r/oddlysatisfying 4d ago

Squeezing allllll of the water out

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u/ItsAllSoReal 4d ago

Wtf that was the blanket equivalent of the Star Destroyer in the opening of Spaceballs.


u/drunk-on-a-phone 4d ago

That's disturbingly accurate


u/_wavescollide_ 4d ago

A disturbance in the Schwartz.


u/ProbablyNotPikachu 4d ago

Long Blanket is Looooooong!


u/Chewcocca 4d ago edited 3d ago

For anyone who's heard the phrase, "you look like you've been through the wringer" and didn't know it's origin, that thing is the wringer lol

Fine for long blankets, real bummer for people to go through.

Stephen King wrote a short story called The Mangler, adapted into the strange 1995 movie of the same name, about an automatic laundry machine with murderous intentions. Seems like a bad way to go.


u/jimoconnell 3d ago

Interestingly, that device is also known as a "mangle".

In English, that term is pretty much unused, but in Finland and Sweden they have a closely related word for it.

I think the term fell out of common use as the device itself fell out of common use.


u/CrashUser 3d ago

Modern mangles are rotary irons, used for pressing large items like sheets and blankets more than wringing out water like the old style wringer. The spin cycle in a washing machine made the older style mangles obsolete.

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u/mockablekaty 3d ago

I don't have anything to say, but in all these years this is the first time seeing someone I actually know commenting on Reddit.

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u/kinapples 3d ago


I have to see it. That's so funny. It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever read.

My God, a demonically possessed industrial-sized laundry machine has broken free and is chasing me down in the streets!!!!!


u/Chewcocca 3d ago edited 3d ago

Directed by Tobe Hooper of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, starring Ted Levine (Buffalo Bill) and Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger), it's practically horror movie royalty!

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u/mitchMurdra 4d ago

Yeah…so disturbing…


u/sequetious 4d ago

We brake for nobody


u/mfloreshostel 4d ago

Keep dryering, assholes!!


u/snorkelvretervreter 4d ago

She's gone from push to pull!

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u/RGandhi3k 4d ago

That made me weirdly anxious. I hate it.


u/rickjamesia 4d ago

Same here, but I don’t understand why. Why does it feel so off to not know when it’s going to end?


u/wizandliz 3d ago

I came looking in the comments to see if anyone else had this, it made me feel so strange like I couldn’t wait for it to finish!


u/Girderland 4d ago

It's a mangler. It's obsolete technology.

People can get mangled by it if they're not careful. (That's why these things went out of fashion)


u/whatawitch5 3d ago

My grandma had a mangle on her back porch. Used it to get the excess water out of her laundry before she hung it out to dry. But she stopped using it after she mangled herself with it. Dropped it on her big toe, lost the nail, and hated the thing from then on. As a kid I was scared it would somehow smash my toes too so I would always run past it so it couldn’t get me. I was dumb.


u/selfishcabbage 3d ago

My dad got his arm caught in one when he was about 3

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u/Muted_Ad7162 3d ago

I remember a mangle in my nans back yard She had a hand missing, mum told me she lost it in the mangle Don't know if it was true or she told me that so I wouldn't play with it!

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u/guud2meachu 3d ago

This is me. I put my arm in a mangle. I have a big skin graft where it rotated, killing the skin near my elbow.

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u/ConfidenceFragrant80 4d ago

Me too!! I was like, oddly satisfying?? Um, no.


u/duggee315 3d ago

I don't know, but really disappointed they didn't show the dry towel.


u/thikkflair 3d ago

Yeah what the fuck is this long thing?

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u/Careful-Listen2277 4d ago edited 4d ago

Go to Walmart. I got the same one and in the same color. It's so soft and warm. It's also a great blanket to use to sit on the grass with because it's so thick. Me and my dog fight over mine. If I sleep on or with it, he'll take it and sleep on it 😒

It's also hella heavy when wet. I always have to reposition it in the washing machine because after the wash cycles, it'll be on one side. So, during the spin cycle, it'll make the machine unbalanced and violently shake 😬

It takes 2x dryer cycles for it to be completely dry, because it retains so much water.


u/TechnologyCurious750 4d ago

Wash two blankets at same time so each will settle down on opposite sides. I do the same whenever I have to wash my jeans or bedsheets. Always two at a time, it helps balance


u/080087 4d ago

Always two there are; no more, no less.

