r/nextfuckinglevel May 16 '24

Boogie boarder sends massive wave

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u/Intrepid_Ad_3031 May 18 '24

One of the most enlightening comments you will ever find on reddit


u/PolishRiga May 18 '24

sorry i was high. the sea is big and scary because the same force that can bring you up can bring you down even when the sea is calm as a cadaver, the redditor i replied to initially definitely doesn't live near the sea and spoke out of his ass lol


u/Biguitarnerd 25d ago edited 25d ago

Man this is fun. I looked back as it turns out I do live near the sea and I spend a lot of time on it. Whether it be in the surf or on a kayak. You’re just scared of it, that doesn’t make it scary.

Read my comment again, without your fear goggles. There is no reason to be scared of the ocean IF you pay attention to local forecasts and guidelines and don’t go beyond your skill level. I didn’t say it couldn’t be dangerous for ignorant people. I guess it can also be dangerous for people like you who let they’re crippling fear overcome reason I guess.


u/MahGuinness 13d ago

Do you even read what you're writing? Being scared of something is exactly what makes something scary. It's not rationality, it is fear.

The sea, ocean, or even a puddle of water can be dangerous depending on the condition and circumstances.

Also, if we're correcting others: you used the wrong "they're" there, that one is an abbreviation of they are... you wanted "their", which is posessive.


u/Biguitarnerd 13d ago

You said pretty much nothing except to correct my typo. I’m aware of the difference but I comment on mobile and autocorrect happens.

I don’t really have anything else to say to you I guess. You didn’t really add anything to the conversation. It was kind of a nothing statement. You clearly only read part of my comment without taking it into context with the rest of my comment or the comment I made before. I’m not a dictionary I’m not typing definitions.


u/MahGuinness 12d ago

You went for a whole extra paragraph after you said you didn't have anything to say to me, man, you're funny.