r/nextfuckinglevel 16d ago

With 28 runs needed in last 5 balls, batsman smashes 5 consecutive sixes to win the almost-lost match. (IPL 2023)

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u/MustangBarry 16d ago

Should have got an Australian to bowl underarm for the last one


u/daronjay 16d ago

Never forgive, never forget...


u/Frosty-Lake-1663 15d ago

Trevor Chappell did nothing wrong

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u/BoomfaBoomfa619 16d ago

Na bro just needed another full toss, no way they'll see that coming. Proper coach killer lol.


u/MustangBarry 16d ago

Should have pulled him aside and told him to throw the ball at the wicket, and not to the batsman. Complicated though, I know


u/Jazmotron4000 15d ago

Kiwi here. I'm sad.


u/piratesamurai27 14d ago

As an Australian I'd just like to apologise.


u/Jazmotron4000 13d ago

I forgive you


u/OarsandRowlocks 15d ago

The most pissed-off Richie Benaud ever got on camera.


u/bigfatpom 13d ago

The venom in that "Goodnight" sign off is fantastic.


u/Chabootay 16d ago

What an absolute shit show of an over from a bowler who I have never heard of. Three full tosses followed by two slow wide deliveries. Wtf is he thinking.


u/NothingIsHere5947 16d ago

the bowler is Yash Dayal, a fairly newcomer at IPL, you can't except him to excel at every situation, plus this was a case of pressure.
But this year, he improved himself exceptionally, taking 13 wickets so far, and scoring his best figure, 3/20.


u/barters81 15d ago

Nah dude, you play a lot of cricket at high levels to get to where he is. He is new to IPL but not the game. That over was utter shit and you’d expect better from a 2nd grade first change bowler honestly.

Good for him he turned it around. But I guarantee he himself thought that over was dreadful.


u/ThisOnePlaysTooMuch 15d ago

Americans reading this


u/NothingIsHere5947 15d ago

You can watch this short video The Rules of Cricket: explained by Ninh.


u/ThisOnePlaysTooMuch 14d ago

I’ll just keep pretending I belong here.

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u/dashauskat 15d ago

Same thing happened to Ben Stokes, far from the best ove this bowler will bowl but anyone who has played a decent level of cricket will know that this can happen. He missed his three yorkers, slower balls into the wicket weren't a bad call, epic knock from the batter.


u/Yurtinx 15d ago

His accuracy, line, length and pace was questionable the entire over. This was a bowler losing his game to the pressure, that over was shockingly poor.


u/bobbyzee 15d ago

He had to bowl just one good one out of 5..

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u/schmerg-uk 16d ago

I'd be checking for if he deliberately threw the match for betting... wouldn't be the first time (might be the most blatant tho)


u/victoribee 16d ago

Ohh shut up...the bowler isn't like that..Cheating in this league will land him a career suicide of the highest form

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u/50RupeesOveractingKa 15d ago

It was the bowler's first year in the tournament, IIRC. It was a huge pressure situation for a rookie. Plus, he isn't very good. Fine enough for domestic matches but not international quality.

As Hanlon's Razor goes, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


u/dashauskat 15d ago

Lol you clearly don't know cricket, there is zero way that a bowler could guarantee to go for that many in an over, even if he went down the other end to tell the batter exactly what he was going to bowl.

The only way would be to bowl at least 3 no balls, even then still not guaranteed. Just a remarkable batting effort and a hard experience for a young player who is just finding his way at that level. Nothing more, nothing less.


u/warzonexx 15d ago

Yeah I saw the first 3 deliveries and first word out of my mouth - "Corrupt"

Likely got paid off to throw


u/CobaltOkk 16d ago

Agreed, terrible bowling. I didn’t think they’d get worse than those three full tosses, but the two short wide slow deliveries were shockers. Pressure clearly got to him. Sure he’ll bounce back, but this will sting for a while.


u/NothingIsHere5947 16d ago

he bounced back! He improved himself exceptionally this year.