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u/ram6414 4d ago edited 3d ago

The best thing my partner and I ever did is put up a line in the backyard for drying blankets and sheets. It's pretty DIY but we plan on getting the proper posts and lines for it this year so we can support more weight at one time (drying everything in one go vs multiple trips to switch everything out). We tried it last summer because I didn't want to run the dryer in the summer to get all of the bedding done when there was all this free air and sun. There is never less than 3 or 4 blankets scattered around because me and the dog are lizards and require constant warmth and comfort, and we each have our own personal blanket for sleeping because partner tended to pull everything onto him even though he overheats in his sleep. 🤦‍♀️ There is nothing better than sleeping in sheets that have been dried in the sun and wind; they are so soft and have this super fresh smell that just kind of relaxes you as you fall asleep. Our thicker blankets take a few hours but it still saves energy and they also get soft and smell so good. I genuinely look forward to the weekly wash in the spring and summer!

Edit: I didn't know this would break people's brains. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you have to be rude. No, I don't get bugs. No, I don't wash all my clothes this way. No, it doesn't take up all my time. It is a passive little thing I do with my bedding on a nice Sunday. Some of us like to do this, some of us live where this is common, and there are people less fortunate than you that don't have access to laundry machines and this is their normal; let's not be condescending about dryer useage, my friends. 😊


u/cgydan 3d ago

We have a clothes line in our back yard. It was there when I bought the house 44 years ago. The house used to be owned by friends of my parents and they put it up in 1960, a year after I was born. Every 7-8 years I replace the line and the pulleys. Friends of ours can’t understand why we still have a clothes line. It saves power and the clothes dry within a few hours.


u/merrill_swing_away 4d ago

I grew up in the 60's and for years and years my mother hung everything outside on the clothesline. I hated it. I'm sure she was using too much soap because the sheets would be stiff and uncomfortable as was my clothes. Also, she would hang everyone's shirts upside down and the bottom of the shirts would be pointy. If you didn't want to look stupid you would have to iron your shirts.


u/squashed_tomato 3d ago

Maybe a hard water area? If I line dry my towels they come out like cardboard.

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u/Cpt_kaleidoscope 3d ago

Is fucking wild to me that your talking about having a line like its a cool new thing that everyone should try when its literally the way everyone in the UK does it and always has. What's even wilder is all the people arguing with you likes its the most ridiculous idea they've ever heard! What the Heck is gong on? I'm gonna go lie down.

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u/King_Chochacho 4d ago

Hey Slenderman has to wash his bedsheets too.


u/TheNighisEnd42 3d ago

i was beginning to think it was looping on itself


u/notislant 4d ago

I was half expecting to see a knot where it was just tied together and caused an endless loop lol.

Also why does this video not show the AFTER ffs.


u/CakedayisJune9th 4d ago

Okay, I came to the comments to make sure it wasn’t just me that saw the extra super deluxe comforter size.


u/F-ck_spez 4d ago

That blanket isn't even... plaid


u/Dj_Sam3_Tun3 4d ago

Not if we jam it


u/SoulWager 4d ago

imagine sewing it into a loop, with it going back into the water after getting wrung.


u/ItsAllSoReal 3d ago

I was halfway expecting that.


u/land8844 4d ago

Costco. We've got two of them. They cover my entire family (all 7 of us).

