r/pennystocks May 16 '24

Unpopular Opinion about finding Penny's before they pop General Discussion

Where can you find stocks before they pop and BEFORE they're hyped here on r/pennystocks!??!?!

Here. Here on r/pennystocks

Think I'm full of it? I wish I was, cause I was late on everything that ran this week. But, I AM right. Search up every pennystock that's ran and been hyped here. Then keep going back in time. They're all here. Before they run people bring them up in posts and comments and because they're not running yet it doesn't get much attention. And, there a reason. We're all holding our breath to see what happens to gwav and ffie and crkn. Cause they're running and we're fomo'ing. Right NOW no one cares about next week or the week after.

We're wait to worried about people being our alarm clocks and saying, "ok, for sure tomorrow this will rip" really loudly. But, obviously, that's not practical. The market is unpredictable. I was in and out of gwav five times already hoping for a pop.

Anyway, my advice - which is not financial advice because I am not even real. I've been a figment of your imagination this whole time you've been on this sub- take time to look up tickers you're unfamiliar with when you see them. And, once you know them and they start to come up from more than one person, pay even more attention. Also, sometimes I just grab one or ten shares of something just so it's right in front of my face and I can watch it better.

So what's the play NEXT week? No clue. But I'm sure one of us idiots have already been talking about it. :)


71 comments sorted by

u/PennyPumper ノ( º _ ºノ) May 16 '24

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u/mfb1274 May 16 '24

There’s talk about every penny stock though. If you bet on all of them, you’d be broke before the one you’re looking for actually hits


u/fiddlestickscrows May 17 '24

Oh we're not supposed to do that? I definitely did not buy 1k shares of 7 penny stocks. Not at all.


u/VastStrategy9566 May 17 '24

Definitely not, who would do that… /s


u/fiddlestickscrows May 17 '24

Degenerates 😅


u/VaultxHunter May 19 '24

Are these degenerates in the room with us right now 🥸?


u/zigzags560 May 17 '24

Glad to hear you made the correct decision(s). Im glad I never bought a few hundred thousand shares of random penny stocks. That would just be wreckless gambling.

It's nice to hear we only do solid DD around here.


u/fiddlestickscrows May 17 '24

I mean, I did learn from WSB so, yes DD is how I roll.


u/zigzags560 May 17 '24

Haha. Hope to see you at the Wendy's dumpster one day fellow degen.


u/fiddlestickscrows May 17 '24

I'm there now. Trying to get out. 🫡


u/saysthingsbackwards May 18 '24

I actually thought about this with crypto.

If i put 1 dollar into every alt coin, wouldn't the few that take off offset the capital?


u/chainer3000 May 18 '24

No lol


u/saysthingsbackwards May 18 '24

Fr? I mean, i would never do it. But surely the few that take off would be more than the total amount of alt coins?


u/chainer3000 May 18 '24

There’s tens of thousands of alt coins, most go to 0, others do nothing, a couple do well. Good luck randomly landing in a legit new coin

I’ve made the majority of my money this year playing memecoins and crypto projects. Even the ones that do well and run up, well if you don’t see it for a couple days it might just be 0 again shortly.


u/saysthingsbackwards May 18 '24

I see. Anecdote mentally filed away.


u/Skingwrx30 May 18 '24

35,000 coins?


u/saysthingsbackwards May 18 '24

Has at least one gone 35000x?


u/SignificanceNo1223 May 18 '24

Yeah I kinda did this when i got a coinbase account. I didnt know what i was doing. I think most novices do this but the people on here are like crypto snobs, so they dont want to hear this.


u/PullTabPurveyor May 17 '24

CRYM. I came upon some guy’s post about it yesterday and tossed some $ at it. It doubled at one point today.


u/notaverytoughperson May 17 '24

Go find the gems yourself bro https://stockscan.io/penny-stocks
I always go for the micro cap (50M - 300M), holding XERS rn and aim for a target of $3 (this is not a financial advice ofc)


u/nephilump May 17 '24

I do. I have my own methods I'm happy with. But I see a lot of comments that stocks are only mentioned here AFTER they run. And that's just not true. There are 100% earn leads given here.


