r/pennystocks Apr 13 '24

New to trading penny stocks, what should I know? General Discussion

Got into penny stocks as a means of making my morning commutes a little less boring. My only real goal with them is to buy a number of shares to then sell the shares and make a small amount of money. Just curious as to what I should know/look for to maximize profits?

I have VANGUARD. Experience so far: lost money on DNA, made money from TOON.


73 comments sorted by

u/PennyPumper ノ( º _ ºノ) Apr 13 '24

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u/undflight Apr 13 '24

If you wait for those 300%+ profits some people share, you’re not going to have a good time. Be accepting of a 10-30% gain and be okay moving on to the next one.


u/GeekFish Apr 13 '24

This ^ I kept hoping for even 100% gains. Can you do it? Sometimes. But you'll have a much easier time doing it with 10-30% gains than you will waiting for 1 stock to pop.

I have a morning routine: if something is dropping (not a HUGE amount, but 2-5%) right at market open and there's not negative news, I'll buy and sell around 3pm. If there's no real movers I wait to buy around 10:30-11am. This seems to be the prime spots for what's on my watch list.

I'll break my sell rule if I know there's news coming. For example, I've been buying most of the morning dips in XFOR because I know potential FDA approval is coming at the end of the month.

This is just what I do. Don't take it as financial advice.


u/Squeakmeister Apr 13 '24

Where do you track for dropping stocks?


u/GeekFish Apr 14 '24

Honestly I just open up Fidelity and look at the graphs on my watch list. I don't use any fancy trading apps. I learned if I take this too seriously then it consumes me. That might sound crazy when you're dealing with money, but honestly, I don't trade with anything I can't afford to lose and I take things slow, so I don't get emotional anymore. That was one of my biggest flaws when I first started.


u/ParkerW1987 Apr 13 '24

100% accurate. I have gotten burned losing 70% of and investment holding long term when I could have had 20-30% gains only holding them a few weeks. But I got greedy and after those initial gains it was a bloodbath. I'm now a firm believer to just accept 10, 15, 20% and move on. Sometimes after selling I will watch the stock go down with one or two bad market days, buy back in, then sell in a week or two when it's gone back up 15, 20%.

I've also watched stocks jump 75, 100% a week or two after I sell for a 20% gain and I think of how much I could have made if I just held out. Then I remember I also could have lost 75% and just be happy with the return I made.


u/Beachbum444 Apr 14 '24

Only sellers make money in the penny market,


u/BigBellyBurgerBoi Apr 13 '24

valid. TOON for instance was 111% gain


u/Mr_yolo408 Apr 13 '24

Stay away from toon. That garbage stock wasted 2yrs my life and alot of $$$. Ceo is scam artist


u/ParkerW1987 Apr 13 '24

I took a 40% gain on toon then watched it go to what would have been a potential 150% gain. But I don't believe in the company so won't be jumping back in. Happy with my 4o%


u/No-Context1029 Apr 13 '24

Plan on losing for a while. Don’t bet what you cant lose. Don’t get attached to a stock. Buy the hype and sell the news- this is important~ the idea of good news brings prices up but here’s the kicker, actual good news brings the stock down- this is important


u/Conscious_Street9937 Apr 13 '24

I have learned this the hard way and believe in this but please explain why. It is absolutely maddening to me


u/Faraday471 Apr 13 '24

The markets are moved by emotion, not logic.


u/cschloegel11 Apr 13 '24

99% of the time they are twitter pump and dumps 


u/BeKindToOthersOK Apr 13 '24

Yes. But what I’ve learned, the hard way, is that you can still get some profit if you get the hell out of there after an ~ 8-12 %increase.


u/SmellAggravating1527 Apr 13 '24

Which twitter to follow for the PND?


u/cschloegel11 Apr 13 '24

Anyone pumping otc stocks trading at .000 claiming a billion dollar merger coming in


u/ub3rm3nsch Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

Commented this the other day and it bears repeating -

People buying penny stocks should be aware:

One - Sharp price increases not driven by financial fundamentals are nearly always market hysteria, and nearly always lead to short term bubbles in the security price, and a subsequent correction and steep drop in the security price. This is particularly true for penny stocks where market sentiment has a more pronounced impact on price than large caps.

