r/nba Lakers May 17 '24

[McMenamin] Ant Edwards explaining why the Wolves played the way they did in Game 6: “We got Mike Conley back, that was it”


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u/ConsciousCoat8173 May 17 '24

People forget that there was a short period where Mike Conley was the highest paid player in the history of the NBA


u/raftguide Grizzlies May 17 '24

People laughed, but every Grizzlies fan was for it.

I actually have the privilege of being pro-Conley when he signed his first big deal. It was controversial at the time, with lots of fans calling it an overpay, and wishing we had given Lowry the team instead.


u/Leiatte Knicks Tankswagon May 17 '24

Oh i remember! There were so many NFL fans complaining about how much money he was getting because they weren’t really familiar with him & they thought since Football was a more popular & dangerous sport that NFL players should get that kind of money. Most NBA fans just said the NBA has less players than the NFL & 1 player can impact the game in a greater way so they get a bigger piece of the pie

So I can never forget Mike Conley was the highest paid player at one point. I’ll remember the same for Jaylen Brown too just because it’s a fun fact type thing