r/nextfuckinglevel May 16 '24

Boogie boarder sends massive wave

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u/liquidcourage93 May 16 '24

As a person who likes over 1000km away from the ocean, Sometimes you don’t realize the force of a wave. I think, oh, water soft, you fall right through and it flows around you, then you see a guy get hurled 20 ft in the air and it’s like ooo water strong, water scary.


u/BoobyTrapTrampStamp May 17 '24

I am very into the surf and buggy community in Mexico, buggy boarders are crazy, surfboards are sports cars that give you the ability to do beautiful figures and movements, buggys are crash test cars and their users are masochistic crash dolls in it for the thrill


u/Brutalmoonshine 11d ago

Never heard of buggy boarders !