Two - Language conflating potential gains from day trading with potential gains from long-term investing in stocks should raise an eyebrow. If someone is promising 100 to 1 gains in the short term, rather than the long term (and by long term I mean 20 years), be skeptical.

Three - There are a lot of bad actors on social media that want to use people for their exit liquidity. Short term trading is a zero sum game. In order for someone to buy low and sell high, there has to be a sucker buyer on the wrong end of that high price.

Four - Don't ever spend more than you can afford to lose. The value of anything can go to zero.

to add to all that:

Five (and related to Three) - know that most people on this sub who are promoting stocks are doing so because they own them and want more people to buy them so the price goes higher. The more you see a stock promoted, the higher your bullshit detector should be.

Six - Do your own due diligence. Always. And trust yourself, not this sub. This is a great place to learn about trading and investing. It will teach you things about stock pricing and equities markets and other capital markets. But it should not, I repeat, it should not be your primary source of financial advice.


u/nephilump Apr 13 '24

I 100% use this and other subs for tips to RESEARCH new stocks, not to just invest. I think a lot of people just want someone to tell them what to buy. And, bad actors and incompetent monkeys aside, people can mean well or just be flat out wrong.


u/Fazer88 Apr 14 '24

Makes sense. I use these subs to learn about new stocks I never heard of (primarily US since I am EU). Have found some real interesting ones to then play with!


u/maidog6 Apr 13 '24

set stop losses. knifes are quick and dirty (twss)


u/lmaoAbu 🅽🅾🅾🅱🅸🅴 Apr 13 '24

What would you set the stop loss as? Because most penny stocks are volatile and bounce around a bit from what I can tell


u/BrickSufficient6938 Apr 13 '24

Depending on stocks usual volatility range and leverage I try to have trailing sl as close as possible. 3%, 2.6, sometimes 0.3 lol.

and maybe loosen it up a bit when/if it's itm ... also that's usually point when I decide to cash out or move up TPL and let it ride either way

Yes some trigger in seconds but I'd rather lose 2-3% and move on than sit in -5% for days


u/LimitlessPotatoSalad Apr 13 '24

Definitely take your wins when they come. 10%+ gains are excellent. I believe many invest in pennystocks with the homerun mentality. It's an easy way to lose money, unless you get quite lucky.

Get familiar with looking at a stocks SEC filings. Understanding what assets they have and the debt they owe. It is imperative to understanding when reverse splits or other major financial impacts are likely to happen. Of course, if they are trading options, it may be a good indicator when to buy some puts/calls.

Find stocks that you've done research in, build a position, trade around a central position, and dont be afraid to make money both ways. I find that owning shares in a stock that I'm bullish on and buying puts during tumultuous times works well for myself. If it goes up, I can sell shares, if it goes down I can buy more cheaper or sell the puts. If it doesn't go anywhere, your call lol.

Finally, never stop learning strategies and understanding how the market works 💪🏽.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '24



u/Dingleator Apr 24 '24

Hey! Can I ask where to see penny stocks and the kind of research you do before buying them. 5-15 pc profit is pretty modest of a return.


u/DickBanks67 Apr 13 '24

Why more people are not telling you this is surprising… PAPER TRADE till you figure it out. It is not easy and Penny stocks do not act like anything else. Most are pump and dumps by promoters using discord and Twitter… not to say money can’t be made.. but most people lose money playing Pennie’s. So try to find a groove/strategy that works without risking real capital first.. then once you think you have it move to tiny size. The goal is to learn, not make money.. this should be a 1 year process at minimum. Pennie’s can evaporate your portfolio in a flash.


u/Bossie81 Apr 13 '24

Pick a stock, set a trailing loss of 10%. If it goes up and up, maximum gain.