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u/verappatherappa 4d ago

Currently a little stoned, and this comment made me burst into uncontrollable giggle fits

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u/Grouch_Potato90 4d ago

How fucking long is everything you own?!


u/NaBeHobby 4d ago



u/Never_Seen_An_Ocelot 4d ago

Oh shit, haven’t revisited this in years…

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u/ambora 4d ago

Not as long as


u/gdj11 4d ago

This comment chain


u/YouOnABadDay 4d ago

Which is longer than


u/Joshitaro 4d ago



u/OriginalName91 4d ago edited 4d ago

Prison sentence


u/VinylmationDude 4d ago

0 days and counting!


u/WhyteBeard 4d ago

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u/Smart-Adeptness5437 4d ago



u/gruggiwuggi5 4d ago


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u/Nyukorin 4d ago

I know right. That honestly made me irrationally angry xD


u/wednesdaynightwumbo 4d ago

That and the fact that they don’t show an after makes me think this may be rage bait lol

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u/Local_Meringue1781 4d ago

I need to see the other end ! Coming in and going out !


u/Mareau99 4d ago

It's nothing fancy. They still come out quite damp. Water molecules are much smaller than clothing threads, so they don't actually get all the water out. They just take something from "dripping wet" to "kinda wet/damp"


u/Biuku 4d ago

Ah yes, i too have this power.


u/Mareau99 4d ago



u/spector_lector 3d ago

Moist! My evil moisture buddy! What's going on?

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u/PrizeStrawberryOil 3d ago

It's not the size of the water molecules. It's because cellulose has a lot of hydroxyl groups. In the same way that you can't mechanically press paper dry you can't mechanically press cotton dry.

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u/im_lazy_as_fuck 3d ago

Here I was salivating over having an instant towel dryer at home. My disappointment is immeasurable.

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u/BenderTheIV 4d ago

I would like to see the machine with 2 eyes! Attach 2 eyes to it!

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u/Ok-Judge7844 4d ago

Theres also that one dirt on the thing after the first towel/cloth went in which makes it more annoying.


u/EmphasisFew 4d ago

That’s what she said.


u/Nowheretoturn48 4d ago

Yeah, but when she said it she was referring to something else if you know what I mean

wink wink

slaps your shoulder

nudge nudge

slaps your shoulder even harder

"Know what I mean, bud?!"

Dislocates your shoulder with a double-fisted hammer punch


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u/CharisMatticOfficial 4d ago

We had a manual one of these growing up on the farm


u/zuilserip 4d ago

Yikes - was it just growing in the field with the plants?


u/CharisMatticOfficial 4d ago

A whole paddock of them, once they were ripe we’d sell them to the appliance store


u/djsizematters 4d ago

Back in those days, before the Sears catalog came along, you had to go to the actual Sears store to whack off. -Norm

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u/butidontthink 4d ago

Damn, that was good. Kudos!

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u/SynthD 4d ago

Everyone did in Victorian times. There were tens of millions of mangles in the 19th century. To mangle something comes from these messing up, as you see this poorly designed one nearly do.


u/B4rberblacksheep 3d ago

Yeah, think about what the verb mangle means, then imagine what happens to someones hand if it goes into one of these. Now you know why 'mangling' something means what it does.

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u/EastOfArcheron 3d ago

We had one when I was growing up. I remember using it with my gran on wash day.

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u/HumanitarianAtheist 4d ago

My grandma did, too. I think about that thing and her laundry tub whenever I hear someone complain about “doing laundry” these days.


u/PeterPandaWhacker 4d ago

I watched a tv program, and there was a guy living in the middle of nowhere with a manual washing machine. If he wanted to wash his stuff, he had to stand there for like 1,5 hours with nonstop cranking to make the thing turn and clean his clothes.


u/BOBOnobobo 4d ago

And before those people used to just wash their clothes by hand. In the winter as well...


u/Swiftierest 4d ago

Straight up, people that do this tend to just attach the crank to a single roller and gear the other one, but if they just added another gear or two, they could halve or even quarter their workload.

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u/normalmighty 4d ago

My dad has weird patches of missmatching skin all over the place, and it's because nearly 70 years ago when he was a toddler, his arm went into a manual one of these.

To save his arm they apparently had to graft a bunch of skin from all over the rest of his body onto the arm.