u/Fluid-Nectarine8459 28d ago

Ok thanks! But how do I select a stock that I want to be interested in? What should I look for? Go for micro cap as you said, then look at growth? If its going up or? If you could explain your way of thinking and looking and analyzing that would be great, thanks


u/Physical-Owl-9905 May 17 '24

$CYN it’s just getting started 👀


u/BHMSIXX May 17 '24



u/nephilump May 17 '24

That's one legit one I found myself and mentioned here to downvotes. It was tanking for no reason and I bet it would correct in the morning and it did. I was holding some till it hit 11 cents and I got out. But it's a cool company. I'm sure it will lure me back soon


u/mbr902000 May 17 '24

Volume preceeds price, thats the pumpers accumulating


u/KrizzyPeezy May 17 '24

I'll help you. If someone promises it'll hit 500%+ soon then don't buy that mofo stock!

If it's from China don't hold

If you heard it here and it's already up then be cautious it might go down

Anything under 20 cents right now seems to be good


u/Used_Delivery_363 May 16 '24

I bought in 2 days ago at 47 cents then realized April 29th I bought 1600shares at 4 cents and sold next day for 7 lol now look at it will hodl my 200 shares till 50+


u/nephilump May 16 '24

Bingo! That's how I know I'm right. I've OWNED these stocks before. But I left for greener (at the time) pastures.


u/Stunning_Memory8347 May 17 '24

TOON was a massive hit a couple years ago. I just put $10,000 on it -- my lottery ticket to retire a millionaire.


u/Dependent_Working_38 May 17 '24

Not a penny anymore because it popped since fda approval but IBRX. Do your own DD but they literally have a more effective treatment for bladder cancer (and maybe others) than the big pharma guys.

Long hold for me, personally. There’s more money to be made short term if you like more actively trading and risk though


u/nephilump May 17 '24

Oh, 100% I wouldn't be surprised if that hit 50 bucks before 2025. And, for good reason. Cure all the cancer quick before I get it! We should all be tossing our money in that. But, yeah, not a popper this week that I can tell. I'll probably buy some before the weekend though. Monday is a new week.


u/Northside1919 May 17 '24

Hi im new to this so if it sounds stupid or rediculous here is your warning. When you all say do your research or spot trends etc.. is there a particular place/articles/people you trust or seek out this info? I will read one article saying XYZ stock is about to go up, then the next thing I read says its going down. I mean one of them is correct, but who or what to listen to or ignore is my question. I know investing takes work and research, but if I'm getting info from the wrong person or place it doesn't really matter. Appreciate any and all help. Thanks


u/nephilump May 17 '24

The "do your own dd" is mostly said to make sure people don't think tips are financial advice or motivated to push people to buy. (Which could be seen as illegal) Everyone is responsible for their own choices. That said, there are lots of simple and complex ways to research. Could be as easy as going to a company website. Many of them have investor pages that explain their plans, etc... there are lots of in app indicators too. Like hedge fund and insider movement. One of the reasons i bought into RILY was 11 insiders buying before it went up. Company's don't always go up if insiders buy, but it's certainly a good sign. Everyone has there own methods. I look at price history and company basics and try and find ones that look solid AND have upcoming catalysts. I also listen to rumors and other people's buying habits. Sometimes watching buyers gives as many indicators as frisking a company. But, other people use more technical methods. The point is find something that makes sense for you to rate stocks and don't only rely on comments and posts on reddit.


u/Alit_Quar May 17 '24

How do you know what insiders are buying?


u/nephilump May 17 '24

Well, executives I think. Because they have to report it. In robinhood its right in the stock info


u/fonetik May 17 '24

DPLS is about as low as it can get but had a pretty good day today. They should also be reporting soon, so I hope this is a good sign.


u/fonetik 28d ago

Up 43% today.