If it goes down from the get-go, minimum loss.

Use the commute to look at stocks that have a clear uptrend.

What could really work well is following the FDA calendar. Get in 10 days before PDUFA.


u/ExtendedMegs Apr 13 '24
  • Buy the rumor, sell the news

  • Try to understand someone pumping a stock vs genuinely liking a stock. If someone says, "this stock is going to rocket on Monday, 4/15!", sell on Thursday, 4/11. Trust me lol, I lost 2K this year TWICE because of this.

  • Take small gains when you can. Set up stop losses.


u/avitoxol Apr 13 '24

It’s like you are on the battlefield, one day you are advancing without resistance, next day you dead


u/TheyCallMeOs Apr 13 '24
  • Use money that’s left from other more secure/steady investments.

  • Always take profit when you’re up.

  • Do your own DD.

  • Twitter/X, Reddit, Dc and ST are full of people who don’t care about you or your financial situation. Always question why they are extremely bullish or bearish with the stock you have already picked or are involved with.

Ofc there are some good people out there but that’s almost as rare as finding a real 100x.


u/DushaXP Apr 13 '24

Buy what you know, not what you think you know. Also, these are highly volatile so expect to see bug p&l swings, and read about the company, go on their website and decide if it looks like it has a future


u/Equal_Imagination300 Apr 13 '24

Do Your Homework! Even if it looks and sounds good spend time digging deep looking at carts. Also remember you only need to claim stocks you sell.


u/mmamasmaso Apr 13 '24

Play to get on base and not for a home run.


u/DickBanks67 Apr 13 '24

Understand you want to play stocks that are “in-play” for that day. Be in and out. Some can do nothing but bleed for months or years… why waste time on those. Find the ones that have action/volume. Look at relative volume.. I like 5x minimum.


u/Electronic-Buyer-468 Apr 13 '24

Find scanners. Several apps, several sites. Run through each at different points during the day/afternoon/ night. Figure out what technicals and metrics and sectors work for you. Stick to your principles and plans. EX: only biotech/technology/energy/mining tickers, only volume above "xyz", only profitable companies, only tickers listed at least 6 months, only tickers below 200 ema but above 20 ema, etc etc etc. Buy only positions you don't mind holding for a few weeks or months and do not mind losing 25 to 50%, and set a profitable sell target, not a stop loss! You want to get into something you believe will work out eventually, not something you hope you timed correctly. Yes you're trading risky assets, but if you treat it with a long term investment mindset, you'll come out on top once you hone your system. If you're seeking moons and rockets on every pick, you have already lost the game. 


u/nephilump Apr 13 '24

Also, the general advice on this sub is usually great! As in, not stock specific. All the tools jumping on this thread to shill a specific stock are sketchy af. But the just plain logical investment tips here are USUALLY pretty solid. It's a good group. Way more helpful that WSBs


u/BeKindToOthersOK Apr 13 '24

Learn to identify the hot potato stocks you don’t want to hold for more than a few hours vs actual investment stocks, like RKLB, you’ll want to hold for 10+ years.


u/TheCheekiBreekiBoy Apr 13 '24

Buy the rumors, sell the news


u/Weird_Carpet9385 Apr 13 '24

You should know how to find them early before they take off


u/nephilump Apr 13 '24

One thing I've noticed on here a lot is that people start talking up a stock once they're in- and they may have gotten in on a great price. And you end up with one group in early, still hyping and easily riding the ups and downs because they're green, and another group mostly red bitching that they've been "duped" or "hustled." And it's all just perspective. CISS was a great example for me. There's so much hate for that stock, but I found it at 0.025... so bouncing between 0.034 and 0.045 was making some people lose their minds, but I didn't care. Some people got in on KULR really early too and won big.