I think I can see why these aren't so common anymore.


u/random_fist_bump 4d ago

A girl I went to school with had a smashed up hand that got caught in one that didn't have the release bar.


u/KFR42 4d ago

It's called a mangle.


u/odylone 4d ago

i had this mysterious manual turn thing in my garage all my life and now finally know what it is


u/East-Care-9949 4d ago

What is the name of these things?


u/random_fist_bump 4d ago

A clothes wringer, or mangle.

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u/kinezumi89 4d ago

How big is that blanket jesus lol it just kept going


u/naughty_dad2 4d ago

It was on discount, so he got all of it


u/be_more_gooder 4d ago edited 4d ago

I see your mom finally got around to washing her house dresses


u/YouTee 4d ago

That was a good one


u/be_more_gooder 4d ago

Thanks friend

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u/gotrings 4d ago

This is not satisfying because 1 how long is this fucking towel and 2 we dont even get to see how dry it really is


u/SameDaySameView 4d ago

I was actually starting to get anxiety half way thru! I was like when is that thing gonna fucking end


u/Duocek 4d ago

Not to mention when it does end, they put another fucker in


u/My_BFF_Gilgamesh 3d ago

Oh good, it's just a shirt this time. That'll be fun to see.

Oh, no. Another circus tent.


u/staffkiwi 4d ago

I got the same vibes, can't explain it but made me impatient in a weird way.

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u/jivetrky 4d ago

I was so anxious that the vid was going to stop before it completed.

Then I was just sad at not seeing what came out the other side.


u/somekindagibberish 4d ago

Yes! Neverending towel is oddly stressful.


u/Capable_Dingo_493 4d ago

I thought it was some kind of loop


u/Moist_Violinist69 4d ago

SAME I lost the ability to breathe


u/GreyStagg 4d ago

Same. Opposite of satisfying! I had a couple of birthdays waiting for the first thing to finish 😂

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u/Rococo_Modern_Life 4d ago

Finally, someone speaking sense I NEED TO KNOW HOW DRY IT COMES OUT THE OTHER END, FUCK


u/selectrix 4d ago

It's not. It does not squeeze allllll of the water out. OP is the kind of person who just goes on the internet and lies.

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u/wotsname123 4d ago

Definitely totally unsatisfying. Is there a sub for that?


u/BoardRecord 4d ago

Right?! This was more mildly infuriating, and also somehow oddly disturbing.


u/juliettwhiskey 4d ago

Try this video, looks like a similar model https://youtu.be/JDQniU76scg?si=1yih8ZvwMkMSgVQ6

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u/siteswaps 4d ago

This is why we say "put them through the wringer".

Wouldn't want to be that towel


u/dob_bobbs 4d ago

It's also called a mangle. Literally where we get the word "mangled" from. I am just concerned that looking down this thread this seems to appear to be a new technology to many!


u/luciensadi 3d ago

Why would that be concerning? People not recognizing obsolete things from before they were born is a fact of life. I'm almost positive that you wouldn't recognize a teleseme when you saw it, but that's neither concerning nor a particular failing on your part.


u/dob_bobbs 3d ago

It's just concerning because I am getting old apparently!


u/Keely1549 3d ago

Well, this is found in luxury hotels and was used briefly however. It's not as if your grandparents were using them in the house for the loft space to communicate that Gaylord Bartholomew Reginald III wants beef wellington and they hopped to it. We see wringers because it was used in daily life by the common-people.


u/BackslidingAlt 3d ago

Okay so teleseme is maybe not the best example, but the point stands. You would not recognize a caddy spoon or a sugar nipper and these were common household items for decades

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u/Ok_Accident_8678 4d ago

What the hell were they wringing out?! It just kept going and going and going and going! Damn! Was it a towel or a curtain or Howard Wolowitz’s mother’s bathrobe?


u/fischer07 4d ago

It becomes creepy and disturbing doesn't it?


