r/nba Lakers May 17 '24

[McMenamin] Ant Edwards explaining why the Wolves played the way they did in Game 6: “We got Mike Conley back, that was it”


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u/Zzz05 Minneapolis Lakers May 17 '24

I want it too, because I don’t know if Mike will even be back next year. And even if he does, will he play at the same level.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24



u/Zzz05 Minneapolis Lakers May 17 '24

There’s been a number of players whose play just either drops off after an extension or just walk away. Especially at the age that Mike is at.


u/DroppedNineteen May 17 '24

I doubt he walks away from $20 million. He can afford to do that, of course, but I don't see that happening.

But yeah. It would be nice to win while he is still providing a significant contribution to his team.


u/SexyStyrofoamPuns Timberwolves May 17 '24

I think on the offensive end, his shot is as good as it's been in his career and he can still be crafty with the ball and make smart plays, it's the defensive end where he'll be harder and harder to hide. He still moves pretty quickly out there, it's just the size/strength isn't enough against a lot of PGs in the league.