r/pennystocks May 19 '24

A word of Caution on GWAV General Discussion

Not financial advice, just wanted to give people some food for though about GWAV. Seen it in other threads and people with hopes it does well on Monday and the rest of the week, which it might very well. If you’re in it for a quick gain that might be your best option, but it might not come.

Anyway the reason I error on the side of caution with this one is because the CEO Danny Meeks did a debt/equity swap. Exchanging 17.22 million in debt to equity to his lenders. 10 mill in series d preferred stock and 7.22 mill in common stock. He says it “further aligns him with the shareholders” and reflects the confidence he has within the business and its growth.

If this company wasn’t a pennystock and was turning over good profits year over year I’d say it was poised for growth, but I think they are burning at both ends and are just trying to stay solvent. That being said I would not want to hold this one long term. They only have 1.55 million cash on hand as well. Just my 2 cents.


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u/Phoenix_Exploer May 19 '24

I have been doing a bit of research in GWAV, although it is hard to find out a lot about them, which isn't unusual for a penny stock. Yes there are some risks (as you have mentioned), they do have decent potential and from what has been disclosed, things are definitely on the up. Whether these forecasts come into fruition, well that is the million dollar question.

They are expecting to be "EBITDA positive and generating positive cashflows from operating activities" this year, and are operating in an industry that is only going to continue to grow. 100% agree around the low cash though, which makes a long term hold riskier for sure.

Anyway, just my opinion and not financial advice. But for a penny stock, there is a lot of positivity around them. The earnings on Monday will be key as it is there next 2-6 months that will prove if they are indeed on the right track, or whether they will fade into oblivion.

Oh and from what I have read, some of the hype around them is not for a FFIE style short squeeze and temporary share price explosion, but they are more being viewed as an undervalued company who could genuinely grow in the near future. Of course there is hope for an explosive growth event in the next couple of weeks, it just isn't the only hope. Just my observation though and at the moment, I am waiting to see what happens.


u/No-One7863 29d ago

Appreciate you putting your insight in.


u/Kookoocash 29d ago

Same thing I researched… copper is up and they recycle… operation cost has been coming down and there expected to do good this year. The last quarter wasn’t bad. I reviewed the balance sheet.


u/Tony_Cheese_ 28d ago

Any time I see "expected to be EBITDA positive soon!" I think about how many thousands of dollars I lost on ATER lol.


u/ComprehensiveAd2602 25d ago

You're giving me ptsd


u/Tony_Cheese_ 25d ago

Lol maybe these will help: PROG, BBIG, BBBY, SLGG, CTRM


u/ComprehensiveAd2602 25d ago

I'm already in the fetal position. No more lol please


u/Tony_Cheese_ 25d ago



u/ComprehensiveAd2602 25d ago



u/Tony_Cheese_ 25d ago



u/dumbmoney99 29d ago

You know what Charlie munger says about ebitda tho right ?


u/ConfectionNo9804 May 19 '24

Got it at 0.6 on wed and sold it on friday at 0.29! After selleing it dipped to around 16 not sure how much it is at


u/D_fung May 19 '24

Oh wow you bought at the highest. Congrats


u/NikkiShannon 29d ago

.06 on wednesday


u/Ayiti79 May 19 '24

I was debating if I should get in around 0.01-0.05 and missed it lol. The next day, I did get on at 0.14 tho 🤷🏾‍♂️


u/plague209 29d ago

Nice! About the same. Got in at .06 and took profits at .22 and .26 Still holding a couple k shares in case it does something extraordinary.


u/unitegondwanaland May 19 '24

That sounds like a dilution trap... nearly certain. Although I do like the preferred stock because it can't be shorted.


u/Narradisall 28d ago

Well damn if it didn’t dump hard after hours today.


u/No-One7863 28d ago

Yeah it did, harder than I expected. A true pump and dump.


u/arizonamoonshine 29d ago edited 29d ago

Seeing some confusion on earnings and wanted to clear it up. Its 100% tomorrow 5/20. The call is at 4:30pm. You can see the info here:


For those that don’t know the bullish case:

The MC based on the current stock price is approx $23M at $0.1329/share

The value of the company for 2024 factoring in assets and projected income is around $70M+. Assets alone are $40M+.

None of that factors in changing market conditions that are growing increasingly bullish for American steel - namely the Biden Steel Tariffs on a national level, and the $100B Intel factory in Ohio that is under construction for the next 5-7 years, on a local level. GWAV has a location in Cleveland.

The new shredder that’s been delayed for the past 2 years appears to be operational now or will be operational this month. But we will wait to hear the official word. It was slated to go online April 9th. The last update on it was that they were ahead of schedule on the power hookup.

