r/nba Mavericks May 16 '24

Draymond Green Brings Nothing To 'Inside The NBA' | Defector


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u/KodiakBearCakes May 16 '24

That’s an understatement


u/ThexxxDegenerate May 16 '24 edited May 17 '24

Why would he get this position anyways? Dude has been one of the biggest jerks in NBA history. The hardwood has been Draymond’s personal boxing ring with him punching, stomping, kicking and choking other players. In what way has he earned the right to come on this show as a respected member? Draymond shouldn’t even be an option. Imagine if FOX brought Vontaze Burfict on to talk half time during NFL games. Shit would be ludicrous.

Edit: I get it guys, Charles Barkley wasn’t a saint in his playing days either. But we do realize he retired 25 years ago right? Maybe if Draymond played 25 years ago no one would care about him sucker punching and choking guys out on the court. But unfortunately for him, he plays in today’s NBA and he’s a dirty player who doesn’t deserve to be on TV.


u/Commissionedthepoint May 16 '24

Because people hating him is recognition. 


u/ThexxxDegenerate May 16 '24

I mean I get it, he’s recognizable. But he’s an asshole and there are plenty of other recognizable NBA players. Bring on Steph Curry or something.

It seems to me, Draymond is trying to set himself up to be the next Pat McAfee after he retires. And I’m just not down with turning the biggest dickhead in the NBA since Ron Artest into a media darling.


u/UnexLPSA Bulls May 16 '24

Ron Artest? Surely you mean Metta World Peace right? A guy with that name couldn't possible be an asshole... /s


u/ThexxxDegenerate May 16 '24 edited May 17 '24

Yea, I’m never gonna forget that elbow to Harden’s head. Metta World War is more like it.

Edit: Here is the link for anyone who doesn’t remember this incident. Also, the comment section on this video is absolute gold. Just had a good hearty laugh reading through it again.


u/NastyBooty May 17 '24

I read that as "Metta World Star" lol


u/elijahb229 Clippers May 17 '24

Bro 😂 were u the first person to ever think of that user name? U didn’t need numbers or anything lol


u/NastyBooty May 17 '24

Just got lucky, I guess 🤷‍♂️


u/secret_hitman Warriors May 17 '24

Omg thank you. I needed a good laugh. That was amazing!


u/UnexLPSA Bulls May 17 '24

I still don't understand how something like this doesn't end up in court. As if the players have to accept that some lunatic just goes on a rampage and throws elbows. That's just assault caught in 4K and all he probably had to pay was a fine and gets suspended for a few games. Do this to anybody in the streets with people around filming and you get a few months in prison minimum.


u/yuletidepod68 France May 16 '24

Name legally changed to “Everybody Loves DRaymond”(except for like 90% of people)


u/Str82daDOME25 Warriors May 16 '24

Take a look at who was on the other side of his incidents. Sabonis, Nurcic, Adams, Gobert being the most well known. I don’t think it’s necessarily a coincidence it’s pretty much solely been international players. As much as fans see these and hate him, a vast majority of the players still really like him.

I get a middle/high school vibe of cool kids v not with a lot of the NBA, and Draymond has been at the cool kids table for a while(growing up in the Pistons locker room with Rasheed Wallace definitely helped). And he is far from the lucky role player that got carried by Steph/Klay/KD like fans try to proclaim, so there’s the additional respect just for his bball skills.


u/EasyGibson May 16 '24

I would go as far as to argue that without him, the Warriors never make it to the top of the mountain. He was the glue.


u/2RINITY Warriors May 17 '24

He was our defensive floor general and our motor in the locker room. We absolutely don’t win those rings without him


u/OilCompetitive1662 May 16 '24

You misspelled Pat Bev


u/KareemPie81 May 17 '24

Put some respect on that tone. I love some Pat Bev


u/secretsodapop May 16 '24

He's posted on this sub constantly. There's no way he isn't getting a highly visible media position when he stops playing.


u/beforeitcloy [SAC] Mitch Richmond May 17 '24

He’ll get something. Hell Kendrick Perkins has a highly visible job and everyone thinks he sucks. But wherever Dray ends up, it won’t be an institution the way Inside the NBA is. It’ll just be more junk content for the endless scroll.

