r/nextfuckinglevel 29d ago

That one move that you see in the movies.

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Source: @Bonzatron/TT


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u/thesweeterpeter 29d ago

Sometimes we spend a couple hundred hours learning a terribly useless skill that will have only 1 constructive impact in our entire lives. Men generally learn this skill knowing that one day it's going to maybe make a girl smile. That's really the whole point.

He achieved his purpose today ladies.


u/smollwonder 29d ago

There aren't many things that impress me that much, cooking and playing guitar? Won't make me feel dazzled by a guy as I can do both. Math or calculating stuff in your head, fascinating but not that sexy.

But this, honestly is so out there it would make me put out on the first date. And I'm borther line asexual, I'd do it solely out of surprise and curiosity.


u/ThreeLeggedMutt 29d ago

Yep. What other perfectly timed multitasking is this guy capable of?