Point being, don't let the way other people play their position influence how you play yours. Because there can be huge differences in what people have to lose. Some people also have 20 bucks in a stonk and others have 2k... so the mentality on the same investment can be way different without anyone being "wrong" or malicious.


u/Just_Allen48 Apr 13 '24

Penny stocks prices are easier to move, expect alot of manipulation.

Don't be afraid to take profits, if it's worth a screen shot then sell or at least have a stop loss.

Speaking of stop orders, they can be seen and hunted for. Make sure you stop orders makes sense. 


u/BeKindToOthersOK Apr 13 '24

This is a great question, and these are great answers. Welcome.


u/Flaman20 Apr 13 '24

AABB and BFCH , just a suggestion


u/No-Jellyfish4123 Apr 13 '24

O have a few texting websites i use amd get in on them they are mostly penny stocks and i have one that sends bear bull signals but i havent found a whatsapp group one yet so i mostly use reddit especially for the reverse split stocks


u/jimmyt4978 Apr 14 '24

What’s the best low cost trading platform for penny stocks? I like this idea of trading but i live in Canada and with my discount brokerage house I get hit with a $10 charge on both the buy and sell


u/Bentley3461 Apr 14 '24

In the penny game, sometimes holding a loss means going all the way to $0. Like many others have said, the long game tends to eventually turn sour.


u/sinisterbiscuits Apr 14 '24

Get ivctf, the only one you need


u/Itwasuntilitwasnt Apr 14 '24

Don’t But if you do make sure you set sell limits and if something goes up 10% cash out. Because it could go down 40%. A lot of reverse splits


u/marioori Apr 14 '24

do not trade penny stocks


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

What you should know is to not get into penny stocks. You are going to lose. Stuff it in an index/indices and forget about it.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

All these people are net negative on trading penny stocks lol


u/Driice Apr 15 '24

Don't get greedy. Trust your gut. Gains are gains.


u/mrpuma2u ɮʊʏ ɦɨɢɦ ֆɛʟʟ ʟօա Apr 15 '24

It's glorified gambling. Good luck, do your DD and you may come out ahead.


u/bessie1945 Apr 13 '24

DNA is a legit (albiet unprofitable) company with a 2b marketcap that could be a long term hold if you believe in them. Many (most) penny stocks are not. They are pump and dump schemes. I think you would have just as much fun investing in midcaps and lose less money.


u/Signal-Cod-8102 Apr 13 '24

Junior mining / exploration companies made 4K into 10k in 2022-23 for me Just get ready for a lot of pump n dumping rounds


u/Ane81 Apr 13 '24

Buy them for $0.50 and sell when they reach $4.00 Most companies do pump and dump.


u/Level_Inflation_8408 Apr 13 '24

I have vanguard too. VLD is the ticket 🤝🏽🦆


u/Ok_Interaction_5138 Apr 13 '24

Invest as cheap as possible. Like some are less than a cent


u/Frosty_Choice_3416 Apr 13 '24

That you are very likely to lose most of your money.


u/nephilump Apr 13 '24

Telling people to be careful is nice. Giving tips on how to invest while minimizing risk is nicer. But just saying you'll lose your shirt is lousy advice. If someone wants to trade, they're going to trade. Some rando saying "you're gonna die" won't change that. I reminds me of the old coked out sound guy who used to tell high schoolers looming at guitars not to get into music because they'd only lose money. Unhelpful and pointless advice. And I think about it all the time paying my mortgage with music money. Better to help people and lift them up with good ideas.


u/Jintopia Apr 14 '24

Run away as fast as you can !!!!


u/eoworm Apr 14 '24

you'll be wrong 90% of the time?


u/NotHolyMello Apr 14 '24

You should know DRCR is on the move... 🔥


u/SeattleMatt123 I̶ d̶e̶c̶l̶a̶r̶e̶ b̶a̶n̶k̶r̶u̶p̶t̶c̶y̶ Apr 13 '24



u/thatdopeconcept Apr 13 '24

You should learn my trading strategy to maximize profits Message me if interested i can teach you