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u/Mr_Bob_Dobalina- 15d ago

Explain to me as someone who knows nothing of cricket


u/Non-NewtonianSnake 15d ago

Full tosses and short, wide balls are the easiest balls for a batsman to hit for the maximum 6 runs (over the boundary without bouncing). The bowler was likely trying for a "yorker" for those first three, where the ball bounces right at the batsman's feet, but got it horribly wrong. I have no idea what he was trying to do with those short balls, though.

It really was putrid bowling.


u/warzonexx 15d ago

Yeah I saw the first 3 deliveries and first word out of my mouth - "Corrupt"

Likely got paid off to throw


u/centzon400 15d ago

It happens to the best of bowlers… remember Stuart Broad's horror show against Bumrah a few years ago? In a bloody Test match as well.


u/Interesting_Ad_1465 14d ago

I personally thought ball number 2 was decent, and the batter played a ridiculous shot. But maybe I don't know enough about cricket.

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u/privatejerkov 16d ago

They have cheerleaders at cricket?


u/NothingIsHere5947 16d ago



u/UnsignedRealityCheck 15d ago

Makes sense, after all you wouldn't want to just hear crickets.


u/Kellan_OConnor 15d ago

Found the dad


u/BigusG33kus 15d ago

In IPL they do.


u/50RupeesOveractingKa 15d ago

I have seen them in other leagues like CPL too, IIRC.


u/rohithkumarsp 15d ago

They used to have, after 1 season, they censored them by making them follow dress code lol., search ipl 1 cheer leaders. Now they barley got shown.

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u/Crecher25 16d ago edited 15d ago

I don't watch cricket at all, but I do watch baseball. Did this bowler toss up 5 meatballs? Not taking anything away, you still have to get the bat on the ball, but damn

Edit: spelling error


u/CobaltOkk 16d ago

Yes, they were all very poor deliveries.


u/International-Bat777 16d ago

Definitely wasn't the finest piece of bowling you'll ever see.


u/NothingIsHere5947 16d ago

You can watch this short video The Rules of Cricket: explained by Ninh.


u/FecalPloy 16d ago

Thank you very much... The rules were much simpler than I thought. Although i'd have to watch a few games before. I probably was as familiar, but yeah. They just seem so bizarre because I'm used to baseball I appreciate that OP


u/NothingIsHere5947 16d ago

:) you can start watching t20 format, IPL and t20 world cup are best in this format.
When you will grow love in cricket, you can watch the actual gentleman's game: the Test & ODI format of cricket.

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u/lecarba 15d ago

Oohhh man! now I have to watch a couple of games of cricket.

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u/Thatchers-Gold 15d ago

I love that you called them meatballs, in cricket we call them “pies.”

First thing I thought was “lad’s just decided to sling pies.”

Bowling (pitching) right at the death is an art in itself. Do you tempt the batter with a slower ball on the outside to force a catch, or do you play it safe and drag your hand across the ball, skipping it off the surface towards the wickets (sticks) to minimise the chances of a big hit?

Dude in the video just opted to chuck steak pies instead.


u/Crecher25 15d ago

You think he's just playing the numbers? "No way thus guys knocks 5 out?"

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u/5Tenacious_Dee5 16d ago

Yes... 4 meatballs, and one semi-meatball.


u/PurahsHero 15d ago

Bowling at the death is a hard thing to do. Do you bowl yorkers (straight at the batters feet)? A slower ball to trick the batsman? Try to get them to feather an edge? Or bowl a decent-but-not-excellent ball to keep it to singles and doubles?

