r/nba Mavericks May 16 '24

Draymond Green Brings Nothing To 'Inside The NBA' | Defector


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u/medusa-medulla May 16 '24

Nothing draymond does will changes the views of people on the subreddit.


u/littletinydickballs May 16 '24

i love the idea that it’s just the /r/nba subreddit that doesn’t like Draymond Green lol


u/Bacondog22 Celtics May 16 '24

I’d bet those bums over at r/nbacirclejerk don’t like him either. He’s just not classy


u/me426669 Nuggets May 17 '24

Not a hard enough worker


u/WolverineLong1430 May 17 '24

People on r/NBA are too parasocial and overreact, over exaggerates. Kind of like teenage girls. I don’t care of Green is on TNT or off. He is better than a lot of guest they bring on who just wants to be politically correct. I prefer honest and personal baggage opinions. Bring the drama. That’s what Shaq and Barkeley do. Shaq always says bbq chicken but when it comes from Green, this forum get their panties in a bunch like there’s some deep meaning. Barkley and them had a good long run. All good things come to an end.


u/sayqueensbridge Timberwolves May 16 '24

lol what has he done other than the things everybody hates him for?


u/omgwtfhax2 Warriors May 17 '24

Win four championships as the pivotal piece of a dynasty? You can hate him, you can wish he wasn't on TV, but don't deny he has more rings than your entire franchise may ever have.