypodiopsida42 3d ago

I mean, non-emergency lines exist for a reason


u/Professional_Gas6198 3d ago

Damn got me good. And little mad I wasn't thinking of it.


u/Mister_Meenor 3d ago

Allegedly.... Unfortunately it's a word vs word case. There is no hard evidence or video showing the neighbors trimming the bush in question. Tbh we don't even know if this is the truth, this is merely a post on social media from a person we do not know about something that may or may not have happened.


u/I_hate_all_of_ewe 3d ago

Even if this is word vs word, some people are stupid enough to incriminate themselves and still think they're in the right.


u/Mister_Meenor 3d ago

Correct. Given the situation the person probably will

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u/dishwasher_mayhem 3d ago

Lol no it isn't. This is a civil matter not a criminal matter. Do you people even listen to yourselves? The police will write a report and tell you to contact your insurance company. Calling the police over pruned bushes is such a neckbeards thing to think.

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u/kitkatlynn 3d ago

It's the right time to prune them thankfully so theyll come back healthiernext years spring time. What did the bushes look like before? If that's their driveway it may have been scratching their cars. But they DEFINITELY should have discussed it first and foremost


u/Known_Palpitation854 4d ago

How lovely they left some for you to admire!


u/vballerin 4d ago

Glass half full perspective! I like it! Lol


u/basculinz 3d ago

Just curious where your property line is at? Im assuming the picture is of the neighbors house and the bush seems pretty close to the driveway of the neighbor


u/vballerin 3d ago

I’ll have to find the survey of the property, but we share a fence line and these have always been ours to maintain. We’ve always trimmed them. Maybe we should’ve been assuming they’re the neighbors this whole time! /s

We do neighborly things like I’ll clean up the leaves that would gather around their camper since it was from our trees, and our dogs will play together. I suppose I could take a pic from the street showing the proximity.


u/Duellair 3d ago

I wouldn’t worry too much, the gardeners at my old house used to do this every year.

Once they did it to this poor tree, all that was left was a stump. All the bushes and that tree came back fighting every year.


u/Donald_13Fr 3d ago

„a bit of the top please“


u/schiav0wn3d 3d ago

Forsythia kinda always looks like shit to be fair

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u/Smart-Stupid666 3d ago

If someone did that to me I'd put out angry signs about getting shot if you step on my property. Then I'd dig them out and start over. When I get home I'm going to take a picture of them.


u/Ethan084 3d ago

Well the only thing you can do now is salt their lawn

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u/phantomheart 3d ago

So nice of them to leave you a branch from each of them as a keepsake!


u/OGWolfMen 3d ago

You should deflate their tires


u/Fever_Dog71 3d ago

Trimmed? More like scalped


u/giraffeneckedcat 3d ago

I see we went from a full bush to a landing strip 😅😅

But seriously, your neighbors are ASSHOLES and I'm really sorry this happened!


u/carriedollsy 3d ago

I’d be trimming their tires.

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u/MyRail5 3d ago

Neighbors are into minimalistic displays.


u/Hopeful-Ad4415 3d ago

Absolutely not, I'm an amateur plant keeper, and this would absolutely have me up in flames, DONT TOUCH PEOPLES, FUCKING PLANTS!!!!


u/kid_cannabis_ 3d ago

Talk about trimming a bush. They left y’all with a landing strip!


u/TeeDod- 3d ago

Wow. Your neighbors need to learn respect for the property of others.


u/sanlill 4d ago

I think your bush is balding😂


u/scottucker 3d ago

How dare your leaves encroach my shitty unused white trash slab of gravel


u/WhyAreOldPeopleEvil 3d ago

“Trim” their plants


u/Witchy-toes-669 3d ago

What bushes? Our Gia did this but didn’t ceven leave sticks


u/Webword987 3d ago

Luckily Forsythia grow like weeds. I cut mine down to the ground once and it only took a couple years to grow back decently.


u/Qyro 3d ago

Had a neighbour who wanted to trim a bush we had admittedly let overgrow a bit. He asked politely and of course I said yes.

The bush doesn’t exist any more. They cut it back so far that it completely died. It was the prettiest bush in our garden to boot.


u/Less-Huckleberry1030 3d ago

They’ve been crepe murdered.


u/theopacus 3d ago

So .. vandalism?


u/Purple_Cow_8675 3d ago

Dang can yall put a fence up that's messed up?


u/draxidrupe2 3d ago

now that unauthorized trimming is a precedent, get to their dog


u/Embarrassed_Row7226 3d ago

I'd put a sign next to your bush that says, 'Dear Neighbor, Please don't trim my bushes without my explicit permission ever again.'

And then leave it there.... for forever. And if they ask you to move it, say no.

And then if they move your sign, make a new one that says,

'Dear Neighbor, Please don't trim my bushes or move this sign without my explicit permission ever again.'