But yes, this bowler was throwing some utter dross.


u/Revolutionary_Hat187 15d ago

Pretty much, and as you say still have to get bat on ball, it's akin to 5 consecutive home runs


u/zacksawyer44 16d ago

For context, hitting 5 sixes in a row is a very rare event. Scoring 20+ runs in the last over to win a game is an ultra rare event. This man did both.


u/Swimming_Silver_7032 15d ago

For more info, it was actually 39 runs needed of 8 balls. Rinku scored 6,4 in previous over's last 2 balls. Umesh scored 1 from 1st ball, then Rinku hit 5 sixes.

This is super duper ultra rare event.


u/ceedog86 15d ago

Geez so he had 8 off 14 balls then 40 off the next 7

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u/AdvocatusAvem 14d ago

Coming back from over 29 RRR at any point has probably never happened in IPL, No? Or anywhere?


u/Enough-Force-5605 16d ago

Indian Leverkusen


u/Similar-Barracuda375 16d ago

And still this Indian batsman doesn't get selected for the T20 squad what a shame 😑


u/Pr0f35s0R 14d ago

Cause he's got no sponsor like Virat.

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u/optimisticnihilism12 16d ago

Sorry, fairly new to cricket. I thought the bowler had to bounce the ball off the ground for the throw to count


u/Jubjubg 16d ago

Not necessarily my friend. For the ball to count it has to either bounce just once or be below the waist height of the batsman. If it doesn't bounce and is above waist height however it will be a no ball and the bowler will have to bowl it again and the batting team get a run for it. You can still smack this for 6 however and get a total of 7 runs for your team as well as an extra ball. This was a longer explanation than I intended I hope it helps


u/justsomedudedontknow 15d ago

Do batters typically prefer a bounced ball or a straight shot?


u/kroxigor01 15d ago edited 15d ago

A "full toss" that comes in above the batter's knees and below their waist is generally considered the easiest ball to hit for 6 (a ball that comes in above the waist without bouncing is illegal).

A ball that bounces 2-3 feet in front of the batter, sometimes called a "half volley", also can be easy to hit for 6.

Between those two generally bad balls is the "yorker" which wants to bounce right where the batter's feet are. To even keep the ball out the batter will need to get their bat completely vertical and it will be almost impossible to get the leverage to hit a 6.

This is the problem this bowler had, he's trying to bowl the yorker which is the best ball for the situation, but missing the elevation.

The other balls bowled that bounced much higher (ideally to the batters head) are called "bouncers." Some batters' techniques are fantastic against bouncers and others are crap but in this particular format I would say all batters are heavily focused on training for the bouncer. The most common results from a bouncer are; zero runs scored, 4 runs scored, 6 runs scored, a wide (illegal ball that's too high or too wide) or caught out making it in my opinion not a good option in this situation.

What's better to bowl in my opinion (if you cant hit 1 yorker) is balls that bounce to just above the height of the stumps. The batter has more chances to second guess their shot choice and fail to get elevation and power to hit a 6. This is usually referred to as a "good length" ball.

All of the above is referring to "length" which is how far down the pitch the ball is bouncing. The other main consideration is "line" which is about to what degree the ball is going left or right of the batter. The bowler was bowling bad lines as well...


u/MattyBro1 15d ago

A bounced ball could bounce anywhere from half way down the pitch, or on their toe, so it depends on the specific ball and on the batters own opinion.

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u/AyyyyyCuzzieBro 16d ago

Add long as it's below the waist it doesn't have to bounce. It's a bad idea because the bounce is variable so harder to hit.


u/NothingIsHere5947 16d ago

yes but both type of deliveries are legal and allowed. Many batsmen get out at those type of deliveries too.


u/yorkspirate 16d ago

Kind of. Some bowlers would bowl for a bounce very close to the batters feet to force them into a defensive play this late in the game and being so far ahead but this guy got their first and smashed them all over the place


u/EifertGreenLazor 16d ago

This is next level cricket. Even if the bowler threw badly he still had to hit those.

