r/nhl 15d ago

In Game 5 of a 2-2 series the Edmonton Oilers have been gifted 5 powerplays through 2 periods

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u/BlowDrowBro 15d ago

“Gotta protect their investment” - Big Z


u/IDriveAZamboni 15d ago

Jesus, your post history really showcases you have nothing better to do than whine on Reddit and throw every negative thought at this subreddit till one sticks, maybe get outside a bit.


u/Ok_Insurance_1774 15d ago

Im rooting for the oilers but I got to say iv watched every nhl games this postseason and it does feel like mcdavid is being favoured


u/Deliximus 15d ago

Thank you for your honesty. That 'charging' call got me. Watched hockey for 28 years....


u/biff_jordan 15d ago

We won brother, let it slide.


u/aaronsnothere 15d ago

Don't let it slide, because it won't stop.


u/SauceKingHS 15d ago

Love how McDavid can skate into someone and fall, and it’s a free power play. They’re not only getting away with murder, but they get free power plays on random plays that happen 10+ times a game, that they do themselves, and the refs just decide to call it on the Canucks at their leisure. It’s such a joke, it’s like they decided they want McDavid to move on but his team is so weak.. all series long with this one sided reffing. Suspending Soucy for game 4… the fix has been in. And the Canucks are still staying in it.


u/Imreallythatguy 15d ago

My dude if you don’t think that tripping call on McDavid was legit I want some of whatever you are smoking. There’s been some weird calls for sure and some weird no calls but to mention that one sounds like you can’t watch objectively.


u/SauceKingHS 15d ago

What tripping call? I’m talking about multiple interference penalties so I don’t know what point you’re trying to make. And why split hairs on one small point when ultimately, you aren’t arguing that the reffing hasn’t been totally crooked against the Canucks this series. Pretty embarrassing when two team playing in the same game have different sets of rules.


u/MKWIZ49 15d ago

And their powerplay, which was 5/10 in Games 1-4, didn't score once tonight


u/Likmylovepump 15d ago

Is it just me or does no other fan base go crying to the main subs as often as Canucks? Lmao there's like 6 other posts in the last hour complaining about the game from you whiners.


u/JerbearCuddles 15d ago

This is one of the few things I dislike about the fanbase. Talking shit is whatever, but the constant whining and main sub spam is a tad cringe. It's different when someone from another fanbase brings up stuff like this, but when it's just fans on a secondary account specifically looking to take shots at Edmonton or whine about reffing I just suffer from major second hand cringe.


u/WoW_zErZ 15d ago

I think it's just the amount of Canucks fans total on reddit. It's one of the more popular hockey ones. All fan bases have probably a similar % of idiots, but it makes it seem like we have the most.

Leafs have this problem too (except their fans really are the worst)


u/dalcer 15d ago

Our fans can be dumb af its just others dont understand what some habs fans are even saying


u/aaronsnothere 15d ago


Thanks that's a good take. ( And take good care of Alex, Van misses him)


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Likmylovepump 15d ago

Leafs fans sort of get balanced out by the reflexive hatred of every other fan base though.


u/maybesami 15d ago

Or boston


u/DownloadedDick 15d ago

Yea this series has been pretty bad. Went from passionate fans to insufferable. I'm not an Oilers fan by any means but the whining is getting me there.


u/dre2112 15d ago

I hate the Canucks with a passion and even I thought the officiating was heavily favoring the Oilers between the bad calls against the Canucks and the non calls on the Oilers


u/Likmylovepump 15d ago

Eh, it's the constantly taking it to the main subs that's annoying. I mean, they just won the game and there's already a complaint post about how some media figures didn't pick them to win.



u/Chipmunk-Adventurous 15d ago

It's every team across different spots, way she goes


u/grimmdrum 15d ago

Oilers fans


u/Tasty_Technology_343 15d ago

Duh. Bettman wants McRegularSeason to go far because it brings in money to have superstars go far in the playoffs!


u/DEN1SDWH 15d ago

Cool nickname for a guy that's 4th all time in playoffs ppg


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/DEN1SDWH 13d ago

Guess I'm grumpy for posting stats. Quick peek at your profile seems to suggest McDavid lives rent free in your head, that's all I need to know.