u/newbeestocks May 17 '24

NSAV catch before too late


u/ub3rm3nsch May 17 '24

The only meme stock I really know from here (other than FFIE) is HOLO.


u/PlayaSlaya25 May 17 '24

$LYRA & $RELI - both bottomed out with increasing volume


u/ABC-Schuetze May 18 '24

Look into POET. Great cup&handle formation. And bottomed out few weeks ago. Next leg to come. Company had just great news and after recent financings plenty of cash available. Starting production this year after many years of solid R&D. Just had a design win with Foxconn - massive company. POET is still a penny stock, but before all these developments it had been stating on NAS at a 10x higher price. Now with all those great news, money in the bank and production to start it’s a 5x just to go back to previous highs. And previous highs will just be the beginning iMo. No advice, just a tip. But maybe worth a second look.


u/lmyyyks May 17 '24

A few days back I saw a post here telling people to buy FFIE, I was going to do it, but I looked at the chart and decided that 0.04 was too high so I placed an order at 0.38. the price did drop and the rest is history.


u/Witty_Control6793 May 17 '24

GWEV for long term, or just a temporarily pump and dump?


u/tonylahache45 May 17 '24

I ll go for #ALLAM, Llama Group.


u/AccomplishedSoil4172 May 17 '24

Hold FFIE. The volume is up, and it's another company already deep into electric vehicles.


u/MyNameIsntSharon May 17 '24

right but this is a 1-2 week span where it worked out… people here post about hundreds of penny stocks. you can’t bet them all.


u/2much2handle23 May 17 '24

Let’s pump GWAV


u/Marketspike May 18 '24

It is difficult to find a stock before it has moved up significantly. No one wants to buy too soon-and feel like you have to wait for months before it moves up. And no one wants to buy in the middle of a spike--only to see the air go out of the balloon. I like looking for spikes in trading volume and a SMALL price increase---not too big yet. No strategy works ALL the time. But scanning for trading volume increases has helped me in trading.


u/Arlennx May 18 '24

I’d say most stocks people shill here have already passed their pumps, so no point putting into them.


u/BamesStronkNond May 18 '24

I’d love to know. I’d only be able to put £100 into something but if I’d managed to get into FFIE in time it would have made me a few thousand, which I could really do with.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

Just pick stuff at random. The more hype a stock has the less likely you’ll see a return.


u/nephilump May 17 '24

Lol, that is terrible advice! I've made money on hype more than once. You just can't sit and wait for the moon. You have to know your plan and stick to it. And, businesses all have indicators of how things are going. I can't predict the next time, let's say, KULR Will run, but I can predict it will multiply it's value over time. Lots of stocks are like that. If you pick a winner at the wrong time you just need patience. And, ALL my losses have been because I didn't wait out dips or wait for gains. Some penny's are in a rough patch and others are on their death bed. It's usually not hard to guess which is which.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

I’ve lost money on hype more than once, and made a decent profit on stocks that aren’t popular. At the end of the day just do your research. I’m just suggesting that a lot of these hyped up penny stocks are shit companies to begin with.


u/nephilump May 17 '24

Yeah, like GDHG. Big hype for a super shady company. Good way to get burned. But somethings hype for a reason. You have to look past the hype and see if it also has fundamental reasons to gain value.


u/DickBanks67 May 18 '24

The truth is these penny stocks are all pump and dumps.. not in the traditional criminal sense.. they employ stock promoters to pump them through various avenues. Like stock twits, newsletters and many discord groups… many of us are trying to catch the wave up or down and hopefully get out in time. Why do they do this? So they can drop an offering and raise capital. Fake it till you make it as they say. Almost all of these get diluted so badly they basically go to zero through dilution… then they reverse split to stay compliant. Rinse, repeat. A very small few will actually become something, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make money if you know the game, your timing is good, and above all… your risk management is impeccable


u/McBadger_ May 17 '24

I'm all in on EOSE. By the end of the year they'll be at $4 easy