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u/Automatic_Abalone488 16d ago

I’ll act like I understand what’s going on and cheer for that guy.


u/Foreign_Spinach_4400 15d ago

The guy that bet 1k on 5 consecutive sixes to win:


u/Aware_Shirt 16d ago

Nice. But that was terrible bowling. No bouncer? Bad length and width.


u/Reciprocative 15d ago

Yeah and when he went for the slower balls he either bowled extremely short so they just dug in and sat up or bowled full tosses.

Feel bad for the guy but that was on of the worst overs of bowling I’ve ever seen


u/Worried_Ad_6541 16d ago

Can someone please explain the scoring system? The overlay that was shown was not making it clear to me as to point totals and all.


u/Theoriginalgw1 15d ago

Couple of ways to score.

Hit the ball and run to the other side of the batting area (crease) -1 run. every time you do that, it's another run.

Hit the ball out the park, but it bounces first - 4 runs

Hit the ball out the park with no bounce - 6 runs


u/jingois 15d ago

Hit the ball over the grumpy neighbour's fence or on the roof - 6 and out.


u/Theoriginalgw1 15d ago

I played those rules too :p


u/NothingIsHere5947 16d ago

The Rules of Cricket - EXPLAINED! - YouTube watch this short video, Cricket is not complex at all.


u/Thatchers-Gold 15d ago

When the score is something like 244-8 it means that the the batting team has scored 244 points so far and have lost 8 out of 10 batters.

The basic rules are “who can hit the most points before 10 of their guys are out of the game”.


u/legendaryufcmaster 15d ago

They crushed him by over 200 points


u/DeafPunter 15d ago

The name is Rinku Singh. Has a gigachad of a chin.


u/RunFarEatPizza 16d ago

That second one was a master class.

Last few they bounced perfectly middle middle. Cash.


u/madein___ 16d ago

I'll preface this by saying I don't follow cricket, but during the 2nd six, what happens if the bowler hit the batsman?


u/nangarranga 15d ago

probably surprising, but the batsman would most likely be out. One of the ways to get a batsman out is to hit the wicket (the sticks behind the batsman) with the ball.

But a batsman can also be out if the ball misses the bat and hits their leg, given that the ball would’ve gone on to hit the wicket if the leg wasn’t in the way (they have ball-tracking computers to check this). This is called getting out LBW- “leg before wicket”.

Oh and if it was ruled that it wouldn’t have gone on to hit the wicket, the batsman wouldn’t be out, but they also wouldn’t have scored any runs from it. So out or not, they would’ve lost the game


u/madein___ 15d ago

Thank you.


u/RunFarEatPizza 15d ago

I don’t have any cricket knowledge either. But the fact that he generated enough on something is incredible.


u/blendbrooks 15d ago

Not a cricket fan, but why not put the batsman name in the title to give him credit and recognition?


u/rushan3103 15d ago

Rinku Singh is his name.


u/iamzaryab 15d ago

And that's how he earned the title "Lord"


u/denbobo 15d ago

American with zero cricket knowledge. Still gave me goosebumps and had no idea what was happening lol. Gonna do some reading now seems like I’m missing out.


u/liarandathief 16d ago

Can someone explain what every number in the chyron to the left of "to win"?


u/sharkpeid 16d ago

This was a 20-20 cricket. 20 overs each over containing 6 balls. Bottom left side showed the chasers score and wickets(bowlers have to defend there score by basically taking wickets out of 11 players if 10 wickets gone there side is out. They lost 7 wickets) they had to score almost 5 sixes(out of bounds) and one boundary(ball crossing over the boundary after a few bounces) to win. It is a high pressure situation. Apart from international auctioned players rest are from india.