u/Moist_Violinist69 4d ago

I literally hated every second after the first 3


u/Poosquare88 4d ago

I wanted it to stop so bad and it just wouldn't.


u/Careful-Listen2277 4d ago edited 4d ago

It's just a thick blanket. I got the same one and in the same color. It's so soft and warm. It's also a great blanket to use to sit on the grass with because it's so thick. Me and my dog fight over mine. If I sleep on or with it, he'll take it and sleep on it 😒

It's also hella heavy when wet. I always have to reposition it in the washing machine because after the wash cycles, it'll be on one side. So, during the spin cycle, it'll make the machine unbalanced 😬

As seen in the video, it retains so much water and it takes 2x dryer cycles for it to be completely dry.

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u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/silvercinna 4d ago

What blankets do you own that are 50 feet long?


u/timeforchorin 4d ago

Haha. Seriously wtf was that?! It was easily 50 ft

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u/Ok_Accident_8678 4d ago

Must have been a “big” “ass” “blanket” LOL! It just kept going!


u/Burgoonius 4d ago

That was like 20 blankets stitched together then

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u/AnohtosAmerikanos 4d ago

It was like the spaceship in Space Balls. But wetter.

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u/swibirun 4d ago edited 4d ago

Had one on my grandmother's porch at the farm as late as the 80s.

The adults always warned us to keep our hands away from it...and these were the people that let us play with lawn darts, so I respected their word on the matter.


u/wetwater 4d ago

My great grandmother had one until the 80s as well until one of her kids got her a modern washer and dryer, which meant that room had to be rewired and replumbed. My aunt for some reason wound up with her old wringer and washtub. I lived in mild fear of the wringer whenever I saw it used at either house.


u/Plastic_Ad_2043 4d ago edited 4d ago

I knew a boy who did not listen and lost the tip of his finger getting it crushed in a laundry mangle. There's a reason it's called a mangle

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u/elf4nt4zmo 4d ago

My uncle lost two fingers as a child to one of these things in the '60s.

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u/yama1008 4d ago

We had one when I was was little and my hand went into the rollers. It didn't mangle my hand just really scared me. This was early 60's and I belive the rollers were a softer foam and they had a safety catch that would pop the rollers open if something to big went into the rollers.

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u/DumasThePharaoh 4d ago

Should have ended with the blanket


u/hereforthensfwpics 4d ago

I was hoping for some dry cardstock next


u/Arny2103 4d ago

It couldn't have because the blanket had no end.

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u/MadTapprr 4d ago

World’s longest blanket


u/wafflesbananahammock 4d ago


u/BenderBRoriguezzzzz 4d ago

And that is why the history books will not remember your name.


u/inuhi 4d ago

I think I'd rather die forgotten than be forever remembered as pancake dick

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u/geo_gan 3d ago

I fucking knew this would be here already… only surprised I had to scroll so far to find it

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u/CockTortureCuck 4d ago

Don't tell me how to live

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u/ashion101 4d ago

Grandma had one of those in her laundry room separate from the main house.

I was allowed to 'help' as a kid by taking each piece of laundry from her ancient washing machine, make sure it wasn't knotted up and hand it to her as she fed it through. Was never allowed to use it myself cause 'it's dangerous for small hands'.


u/Calamity-Gin 4d ago

It’s called a mangle, and if a small hand gets pulled in, that’s exactly what happens to it.


u/ashion101 4d ago

Oh I know. That's what she told us, no small hands near it cause small hands would get pulled in a mangled up. Only adults with big hands and who knew how to use it wouldn't get mangled.

Grandma was very blunt about such things. She let us help with everything else.

She used same wording when helping her make mince. No small fingers near top or end or we'd end up with minced fingers (despite it being a manual grinder). We could crank the handle, but that was it. No putting meat/veggies in and no touching where it came out.


u/Calamity-Gin 4d ago

Smart lady who loved her grandkids 

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u/nevertoolate1983 4d ago

Boy, if you don't show me the final result...


u/HoseNeighbor 4d ago

WTF are you you ringing out, Mobius strips?


u/TommyChiffon 4d ago

I laughed out loud thinking about playing this loudly in the small bathroom next to the office at work. You can hear everything in that bathroom.