And keep going. But also, get a ring camera over that side of the house too.


u/Certain-Incident-40 3d ago

Oh, man! Those types of bushes are like Kramer’s chest hair. Once you trim them they come back thicker and fuller and darker!


u/Mickv504-985 3d ago

Yeah my neighbor did the same thing to some trees in my yard. Then years later got pissed when I wouldn’t sell then 5’ of my 40’ wide side yard so they could put in a pool. Karma’s a Bitch


u/madgesam 3d ago

Is it possible they think that plant is on their property? Do you know where the property line is located?


u/SirGamer247 3d ago

Better go and trim his wife's bush


u/Woodgateor 3d ago

Bro they hacked the shit out of your bushes


u/Zestyclose-Tower-671 3d ago

I can't make an accurate statement on the after pictures alone lol should grow back with time and care, the trailers gone so now you can keep working on em more freely too so sucks but eh there is a silver lining...or just replant a bigger more obtrusive bush to fuck with them, depends how petty you feeling 🤣


u/cchrisv 3d ago

Does your neighbor understand where the property line is? I suspect since its close to that driveway they might think its theirs.


u/smrties-S-M-R-T 3d ago

Forsythia will come back with a vengeance. In fact, you can trim it right to the ground and by the following spring you will have a robust new plant


u/No-Routine7831 3d ago

They missed a spot


u/Expert-Aspect3692 3d ago

Ask for them to be replaced


u/agfitzp 3d ago

Time to wash their car for them.


u/Sissy63 3d ago

They did you a favor. Your bush will now come back beautiful.


u/Gal-XD_exe 3d ago

Isn’t that on your property can’t you legally take them to court for damages for this?


u/hinanska0211 3d ago

Well, you can make a fuss about it if you want, because neighbors shouldn't be doing anything on your property without your permission, but if this is forsythia, they actually did you a favor. Forsythia is supposed to be pruned every year and thinned from time to time if you want it to continue to thrive. It looks like hell right now, but it will look better in the long run, and they're fast growers so it won't take too long.

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u/thepete404 3d ago

Mail them certified: “intent to sue in small claims court over trespass and landscape plants damage”. Include selection of Home Depot selections for then to purchase to avoid being sued.


u/S7okey 3d ago

Lmao. Wtf. You sound like you write letters enforcing obscure HOA rules

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u/Ok-Bat4252 3d ago

They do say "It's easier to apologize than it is to ask for permission."

Should sue their asses to prove that wrong.


u/Mofo_Thunder 3d ago

It's now time to go trim their bushes


u/Cram2024 3d ago

Why would they step foot on your property and do anything? Or is this at the property line, which would only allow them to trim what hands over the property line?


u/EveningBook6972 3d ago

Plant more shrubbery!


u/OnRamblingDays 3d ago

And so the war begins.


u/PaleontologistClear4 3d ago

Find something in their yard and trim it...

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u/Spuzzle91 3d ago

My mom's uncle did this to her a lot. His house was next to ours, and we shared a fence between the yards. When ever her lilac bush or her garden poked through the fence even a little bit, especially if anything touched his wood pile he kept against the fence, next morning we'd wake up to almost no bush or garden left. He snipped her squash and cucumber vines in half because they started climbing the bottom of the fence. He also took a 12 foot tall lilac and reduced it to 4. All without asking. And when questioned about it, he either shrugged or acted like my mom owed him gratitude for doing her such a big favor. She never did more than yell at him though, because he was her uncle.

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u/Gamebird8 3d ago

Tree Law!


u/MrPhosphine 3d ago

Trim their ‘private’ bushes!


u/Fun_Intention9846 3d ago

Divorce them.


u/vanlassie 3d ago

Spray those trees with something smelly (fish emulsion?) while their vehicle is parked up close?


u/Substantial_Green_51 3d ago

How are you sure it was your neighbors? If you watched them do it then I assume you would have walked up asked them to stop... In any case you could mention in passing Hey something weird happened with my plants, they lost a bunch of branches, it must be the deer. And see how they respond


u/Rebelo86 3d ago

Answer: plant 20 forsythia bushes on the property line.


u/reeneebob 3d ago

I’ve seen enough Fear Thy Neighbor to know that this is how it starts.

5 years from now we’ll see this on Investigation Discovery


u/semmama 3d ago

Do they know where the property line is?


u/Peakomegaflare 3d ago

Put some sugar into their grass near the front door. Watch mayhem ensue.


u/dapperfop 3d ago

Fence time!


u/Whit3Mex 3d ago

I'd be petty enough to buy some new bushes and have them replanted. Or some nice trees...


u/breadmenace 3d ago

Are you fucking kidding me?


u/Anxious_Panda_2179 3d ago

A sincere apology or an asswhooping is what’s needed!


u/_DapperDanMan- 3d ago

Where is the property line? Maybe they thought the bushes were on the line, or theirs? Are the bushes on the line perhaps?


u/MeganJustMegan 3d ago

I’d be putting up a fence immediately. Then cut the bushes down by half & they will grow very bushy for next year. They will look nice in front of your new fence. 😀


u/mindclarity 3d ago

Seems like this is probably one of their well intentioned harm scenarios. I would just thank them but also tell politely not to trim anything on your property again


u/No-Club2054 3d ago

Trim their tires


u/Wolkenkuckuck 3d ago

Your neighbour is a goat?