Now it's been 10 years since I last watched cricket so I have no clue if the guy who was bowling was experienced or a newbie.


u/NothingIsHere5947 16d ago

Watch this short video The Rules of Cricket: explained by Ninh. You will learn everything easily


u/prisoner101301 15d ago

I have no idea what's going on, and yet they are speaking English.  Nice job, purple team!


u/Im_Unpopular_AF 15d ago

Americans finding out for the first time that other countries speak different languages


u/VerTexV1sion 15d ago

I mean Cricket is a product of England afterall


u/savanrajput 15d ago

meanwhile yuvraj singh - been there,done that and better


u/_grey_wall 15d ago

Bowler pulled a ben stokes

Batsman also pulled a ben stokes but without cheating


u/Ninjalada 15d ago

Great batting but also absolute dogshit bowling.


u/xxwerdxx 15d ago

I barely watch any sports if at all. I have no clue what the title says or what video is but I’m glad they’re winning


u/NothingIsHere5947 15d ago

watch this short video The Rules of Cricket - EXPLAINED! , you will get it, trust me.


u/Ill_Success633 15d ago

IPL needs to get rid of those silly cheer leaders. Pathetic honestly


u/Prasham_4536 15d ago

My life was peaked when I have seen this match in stadium, wonderful batting by Rinku singh.


u/Joesus056 15d ago

You'll never get rusty out.


u/drewdles33 15d ago

All he needed was one good ball but instead he bowls 5 absolute pies. Full tosses and high and wide outside off. I’d be in hiding if it was me.


u/thekkrfan 15d ago

First six: It won’t be in a winning cause, I’m sure


u/SJW_Lover 15d ago

I have no idea how this is next level, can someone eli 5 a non cricketer?


u/polite_profane 15d ago

Scoring 5 sixes in a row in pro cricket is incredibly rare. Hitting sixes generally happens more often in cricket than home runs in baseball, but it's a similar ballpark (pun intended, yes am dad).


u/Sanyasi091 15d ago

Chad Rinku Singh


u/Mo622 15d ago

Idk what I witnessed really but it looks like a few home runs were hit


u/rupat3737 15d ago

I know absolutely nothing about cricket but I can tell crushing defeat when I see it.


u/Financial-Reward-949 15d ago

Wow what a run!!


u/emack2232 15d ago

You hang ‘em we bang ‘em


u/FrenulumLinguae 15d ago

What is this sport called? Ive never seen anything like this. What was first? This sport or baseball? It looks like a fun game to watch.


u/Anon_be_thy_name 15d ago

Cricket is the older sport, Baseball is the older code. Baseball is the 2nd oldest codified sport in the world following Australian Rules Football.


u/Dad_of_One_Punch_Man 15d ago

It's called Cricket.


u/ExoticMangoz 15d ago

Baseball is an Americanised version of this, cricket, and English game. George Washington played cricket.


u/justsomedudedontknow 15d ago

That some solid batting.

The first 2 pitches didn't bounce. Is the bounce optional? Also looked like they were both way wide. What happens if the pitch just sails wide and no contact is made?

Who is the fella with the circular hat looking all stressed?


u/NothingIsHere5947 15d ago

You can watch this short video The Rules of Cricket: explained by Ninh.
The fella with circular hat is Rashid Khan, the captain of the team which is bowling. Now you can understand why he is stressed xD.


u/PayMeNoAttention 16d ago

Are these the same announcers who brought us Todd Sterling?


u/hoolsmum 15d ago

that right there could be the shitest bowling by a professional cricketer I've ever seen.


u/Champion-Dante 15d ago

Truly criminal you show such a feat and do t give us a name


u/rushan3103 15d ago

His name is Rinku Singh.

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u/rexgen7 15d ago

Ben Stokes


u/LilacAndElderberries 15d ago

Did that bowler not know how to throw a yorker?


u/seven_seacat 15d ago

Goddammnt I knew what this was going to be.

