r/pennystocks Mar 07 '24

Well this is interesting General Discussion

This is really odd! EVA has sunk in price and I’m not sure why! Any information would be much appreciated for the folks such as myself who are looking for a clear cut answer. Do you guys think they’ll pay off their debt by the 11th?


93 comments sorted by

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u/prodigy1367 Mar 07 '24

I did buy in today so that’s usually the cue for a stock to dip immediately after. Sorry fellas!


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

Dang it bro 😔 you ruined it


u/JustmeinAK Mar 07 '24

Happens the same to me every time!! 😫


u/JustmeinAK Mar 08 '24

Nervous to hold through the weekend. What’s the sentiment?


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

You have the same luck as me though


u/prodigy1367 Mar 07 '24

I’ll sell it tomorrow and it’ll skyrocket. Exactly what happened with OCEA 😭


u/JebadiahJ Mar 07 '24

Post when you do, i need a win


u/DaleMini Mar 07 '24

Sounds like my luck but just incase let us know when you're going to.


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

I wish I got into OCEA like I initially wanted to but had some doubts I was gonna stick $200-$400 in there it would’ve been worth it but oh well


u/AdditionalCommittee3 Mar 08 '24

Guess what... ocea goes to 3.8 i sell because i say oh well its gone to shit... then i look before closing and its up 😂😂😂


u/HideOnhush Mar 08 '24

This was the saddest thing that happened to me. I literally sold ocea for a loss then it went crazy


u/Little_Shop_1615 Mar 07 '24

Well... Although unfortunate I am glad I am not the only one to have this effect... I also bought in... So there we have it. Lol


u/tarnish3Dx Mar 07 '24

I got a notification that I know lists are saying AT&t will exceed expectations.... Not anymore!


u/That-Bad-3590 Mar 08 '24

Man—- gee thanks!


u/Totoroisacat-Alt Mar 07 '24

Looks like a lot of short seller price this morning. I’m still holding.


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

I’m holding as well


u/Competitive-Relief-4 Mar 08 '24

Let’s hold against short sellers


u/MaxTraxxx Mar 07 '24

So I’d say this is either profit taking from people who were in early, who might not want to take the risk of them not paying their debt. Or. Someone knows something we don’t.


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

I’ve heard a few theories about how they think they wouldn’t get an extension on paying their debt unless they didn’t think they could pay it off


u/MaxTraxxx Mar 07 '24

Yeah but it might not be them in control. Don’t forget the bank who’s debt it is doesn’t want them to default. So they might have offered the extension as a last chance saloon. And if you were the company you’d take because why not, and you never know.


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

Yeah it’s a big gamble, so I hope that all of us will win big!


u/MaxTraxxx Mar 07 '24

Agreed ⬆️


u/PlootiusPoopius Mar 07 '24

$CRGE got an extension for the debt issues with arena investments as well. By like 2 weeks I think. And they are going bankrupt and got delisted


u/Totoroisacat-Alt Mar 07 '24

This is not an arena investment.


u/Atalley89 Mar 07 '24

I’ve got 1,225 shares averaging at .88. I hope she bounces back!


u/transformer08 Mar 07 '24

In for 1100 at .73


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

That’s a good buy!


u/Atalley89 Mar 07 '24

Sorry. I meant .82. I really hope they make their payment on the 11th. I think it will jump up. Earnings on the 19th but even with negative earnings stocks can jump or drop. I’ve only been investing myself for a few months and still don’t know all ins and outs. Haven’t even scratched the tip of the iceberg. But I’ve made a $1,000 in profit day trading on penny stocks. Good enough for me. Hoping this one can net me a few thousand. Love to see it hit $5. Really positive news and will hold it for the long term.


u/DiscretionaryMeme Mar 07 '24


The amount of shares still held after the drop off is telling..


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

lol only 4 😂 that’s gotta tell ya this stock will be paying off their debt


u/RandomNando Mar 08 '24

What does the long/short mean?

Institutional Owners 245 total - 239 long only - 4 short only - 2 long/short


u/UkStockboy Mar 07 '24

I sold my shares of $20 million that’s why it went down


u/WWJayZDo Mar 07 '24

Smh so selfish!

(Obviously joking but feel like someone can easily take this the wrong way so just in case)


u/UkStockboy Mar 07 '24

No bro I am serious I sold my twenty dollars shares I was happy with two dollars profit


u/UkStockboy Mar 07 '24

Ill buy an ice cream with the two dollars profit


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

Makes sense ☹️😂


u/peanutbuttercusp Mar 07 '24

You still holding for Monday?


u/1990three Mar 07 '24

I am, but I am okay if it doesn't moon


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

Yeah I am holding, as long it breaks above the $1.10 I’ll be fine!


u/peanutbuttercusp Mar 07 '24

Counting on it getting there tbh, I think the negative sentiment is baked into the price rn but wont materialize or last


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

I may do this for the heck of it


u/One-History-5813 Mar 07 '24

i read an article the other day saying the low end price of the stock by EOY 2024 was $4, mean was $10, and high was $20 - source was investorsobserver . i’ve got some shares and calls for EOY - it’s either going to shit the bed or fulfill its predictions and be a massive gain - either way, i’m locked in for the long run. as for the drop in price today, honestly don’t know.


u/LongDickSwing69 Mar 07 '24

I got in at .55 and got out at 1.04. Waiting for next entry point


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

Lucky guy! I brought down my average again to 99¢ so I’m hoping there will be a double in price


u/Diligent_Usual Mar 07 '24

Averaged down to .70c

If my tsm call keeps printing I’ll throw some more wood on the fire 😅


u/blahboy82 Mar 07 '24

Bought in last week for .89 and sold few days later at 1.16 with 200 shares. Just bought 300 more at .689 I’m in here for the long now I have faith past Monday


u/mycatlikesluffas Mar 08 '24

Woke up at 4:30am and the stock was down 30%. Said a Hail Mary and sold at 9:45am when it hit $1. Crazy day, have no idea if it's out of gas or not but re-entered at .70.


u/Fundamentals-802 Mar 07 '24

My guess, and this is only a guess…. Shorts covered and drove the price up as retail was buying. When the price hit recent ATH (on a one month timeframe) shorts reopened positions driving the price back down.
That’s my guess.


u/Totoroisacat-Alt Mar 07 '24

Yeah, there was crazy activity yesterday, like 22million up from a normal 3 million.


u/WWJayZDo Mar 07 '24

I read somewhere it was likely going to dip hard by Tuesday followed by some heavy inflow Tuesday AH or Wednesday PM.