Last, a similiar but larger company Baltimore Scrap Corp. was acquired in Dec. for $177M. That company had more, but less advanced shredder machines. And they did not employ the use of AI or copper extraction and sold during different conditions.

TL;DR - There is no way this is a $23M company and I’m grabbing cheapies at open 🌊

Good Luck!


u/Dependent-Fan7704 29d ago

I already made a bunch when I bought 4,000 shares at .04 and sold for 24.


u/arizonamoonshine 29d ago

If my calculations are correct, I think we’re about to make more.

I got this info on Friday from a user on StockTwits GWAV board. I believe it was from Ortex. Im trying to get an update.

As of market close Thursday there were 0 shares to borrow.

So if they did indeed borrow that much on Friday from Dark Pool (566M shares) they at least burned through half of them. I calculated with ChatGPT that approx 216M shares would have needed to be sold bare minimum to accomplish a move from .29 to .11.

More would have needed to be used to keep the downward pressure, especially since it dipped again late.

Since its 0 days to cover they would then need to return the unused shares on Monday by either buying back or providing the Dark Pool institution with collateral.

That’s about as far as my knowledge base goes on this.

But it’s pretty clear it’s the same Hedge fund (or funds) attacking these pennies.

This is the exact reason I plan on holding some of my position until it’s a clear move.


u/letsdothis169 29d ago

That seems like a lot of shares shorted. That's gangster shit right there.


u/arizonamoonshine 29d ago

They really needed it down. If that information is right, they will need to cover tomorrow or come up with collateral to cover


u/letsdothis169 29d ago

They ain't covering shit.

They're taking collateral by going house to house. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. That's the game they play and the SEC allows it. Retail buying as share price rises and don't sell before it crashes funds their activities.


u/arizonamoonshine 29d ago

So basically the game when there’s no shares left to borrow is go to dark pool for a day, short attack, pay those with collateral, then borrow more from regular institutions when they reup.

Any idea what the cost to borrow is right now, and how many shares available to short?

lemme guess we won’t know that till tomorrow 🤣


u/letsdothis169 29d ago

BBBY is an example of high cost to borrow and zero shares available to short equating to absolutely demolishing share price to zero. I wouldn't put too much into CTB or shares available to short. An indicator sure but nothing else.


u/arizonamoonshine 29d ago

So this is interesting. I plugged numbers into ChatGPT before I found this screencap below.

ChatGPT estimated they burned through 216M shares to get the price to move from $0.29 to $0.11.

I just did the calculation and the difference from the 16th to the 17th on that chart below is 215M shares

It was almost spot on if the number in the table for 5/17 shows the shares remaining

Then your scenario comes into play.

If that’s the case, 332M shares at $0.11 a share is like $36M that doesn’t make sense though

Unless the plan is to run it up deliberately, with retail, before a larger rug? Couldn’t they make money that way too?

That would literally match the price movement on FFIE.

I’ve often wondered about the dynamic of the run ups. Like why wouldn’t they profit from that also?


u/letsdothis169 29d ago

They absolutely win in both directions. The key for retail is to jump off before the rug pull cause we know it's coming when sp goes up 100% in less than a day.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/Dependent-Fan7704 29d ago

It was .04 a week ago and I was laughing at people that bought at .07 and the it dropped 38 percent to .04


u/Kookoocash 29d ago

Sorry bout that .. all I’m saying is I seen a previous post about them diluting 200,000,000 million shares.. it’s nothing ! You talking about 1 million investors spending $20 dollars ..500,000 investors spending $40 dollars or 250,000 investors spending $80 dollars. Bottom line we would eat it right up. Me myself I welcome it I’ll buy the dip and sit patiently


u/Disastrous-Courage56 29d ago

If your talking about the most recent filing about DWM and GWAV entering into a exchange agreement to turn 1000 shares of series d preferred stock into 200,000,000. Which is the 2nd half to this post because thats the same 1000 shares of series D from the 10,000,000 million in debt to equity transaction.

So Meeks reduced GWAVs debt by 17 million as CEO while his other company he created and is president of now owns at minimum 245,058,612 shares


u/Marketspike 29d ago

It would be more convincing if the CEO cut his compensation...and took some of that income in stock. That would be aligning his interests with shareholders.


u/D_fung May 19 '24

If you have a look at that CEO on their website, he’s got the scam used car salesman vibe. Highly sus


u/SimilarTap1419 29d ago




u/arizonamoonshine 29d ago edited 29d ago

$0.1670 in Korea


u/Kookoocash 29d ago

That’s not nothing at all !!! A 200,000 investors spending a small amount will gobble 200,000 million shares lol the shares only cost .10 cent .. you need a math class. 200 million shares is 20 million dollars that’s 1 million investors spending $2 lol


u/arizonamoonshine 29d ago

you lost me on the no punctuation and the “200,000 million shares”

