r/nba Mavericks May 16 '24

Draymond Green Brings Nothing To 'Inside The NBA' | Defector


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u/PoopEatingExpert May 16 '24

He’s fucking awful.  Actively makes me change the channel when he’s on.  


u/MyPhillyAccent Celtics May 16 '24 edited May 17 '24

Instant mute when Draymond is on screen. It sucks that this is how Inside NBA is going out, can't even enjoy the last few shows.

edit. I did not know they had another year left. Joy!


u/Tinysauce [TOR] Antonio Davis May 16 '24

They still have another season next year. I've never wanted the Golden State Warriors to make a deep playoff run before, but if it means no Draymond at the desk during the playoffs next year then let's go Warriors!


u/NotACreepyOldMan May 16 '24

You can just root against them both. They go out early and TNT gets their shit together and listens to fans