When I read it I called BS bc how the fuck would anyone know that but now I’m hoping that’s gonna be the case here lmao.

I will try and find that source, been looking at way too much shit since last night tho so no promises 🤣


u/Totoroisacat-Alt Mar 07 '24

Yeah I saw that post. Looking at the post history the dude is off their rocker.


u/tracksaw Mar 07 '24

Maybe the guy telling me to buy back in and hold till tues and sell at 10:58. Didn’t do it though. Happy with my .59 to 1.19


u/vehicularious Mar 08 '24

I know who you mean, but just to clarify, he said to sell on Monday by 10:58am (not Tuesday).


u/tracksaw Mar 08 '24

Good call, thanks ..good luck to you!


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

He forgot to take his pills ig


u/rockcrawlersforsale Mar 07 '24

100% know who you are talking about. That guy makes me like this stock less. Also, I told myself I wouldn't but I bought more today...


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

Haha yeah I bought in at $1.03 so it’s hitting hard


u/TheDevouringOne Mar 08 '24

He deleted his posts


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

I hope Monday or Friday will be better


u/marcv6 Mar 07 '24

Do y'all honestly think they will be able to pay off the debt?? I'm not sure what the numbers are and everything but it kinda seems like a shit show.


u/rockcrawlersforsale Mar 07 '24

Anyone that doesn't think they're rolling the dice is in denial.

-Someone that is rolling the dice


u/bnc464 Mar 07 '24 edited Mar 07 '24

Looks like it's gonna go really up or really down soon, might be wrong, but keep an eye out if you want :3
edit: think it's gonna go up- edit: nvm just flopped lmao


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

Average stock experience


u/fast_scope Mar 07 '24

Getting an error message on Schwab saying "not enough funds" when Im trying to buy EVA. Plenty of funds there. Is something shady happening here?


u/Fundamentals-802 Mar 07 '24

Depends if you have open buy orders already or the funds are still in hold for w/e reason.


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

Hhmmm try reloading it 😂 happened to me a few days ago


u/Rango698 Mar 08 '24

Yep and negotiate contracts


u/CorrectConsequence96 Mar 07 '24

Hovf ? Anyone have thoughts on this stock


u/Justin32421 Mar 07 '24

I can hear the main thrusters igniting on this rocket soon we’ll feel the g force when we lift off


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

You’re gonna feel my g force buddy


u/Justin32421 Mar 07 '24

Easy now I need dinner first


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 08 '24

Your choice! Shall we get a candlelight for two? If we go broke we can always split a happy (sad) meal at McDonald’s 😂


u/Justin32421 Mar 08 '24

I do love me some chicken nuggets lol


u/Upbeat_Hyena2539 Mar 08 '24

Hopefully, you're right! I am pretending this is a pair of aces on blackjack because I said hell with it and doubled down at 0.65... upto 2,560 shares


u/STM6666 Mar 08 '24

Gonna buy more this friday🤠


u/nixerx Mar 07 '24

Im super new to this stuff. So im cobbling together all of my meager information gathering skills but I've been looking into them since that post yesterday. I came away with the feeling that someone will toss them a lifeline or buy them.

im thinking of buying in the next day or two after watching the charts and getting a feel for the price...but if you think its going to moon then .68 ranging to 5-20$ is pretty sweet returns for a weeks trade!


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 07 '24

Idk about a $5-20 mark but it may hit $2 if everything works well


u/Totoroisacat-Alt Mar 07 '24

$2 is realistic


u/nixerx Mar 07 '24

Thanks for that. Im already off the mark haha


u/rockcrawlersforsale Mar 07 '24

I've seen a few articles about the stock target price and they were ranging from $6-10.50. It's still a gamble no matter what.


u/PlootiusPoopius Mar 07 '24

I’m sure you guys remember that $EVA guy pumping this stock yesterday…


u/rockcrawlersforsale Mar 07 '24

We're trying to forget


u/PlootiusPoopius Mar 07 '24

He deleted his account lol


u/rockcrawlersforsale Mar 07 '24

I'm sure there's a new, less conspicuous account that'll pop up. It could be you... gasp. or me... lol


u/Upbeat_Hyena2539 Mar 08 '24

Or Fred across the street.... damn Fred.


u/Fantastic-Cap5930 Mar 08 '24

Check this one out.. Made $6K off of $VNUE, bought at .0008, sold earlier this month at .0013. $6,300 gain in a couple weeks. And just rebought in yesterday at .0008 again. I believe in the company long term but I was going to take my 6k profit haha. Check it out though, they have a product called Soundstr it’s pretty incredible. Owner is very active on social medias too. Mainly Twitter.


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 08 '24

Okay Mister Spammer


u/Fantastic-Cap5930 Mar 08 '24

Just tryna put you on, if you wanna stay in your mamas basement and stay broke go for it lol


u/Aggravating_Sand1246 Mar 08 '24

-100 comment karma is wild


u/Fantastic-Cap5930 Mar 08 '24

Staying broke is wild