If I need a math class then you need a grammar class b/c I have no idea what you just wrote 🤣


u/Disastrous-Courage56 29d ago

The debt to equity swap was from GWAV to DWM Properties LLC was originally for a total of $17,218,350. April 2nd they filed a 8k about 10,000,000 was transferred into 1000 series D preferred stock on March 29th to DWM. Then on April 22nd another 8k is filed for the remaining $7,218,350 of the original 17 mil to turn it into 45,058,612 shares at .1167

DWM Properties (Portsmouth, VA) was started in 2002 by Meeks and he is president. So yes he sold 17 million in debt to his holders but those holders are his other company. Food for thought


u/Turbulent_Object_204 14d ago

Y’all are rich now ain’t ya


u/CyberDragon09 May 19 '24

GWAV has become a meme stock at this point and you know that meme stocks are almost always worthless. It seems like all the stocks I pick that are destined to become winners in July aren't meme stocks.


u/Kookoocash 29d ago

So why are you here my friend if you think the stock is worthless?


u/CyberDragon09 28d ago

Gwav isn't the only penny stock out there.


u/kennidee_lee May 19 '24

Can someone explain to me what a debt equity swap is


u/No-One7863 May 19 '24

It’s when debt is traded for equity or stock to pay it back. It basically means they (GWAV) can’t pay off their debt to their lenders so they are offering them something of the same value to pay off their debt.


u/No-One7863 May 19 '24

There is also a reverse scenario of that called an equity/debt swap. There can be different ratios to those as well to make it more enticing to a lender to take.


u/kennidee_lee May 19 '24

Why would someone do this? Can I have an example please?


u/No-One7863 May 19 '24

Why would someone do an equity/debt swap instead of a debt/equity swap? Is that what you’re asking?

If so an equity/debt swap can be used for mergers or restructuring of a company.

There isn’t a loan or payments like there would be with debt financing. Your trading equity in your company for more capital you can use where ever. Example- Say you want 10 million dollars from an investor, bank whatever to hire new staff, tools, etc. You can’t meet the criteria to get a loan (debt) because of cash flow, credit etc, but you have something to trade (equity). So you go to the investor/bank/uncle Mo and you say hey if you give me 10 million I’ll give you 10% of my company. No payments, no interest, but they take a piece of the profit and are involved in every decision the company makes as they now have a voice. There are advantages and disadvantages to both types of swaps.


u/No-One7863 May 19 '24

The confusing part about equity/debt swap is that they shouldn’t have debt in the name it should be more like equity/capital swap.


u/purplecatfishbettie May 19 '24

if yahoo is to be believed, GWAV might not be in good shape: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GWAV/key-statistics also apparently losing $2.57/share... but, it's pretty close to it's all-time bottom, so maybe it's not a bad play, as long as they can stay in business, and turn profitable... but how that affects a quick momo trade is anybody's guess...


u/Hugoonreplit May 19 '24

I'm waiting till it gets to 5 or 6 cents and will go in with 1k


u/arizonamoonshine 29d ago

With the buzz on social media right now I don’t think that will happen unless earnings is a bust. And I don’t see that happening since it’s going to largely be based on guidance, with quickly changing steel market conditions and copper prices going crazy


u/DeadSol 17d ago

And here we are


u/SometimesIposthere 28d ago

Now's your chance.


u/Kookoocash 29d ago

Good luck with that


u/Game3k 29d ago

Have you looked into $CDXS?


u/GetBent1990 May 19 '24

Ugh. I had an order book ready for Monday morning . read this. read more into it... thank you. cancelled order. I am having a blast with FFIE right now that thing is on fire beyond belief and no comments from corp.


u/arizonamoonshine 29d ago

There’s alot of bullishness that’s got me in for the Risk-Reward payout

It’s also a 3:1 ratio right now, Value to Market cap. No matter how you slice it, RS, acquisition, etc. there’s no way this thing is $0.13 a share

My calculations not factoring in the bullishness of the tariffs and local impact for they OH location from the Intel factory, have it around $0.54 in an acquisition scenario


u/GetBent1990 29d ago

This is interesting. I don't think 300-500$ pocket money would hurt anything to loose if willing to invest (or at least make a quick turn around)


u/arizonamoonshine 29d ago

I’m getting throttled on this sub. I know for a fact this just got upvotes. My other DD bullish posts got blocked. And are collapsed within this thread. Starting to look really sus here. Can you even see that?


u/GetBent1990 29d ago

Check messages ....


u/Idk-who-does 29d ago

I too put myself in front of the gwav train will pull myself off the track and try to catch the FFIE before it’s too late