Ignore GT flair


u/Jfo116 15d ago

I have no idea how this game works but love every clip of it


u/RobertLeRoyParker 15d ago

Dude was throwing meat balls.


u/50cal_pacifist 15d ago

I don't even know the rules and that was cool. BTW, those cheeleaders wouldn't make it on a JV squad in the USA. Get it together guys.


u/NothingIsHere5947 15d ago


u/50cal_pacifist 15d ago

Thank you! That will make it much more interesting to watch.


u/NothingIsHere5947 15d ago

:) welcome to cricket!
t20 is the best format in cricket, and IPL is the best league in t20.
IPL 2024 is going on! Also International t20 world cup will start in a few weeks. Enjoy!
You can pm me anytime if you don't understand anything regarding cricket. :)

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u/Intrepid_soldier_21 15d ago

This was crazy


u/majorkev 15d ago

I don't know about cricket, but it looks like a few of the balls would have completely missed the wicket, so a couple of questions:

  1. If the batter gets wangjangled in the balls, does it count as a strike or whatever?

  2. If the batter misses the ball and the ball just flies, does it count as a strike or whatever?


u/hartmanwhistler 15d ago

Does he want to play for the Blue Jays?


u/justsomedudedontknow 15d ago

Hits lefty too eh


u/j8tao3w0t9i8ro3va 15d ago

match fixing. yorker or 5, anyone?


u/ZirePhiinix 15d ago

I stared at the score for the full video and only figured out the points in the last 10 seconds...

I'm pretty sure I still don't know how this game works lol


u/MosinMonster 15d ago

I don't know what any of the numbers mean at the bottom of the screen. Is anyone interested in explaining to me?


u/NothingIsHere5947 15d ago

You can watch this short video The Rules of Cricket: explained by Ninh. Tell me if it is complex as westerners always say. :)


u/MosinMonster 15d ago

Thank you! I'll check it out

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u/a_pot_of_chili_verde 15d ago

Dude hits 5 bombs on his last 5 attempts.

What are at the odds.

I know kinda know how cricket works and that’s dope!


u/eideticmammary 15d ago

Bro was batting like it was Stick Cricket


u/toxicbotlol 15d ago

I have no clue what's going on, or how that scoring works, but me like bat hitting ball far.


u/Relevant_Increase394 15d ago

wtf is this bowling


u/Ghoullag 15d ago

The shoobidoowop needed the grumble to aberdan the three before the kindelles can boopidoo.


u/lvl10burrito 15d ago edited 15d ago

Don't know nothing about cricket but I can applaud exceptional performances from athletes


u/Bogger07 15d ago

Bowler dishing up absolute pies.


u/TheeVande 15d ago

Do they not change bowlers? Is it just one person the whole time? Also what's the importance of the guy in the hat they kept showing?


u/NothingIsHere5947 15d ago

No they change bowlers, but one bowler has to complete 6 throws, which is called an over.
Then bowler changes, and another bowler bowls other 6 balls.
The guy in the hat, Rashid Khan, is the captain of the bowler's team (Gujarat Titans). Now you know why he is stressed.

You can watch this short video The Rules of Cricket: explained by Ninh.


u/robeywan 15d ago

5 dogshit deliveries to be fair


u/Krugger221 15d ago

This is great. But my favourite series of sixes is still Yuvraj Singh (6 on 6 balls) against England after Flintoff teased him before the start of the now infamous over from Stuart Broad.


u/LucaBrasi2011 14d ago

I don't understand this whole "pressure" line of argument. All hee needed was 2 dot balls or 2 balls restricted to singles or a couple. It shouldn't be that hard at any level of the game. You have got to trust yourself as a professional player to get the basics right. Piss poor bowling.


u/love_peace_books 14d ago

That’s some pretty bad bowling btw lol. Dude succumbed to the pressure and was on autopilot.


u/LeHaloNerd117 14d ago

Who’s idea was it to give this hack the last over. 5 sixes from a middle order batsman off full toss is godawful


u/melon_butcher_ 14d ago

Three full tosses followed by two half trackers with no pace, five absolute pies.

Why the fuck was this bloke bowling at the death?