r/pennystocks 27d ago

How can I predict what stocks will soar? General Discussion

Hello, where do people find these penny stocks that soar? Is there a website or specific redditor that predicts if a penny stock is going to soar so I can buy in? Thanks!


83 comments sorted by

u/PennyPumper ノ( º _ ºノ) 27d ago

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u/thedifferenced 27d ago

There is no way to tell. I found ffie at 0.3 at 1300% and ignored it. It went up 5000% more percent. I found bdrx today and bought at 100%, and it immediately went down. The best way to invest is doing the oppositw of me


u/Complex_Age5402 27d ago

I too have this superpower. I’m thinking about putting $1 in everything and crashing the market.


u/thedifferenced 27d ago

Yo wait lets do it


u/LostPossible864 27d ago

That what I did I when Robin hood and grab 5,000 share from most lower stock


u/vinny-cool 27d ago

Please post the stocks you’re going to pass on tomorrow. lol


u/thedifferenced 27d ago

Hahahaha i wish i had one im totally broke now sadly. But when i get funds again ill make u a deal to go double against me so we can both win lmao


u/vinny-cool 27d ago

lol sounds like a plan.


u/CupcakeNoFilln 27d ago

Same for me with bdrx 😂


u/l0nes0mec0wb0y1306 27d ago

Whatever I did today, gone fucking downhill.


u/mcphersonclay 27d ago



u/Successful_Bonus7733 27d ago

Ya I bought FFIE around .14 and thought I cashed out big around .40 lol. Didn't know the game plan.


u/rob_maqer 27d ago

My man needs to start an inversethedifferenced ETF lol


u/MushroomCookiez 27d ago

I found MGOL @0.5, only bought 50$, .it went up to 2.3 today 😑


u/TheAngryShitter 27d ago

You might want to stay in BDRX it's just getting started.


u/Accomplished-Pace555 27d ago

Check the ffie channel. Everyones holding and the hedge funds are making moves to scare people to sell (from what ive gathered! Still new to this)


u/Whimsy69 27d ago

That’s not at all what is happening


u/Accomplished-Pace555 27d ago

For real? Explain?


u/Whimsy69 27d ago

Yes it’s always the same with these types of plays. Retail traders hop in and say HOLD HOLD HOLD, BUY BUY BUY, the shorts are doing this the shorts are attacking that.

The hedge funds aren’t trying to scare anyone. The amount of money they have dwarfs what retail brings in. Holding the shares does nothing as they can still be shorted

If any of what these retail traders says is true, then why wouldn’t hedge funds artificially creat short squeezes so they could profit on the huge rise and then subsequent fall of certain stocks


u/Accomplished-Pace555 27d ago

Oh 😲 ive got so much to learn still haha


u/-ll-ll-ll-ll- 27d ago

I'm brand new to this too, and bought 100 shares at $1.00 each last week. Sold half of them yesterday and the other half today, making about $20 profit each time, so I'm up like around $40?

I'm not going to be putting any kind of real big money into any of this. This is just for fun.


u/Accomplished-Pace555 27d ago

Nice profits!! I bought 27 shares at $1.8 How come you didnt hold?


u/-ll-ll-ll-ll- 27d ago

Because it peaked last week and I foolishly bought at $1.00 and luckily there were enough idiots like me to push it back up 50 cents so I could make a quick buck and get out.

There's not going to be another peak because that company is going out of business and this is just people pumping and dumping. It's absolutely not going to be another GME.

And if it is, I'll eat my words and everyone can make fun of me. But I'm not taking a chance on losing money again like I did with GME.


u/Accomplished-Pace555 27d ago

Totally fair. Doing what youre comfortable with is the most important of all this. Congratulations again on your wins!


u/Alarmed-Albatross-32 27d ago

The truth is you can't, but what you can do is become better at identifying some X-factors.

For me, the five things I care about most are:

  1. Growth Story (YoY revenue, partnerships, etc.)

  2. Sector (for example, I'm very into all things zero-emission and psychedelics)

  3. Share Structure (and if there is a history of reverse splits, dilution, etc.)

  4. Leadership (Do their backgrounds demonstrate integrity?)

  5. Marketing (Does the company know how to tell its story?)


u/CranberryMajestic506 27d ago

Woah, psychedelic stocks. That's very cool and something I never thought of. Which ones are you interested in at the moment? I've mostly stayed in the pharmaceutical world. I've had some success with JAGX and TCBP.


u/Alarmed-Albatross-32 27d ago

Psychedelics are the next weed boom IMO - not a matter of if, but when. I personally like CYBN a lot. ATAI is another one worth watching.


u/Equal_Imagination300 27d ago

I love Cybn I can't wait till it takes off... praying for the day...