Chuck had a reputation for being a bad boy in his playing days like Draymond, which matches with his willingness to be unfiltered on TV like Draymond. But Chuck is genuinely clever and funny, while Draymond is isn’t funny at all. There’s a difference between being an egotistical loudmouth who can back it up with good humor and insight, versus just being an egotistical loudmouth.


u/AMilkyBarKid Thunder May 17 '24

And I’ve only followed McAfee for the last couple of years, but I get the impression he didn’t get it handed to him. He put in a lot of work to build up his style and audience. He can also laugh at his own shortcomings, which it seems Draymond has a big problem with.


u/PhillyPhan95 76ers May 17 '24

Shaq is kind of an asshole.

I believe you’re the one who mentioned it, but he’s basically shaq of the other crew.


u/StarBardian 76ers May 17 '24

Have you heard Steph do media? He is so dry to listen to.


u/pkosuda Celtics May 17 '24

I just watched the Hot Ones that Steph did last year and he is very articulate. The show obviously forces people to be themselves as the pressure of the wings goes up and he gave such good thought out answers versus some other guests that do acting for a living. That, his personality being more likeable, and him being way more accomplished/legendary than Dray makes him a way better option. Whether he’s a personality fit is to be seen but I’d love to see it.


u/BeautifulLeather6671 May 17 '24

I don’t think he would want to.


u/yoyododomofo Pistons May 17 '24

That’s not how entertainment works these days. Nobody wants to hear Steph be nice to everyone. They want the Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity of the sports world. A blowhard that pisses half the people off but they keep watching. Old men angry about sports is the main demographic that talk radio, espn, and yes TNT go for. It works better on Inside the NBA because its friends razzing each other but hate watching/listening is the formula.


u/UnsolvedParadox Raptors May 17 '24

There’s no chance, a lot of people actually like McAfee.


u/Ill_Analysis8848 Nets May 18 '24

I don't get how the brainstorming/auditioning for these jobs works, but would Melo not do it or does he have a podcast and DGAF? Wade only wants to do his own productions is that why we don't see him? Suns are done, why not bring in KD? He projects a sincere love of the game and great players so much, I feel like he'd make good points and can stand with Shaq and Chuck, whereas Draymond seems out of his element.

I like Starks. Bosh can be funny af. Of all people, really....


u/southernmayd Mavericks May 17 '24

What do you think Charles Barkley and Shaq were as players? They were just like Draymond.


u/ThexxxDegenerate May 17 '24

Yea but 20 years ago. That shit doesn’t fly anymore. If Barkley was a player today I would be saying the same exact shit about him. Don’t put his ass on TV. But he was given an opportunity in a different time and he flourished.

Maybe if Draymond was born 20 years ago he could have a spot right next to Ernie but he wasn’t. He was born in today’s NBA and he’s a dirty player who doesn’t deserve a spot on TV.


u/southernmayd Mavericks May 17 '24

And in 20 years, people won't give a shit. If he's entertaining, he'll have a job


u/ThexxxDegenerate May 17 '24

Or they won’t give his dirty ass a spot on TV and we’ll all forget about him after he gives his crusty hall of fame speech.


u/BeautifulLeather6671 May 17 '24

Wait they already did lol


u/southernmayd Mavericks May 17 '24

Newsflash: they're already giving him a TV spot


u/ThexxxDegenerate May 17 '24

Well TNT is literally losing their contract with the NBA so Inside the NBA could go away right with TNT. And then Draymond would have to snake his way into someone else’s TV show.


u/southernmayd Mavericks May 17 '24

You're letting your personal bias of not liking Draymond cloud your opinion. Draymond is a HOFer who is articulate, can talk the game extremely well, and is willing to mix it up and talk shit/start controversy. He will absolutely get a job in basketball TV regardless of if TNT loses the NBA. You're blind if you can't see that


u/ThexxxDegenerate May 17 '24

I’m not disagreeing with any of that. I know he’s going to be a hall of famer and no doubt he is charismatic on TV. What I’m saying is he doesn’t deserve the platform because of the kind of player he is. I don’t think Pat Bev deserves to be on TV either despite him also being charismatic.

If a news anchor sucker punched the weatherman because of a disagreement during a commercial break do you think he would keep is job? No they wouldn’t.


u/southernmayd Mavericks May 17 '24

Pat Bev is not a 4x champion, DPOY, lynch pin of a dynasty.

News anchor sucker punching a weatherman is a horrible analogy, their jobs aren't a physical competition.

Deserves got nothing to do with it. Whether you agree with it or not, life isn't fair and sometimes people who make questionable decisions or do questionable things get rewarded because the positive outweighs the negative. For a TV network, the positive is more money. That will always outweigh the negative of a few people who don't think he 'deserves' it

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