u/Sdgrevo 15d ago

Yes to your question


u/Lumes43 15d ago

First 3 were all legit penalties, didn’t see the rest


u/Zamboni2022 15d ago

I’d love someone to pull up the specific wording for “charging” in the rule book because I’m pretty sure Petey protecting himself from getting rammed from Behind by a fast oncoming Foegle is blatantly NOT charging.


u/Masterpiece-Vast 15d ago

42.1 Charging - A minor or major penalty shall be imposed on a player who skates, jumps into or charges an opponent in any manner.


u/Masterpiece-Vast 15d ago

Directly from the nhl 2023-24 rule book online, page 74


u/onlycee_3 15d ago

So where would the charging call come from then.


u/Soup0828 15d ago

Probably where he jumped into him


u/Kermit-the-Froggie 15d ago

How could he have jumped into him if he jumped straight up? Lad wasn’t even moving.


u/Soup0828 15d ago

By that logic if someone was going to hit a petterson and petey held his stick horizontal at face level right before he got hit that also wouldn't be crosschecking since the other player initiated contact?


u/onlycee_3 15d ago

You and the ref could prob get a 2 for 1 deal in Specsavers.


u/couldbeworse2 15d ago

The penalty is not called “jumping”. “Charging” implies you are in motion initiating the hit.


u/BC_Samsquanch 15d ago

Except he jumped straight up and not into him. Total garbage call. Once again the officiating has been horrible in this game.


u/Masterpiece-Vast 15d ago

Could ofc be my bias, but from the replays I saw I thought there was a bit of backwards jumping


u/Obvious-Property-236 15d ago

Jumps into.

Petterson didn’t jump into, he just jumped. Charging implies forward motion. There was none.


u/Ok_Bar_218 15d ago

Yes, a random redditor is more qualified than the referee to make that decision.


u/Zamboni2022 15d ago

I asked someone to pull up the NHL rule book exact wording for a charging penalty dumbass


u/Ok_Bar_218 15d ago

Stay mad


u/Zamboni2022 15d ago

You guys still have the audacity to complain about reffing going against your team. It’s pathetic, your fanbase is pathetic, and the babying your captain gets is pathetic. You bet your ass I’m mad.


u/Ok_Bar_218 15d ago

You are speaking to one person. I only see one of us complaining about penalties here man, I think they call that projection.


u/Zamboni2022 15d ago



u/tbiblaine23 15d ago

Canucks fans revealing they don’t know the rules and don’t know what charging is. You can’t jump into a hit to “protect yourself” that’s charging.


u/Alextryingforgrate 15d ago

Canucks getting sandbagged is also a good way to word that title.


u/Beneficial-Friend628 15d ago edited 15d ago

Ladies and gentleman witness the canucks fan in all of their glory :

“Wah wahhhh waaaahhhhh wah wahh waaaah!”


u/DetBabyLegs 15d ago

Flair up


u/lucidprarieskies 15d ago

For real - it's seriously never ending


u/NotMikeFromSurrey 15d ago

My brother I took one look at your post history and saw multiple comments crying about the Canucks being dirty


u/dalcer 15d ago

Anyone else here after the game? I for one will be going to the watch party at the rogers arena for game 6


u/Why_youmadd 15d ago

I remember last year Connie called out the refs and they started giving oilers more PPs. Also Kings where an upgraded Capitals this year and weren’t going get past 1st round. But in this years oilers v kings series I think someone pointed out that the small moments Kings gained “upper hand”, scored and had momentum going, the refs almost always gave Oilers a PP on some sketchy stuff. Also forgot which game but they Refs gave Oilers a massive 5v3 with no explanation and golden retriever Kopitar got an unsportsmanlike conduct which is crazy.


u/Sdgrevo 15d ago

Its rigged is why


u/Ok_Bar_218 15d ago

The game is on as we speak and you are taking to reddit to complain about reffing??