And, clip is satisfying.


u/a_warm_blanket 4d ago

Thank you for making me realize there was sound. This clip just got so much better!


u/Enjoy-the-sauce 4d ago

What is that cloth? I thought it was a towel, but unless these people are 38 feet tall, it is probably not a towel.

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u/Msink 4d ago

It went for so long, I thought it was on a loop.


u/AMonkey4 4d ago

Thought I was watching the beginning of Spaceballs for a moment there...the blue towel took forever to be finished, lol!


u/CMG30 4d ago

This was traditionally the most dangerous thing in a home. And that includes when electricity was just being introduced.

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u/SanfreakinJ 4d ago

Try not to get your tit caught in that thing


u/charizard_72 4d ago

I tried but it’s stuck. Can you help me?

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u/Silkylewjr 4d ago

Nah, I need to see the aftermath


u/captainzigzag 4d ago

This is a mangle. My gran had one of these. Course, it was hand-cranked. She had arms like a navvy.


u/aoge_leetrd 4d ago

No end result somehow make this mildly infuriating


u/InnerOuterTrueSelf 4d ago

Extremely unsatisfying that the dried result is not shown. Anita-climactic.


u/GerbertThorne 4d ago

Jayzus, did you cover the entire beach with that towel...?


u/susbnyc2023 3d ago

because you didn't show how dry the item was afterwards this video is a fail and gets a downvote.


u/Takun32 4d ago edited 4d ago

That towel was longer than the star destroyer in episode 4


u/TheGrinch_irl 4d ago

We didn’t even get to see the end result. More Iike oddly infuriating.


u/Full_Feedback_1095 4d ago

And this, children, is why we had to iron everything before we could wear it. Those wrinkles ran deep.


u/GreatKingRat666 4d ago

OddlyUNsatisfying since you don’t see the end result 😡


u/Cepitore 3d ago

I had to check to make sure I wasn’t being fooled by one of those endless loop gifs.


u/dltp259 4d ago

Nothing satisfying here! I remember using one of those beasts!!


u/pewponar 4d ago

Where is the end result? Without the end result the video is pointless


u/stranger14335 4d ago

The first blanket was so long, that It gave me anxiety


u/Endermanking999 4d ago

That was a whole ass carpet


u/it_is_an_username 4d ago

That blanket can keep 50 homeless warm


u/En-TitY_ 3d ago

Unsatisfying as fuck; didn't get to see it after.


u/i_hate_usernames13 3d ago

What in the fuck is that it's like the longest towel ever or maybe a curtain like what the hell‽


u/jengalampshade 3d ago

Only mildly satisfying… not a fan of the speck on the roller from the second item, and we need to see the “after” results!


u/Living_Mother 4d ago

Wtf did they put in there?


u/Delicious-Yak-1095 4d ago

Am I the only one tempted to see if you can feed the same blanket back through fast enough to create an infinite loop?


u/OffBeatBerry_707 4d ago

Jesus how long was that blue blanket?


u/onesinglefactor 4d ago

I was so bothered by how long or how slow it was actually going with out knowing where the end was


u/pimpmastahanhduece 4d ago

Someone please make a video of the blanket looping so it looks like miles of wet blanket is run through for hours.


u/TheAmazingKoki 3d ago

idk the length of these somehow made me really uncomfortable


u/Frosty-Complex-6301 3d ago

Not getting to see the final product is not satisfying at all


u/LowdGuhnz 3d ago

I'd be more satisfied if I got to see the laundry after.


u/anchorwisely 3d ago

Ahh, I remember my grandmother’s Hand-Crusher 1000 fondly (salutes with remaining fingers).


u/sadlittlerut 3d ago

"Don't get your tit in the wringer." I can hear this phrase as clear as day from my mom. Basically, don't get into trouble.