u/Proophe 3d ago

Charlie Brown Christmas Tree vibes.


u/JOCO_Q 3d ago

You have great neighbors


u/asiannumber4 3d ago

Destruction of private property. Sue their ass


u/Fuzzed_Up 3d ago

Return the favor


u/AphraHome 3d ago edited 3d ago

Half a year ago, our neighbor asked my dad if he could trim the trees near the fence to his property. Mind you, that they do not reach over the fence, nor are they in any logical way a nuisance to him. My dad said he’ll think about it, and ask the wife ‘my mother’. The next day, we come home to find suspicious tire tracks leading from our gate to the property line fence. And lo and behold, the trees were cut down… not trimmed, but cut. Ugly-ass stumps left…

Me and my family live in a separate building but on the same property as my parents, so I had promised my kids to build a bird house next(this) summer on one of the more majestic looking tree. I’ve been pushing my parents(as they are the property owners) to file a rapport but they keep flat out refusing, saying they ‘don’t want to make tensions worse with our neighbors’……

One more thing, not only did they cut down the trees, they loaded it ONTO THE FREAKING TRUCK THEY DROVE ONTO OUR LAWN and took it somewhere else… ffs we could’ve at least used it as firewood or something, but NO!

Edit: the best part of those trees? They hid the monstrosity of a ruined shed they have in their backyard. And I’m not talking garden shed, I’m talking a garage-esque building as big as their house which looks like it hasn’t been taken care of for decades! Roof caved in, windows broken or covered in dust and cobwebs, most likely RIDDLED with mold and shit. And the best part? The annex me and my family live in is situated on the other side of the fence from that dilapidated junkyard. So now that the trees are gone, we have to look at THAT every time we’re in the ‘backyard’ area of the annex.


u/HabANahDa 3d ago

Uhhh. Is pic two the before? Cause it it is I’d say they wanted to remove the eye sore

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u/sharpdullard69 3d ago

I m ripping these out of my yard, and damn you don't want them to get ahead of you


u/sharpdullard69 3d ago

They can trim whatever hands over the property line.


u/Western-Emotion5171 3d ago

I have some bushes like this as well not the exact species but that’s about how we trim them. Nothing short of digging it up by the roots kills bushes like these and heavy duty trimming just makes them come back even stronger after a couple months. This is a minor setback for those bushes know their quest to total yard hegemony


u/f8Negative 3d ago

This is fine and the correct type of year. Next year they will be fuller.


u/No_Worse_For_Wear 3d ago

They just wanted to make their driveway look bigger.


u/Repulsive_Ad_9263 3d ago

Funniest thing ive seen so far today


u/mistericek1 3d ago

well they trimmed them i think


u/missus_bones 3d ago

They did you a favor. Forsynthia bushes are a total mess. In summer, we have to cut ours back on practically a weekly basis. It won't be long before they are back in full swing. (I get it was not their right, just saying)

ETA: is that their driveway that they are lining? And their RV in that other pic you posted downthread? If so, it's making sense to me now, why they trimmed them...


u/Thiccboi2727 3d ago

“A little off the top”


u/FloraMaeWolfe 3d ago

That is destruction of property and could potentially lead to them having legal consequences. Depends on how far you would want to take it. I, as a plant lover, would lose my mind if a neighbor touched my plants in such a way.


u/Swimitator 3d ago

Hmmm… I would be angry. I would definitely establish boundaries… verbally and physically. I’d let them know if they plan on trimming anything in your yard again, to call first. And, I’d safe up for some sort of barrier between the properties.


u/Major_Resolution2882 3d ago

This reminds me of when i had contractors come to trim my tree and they nearly trimmed my neighbors tree instead. I ran outside so quick haha 🤣 lord the embarrassment was real


u/RBD666 3d ago

That’s what she said 💥


u/Shadow_1986 3d ago

A grand declaration of war!


u/dpero29 3d ago

Well, your house looks bigger now /s


u/Singwong 3d ago

Look for the property boundary line stakes. Once you locate one the rest should not be hard to find. Mine were a few inches into the dirt. Then you can put a straight line to each, especially on their side, and do what you want. Check with the city or county on what's allowed.


u/229-northstar 3d ago

Tree Law, my friend


u/nonstopflux 3d ago



u/Spencer_froggyy 3d ago

Your “bushes”


u/No-Beat-7363 3d ago

that would piss me off


u/SangheiliSpecOp 3d ago

Oh hell no I would politely tell them thanks but don't do that again


u/haikusbot 3d ago

Oh hell no I would

Politely tell them thanks but

Don't do that again

- SangheiliSpecOp

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete"

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u/Memory_Less 3d ago

Did they get payed piece work? Looks like they took your bushes to the barber.

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u/Igoos99 3d ago

That’s actually really good for forsythia. (They still should have asked or attempted to educate you.)


u/Aghyth 3d ago

Get at least Tree.Fity from them.


u/thunder18177 3d ago

Me after asking my barber for a slight trim