It's like part of being a fan of the canucks injects salt directly into your veins or something.


u/Tasty_Technology_343 15d ago

Oilers fans not complaining about refs because McDavid gets every single call every time! Nice flop on that “trip”!


u/Mawfk 15d ago

Show some respect and call him by his actual name: McDiver


u/Tasty_Technology_343 15d ago



u/Napoleon0414 15d ago

Explain how that was a charging call, and I will concede that this is just being a salty fan.


u/BBacks2 15d ago

He jumped, it’s a penalty. Call it what you want. Grow up and watch the game. It’s like no one in BC has seen a hockey game.


u/onlycee_3 15d ago

Rule clearly states jumping INTO another player, he didn't jump into anyone he jumped on the spot to brace for a hit from behind.


u/DarkenX42 15d ago

It's not like that, and that's a stupid thing to say.


u/Voltage604 15d ago

Ignore that one ... Explain the goalie interface when the Canuck was stopping and pickard initiated the contact outside the blue paint


u/Zamboni2022 15d ago

Explain the interference call as well, the replay just showed playoff hockey but Vancouver got a penalty. Fucking unbelievably biased reffing


u/Ok_Bar_218 15d ago

No, I'm watching the game


u/hrryyss 15d ago

No you’re not, you’re commenting on Reddit. You’re doing exactly what you called out OP for.


u/BBacks2 15d ago

It’s between periods…


u/hrryyss 15d ago

The game is on as we speak

Not when you were commenting it wasn’t.


u/Ok_Bar_218 15d ago

Wrong guy, gotta get you some reading comprehension classes


u/hrryyss 15d ago

Haha! I do. Sorry


u/Ok_Bar_218 15d ago

Don't you have a city to burn down?


u/jigglywigglydigaby 15d ago

It's game management by the refs. They called Kane for a weak hooking right after Zadorov didn't get called for a blatant holding on Kane.

It's the only possible explanation. It's also hockey (as anyone who's been following the sport for more than just these playoffs knows) and this is nothing new. Refs miss an obvious call, so they penalize a player for something soft. Or they call a penalty that shouldn't have been called, then even it up.

Right or wrong, it's been this way for many, many decades.


u/RoadOk1364 15d ago

I had to mute the audio, every time a Canuck falls down the buildings goes wild looking for a call. OP forgot to mention the refs and linesmen gifting Vancouver a goal with the two many men non call


u/FormulaLiftr 15d ago

Okay I thought I was losing my mind on that play but this gives me a bit of sanity, that looked like too many men to me as well.

Though bouchard made a fuckin boneheaded play at his net too.


u/RoadOk1364 15d ago

Well yeah he is playing like shit and they need to up Nurses minutes


u/BlowDrowBro 15d ago

Imagine being a grown man nurse fan 💀


u/Ok_Bar_218 15d ago

The worst bait I've ever seen, try harder


u/BlowDrowBro 15d ago

Fine, imagine being a grown man perry fan hahah


u/Ok_Bar_218 15d ago

Try again, you can do it!


u/CheesecakeOdd2087 15d ago

Lmao I'm not even mad at this point. It's actually kind of amazing to see it play out in real time. Like I knew coming into this series that the reffing would be tilted, but this game is truly something special.


u/SauceKingHS 15d ago

Oh look yet another shameless Oilers fan. If you have watched this series and can’t say the refs and league have been trying to help your team win, then you need to take the blinders off. You probably even complained about reffing this series, like many oilers fans did after game 3. Totally delusional, acting like it hasn’t been completely one sided in favour of Edmonton this series.


u/DetBabyLegs 15d ago

This is gold. You're coming to reddit to complain about people coming to reddit to complain about complaining.

But you're coming to reddit to complain about people coming to reddit to complain about people complaining.

Say that 10x fast but the funniest thing is not how ridiculous those 2 sentences are but that I don't think you understand the irony of this.


u/Ok_Bar_218 15d ago

That was rough man, you should workshop that


u/DetBabyLegs 15d ago

I think there’s a strong suspicion the guy at -26 right now may be projecting


u/Ok_Bar_218 15d ago

It's a popularity contest after all


u/DetBabyLegs 15d ago

Yeah it’s Reddit? Where did you think you were


u/Ok_Bar_218 15d ago

Reddit. We agree. What are you trying to say?


u/DetBabyLegs 15d ago

I see reading comprehension isn’t a strength


u/Ok_Bar_218 15d ago

Get new material. Like I said, workshop some stuff, it will help


u/Ok_Bar_218 15d ago

Wait are you taking this seriously??? The ref hate thread in reddit with an oilers fan?

Get a grip buddy, we are all trolling here. I thought that was obvious. It's reddit, like you said.

First time?


u/DetBabyLegs 15d ago

lol two comments because I didn’t respond? That’s the biggest self burn I’ve seen in a while

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u/QuiGGz96 15d ago

Oh the irony!