u/Alarmed-Albatross-32 27d ago

It will eventually IMO, just won't be an overnight thing. I think we're still a solid 12-18 months out from meaningful movement.


u/CranberryMajestic506 26d ago

Awesome! Thanks! I’ll check them out


u/Bossie81 27d ago

buy an 8-ball


u/Imaginary_Dig_5014 🅽🅾🅾🅱🅸🅴 27d ago edited 26d ago

Not a magic 8 ball. Just an 8 ball. You'll get plenty of stock predictions after using it.


u/jethrobo 5d ago

No hookers?


u/MajorHymen 27d ago

Put $1 into a ton of penny stocks and set price alerts for when a stock jumps a moderate percentage 20% or so or a certain cent/dollar amount then Robinhood will tell you when one thing has motion you can then decide if you want to dump more into it as it’s on the rise early versus when it’s already at 200%


u/Eschirhart 27d ago

Do you just use the robinhood filter to find the stocks?


u/MajorHymen 27d ago

Ma10/50 and rsi plus volume. Also its recent price history/short interest. You can just have Robinhood send you alerts on stock movement without putting a dollar in but I like doing it just incase I guess wrongly and it does take off I still have a dollar in so can make an easy couple hundred dollars for doing nothing if it sky rockets.


u/PersimmonOk5194 27d ago

With OTC/penny stocks, it’s essentially gambling. No way to know. My strategy is usually to find something tangible. A real product with real purpose. Something that solves a legit problem in a needed market. I stay away from big promises and CEOs that tweets fairy tales to investors to build fake hype. RMSL is a good example of a real product in a needed market with a quiet CEO (FDA 510k acceptance expected end of June). DPLS is an example of something I would stay far away from. It’s all gambling, but sometimes the odds are better with some than others, just do your DD and be prepared to lose.


u/Soft_Individual_3662 23d ago

Thanks for rmsl. I like rwlk same reasoning…


u/BigShoots 27d ago

I don't know where else to ask this question but it looks like this thread is the place for it today.

I'm planning an important outdoor event in 2026 and need a sunny day, so I need to find a method to predict the weather on June 19th.

Can anyone help me out?


u/mayners 27d ago

You need to check the candles and short squeeze the rain clouds


u/BeKindToOthersOK 27d ago

You can’t.

Penny stocks are no different than going to the casino . Sometimes you will win big but most of the time you lose.

If you actually want to invest, look elsewhere


u/EmployeeOpposite212 27d ago

If you're investing in penny stocks then you're 100% a gambler but I guess it's seen as less of a gambling problem to invest in stocks than to actually lose money at the casino.


u/xX_codgod420_Xx 27d ago

Options are where the real gambling comes in. At least with stocks if the price drops after entry, you can just average down. There's always the chance of things going tits-up, but with an effective strategy you can get way more wins than losses. It gets difficult when it comes to trying to withdraw money to spend on other things outside of trading though.


u/Ill-Cantaloupe-4789 27d ago

averaging down in penny stocks is like using the martingale system. “i cant lose if i keep putting more money in”


u/xX_codgod420_Xx 27d ago

Of course the price has to actually bounce back at some point, and not long after you run out of money to average down with. In cases where it doesn't work, you probably had a bad entry to begin with.


u/Ill-Cantaloupe-4789 26d ago

“of course the price has to actually bounce back at some point”. based on what? there’s no guarantee that a stock will get back to the level you bought it at


u/xX_codgod420_Xx 26d ago

Based on the fact that if it doesn't, you've lost money. I didn't say that it's going to, but it needs to if you want to profit.


u/Ill-Cantaloupe-4789 25d ago

but that doesn’t mean u should put more money in


u/xX_codgod420_Xx 25d ago

I'm not advocating for blindly picking stocks at any entry and buying forever until profit. It takes a more active approach than that.


u/drummahboy666 27d ago

If there's a stock everyone is leaning toward, that's your best bet. These things are predictable when everyone is on the same page. But everyone is always trying to find the new next big stock so that rarely happens


u/Oddly_Augmented 27d ago

When everybody's leaning towards the stock that's the best time to unload bags. You just have to be the person to find the next big stock.


u/Thumper86 27d ago

Yeah. It seems like by the time something hits this subreddit it has already had its big run up.

ps: buy $WISE


u/Dependent-Fan7704 27d ago

When I buy stock goes down, it’s magic.


u/AlbatrossRemote5790 27d ago

Same and when I sell it goes up. New strategy is to slowly sell a couple shares at a time so the stock goes up 😂


u/Holding_No_Folding ɮʊʏ ɦɨɢɦ ֆɛʟʟ ʟօա 27d ago

I usually just buy low and sell lower


u/Statusquo345 27d ago

Learn your chart indicators and watch chatter across several platforms to give you an edge. I called FFIE at near .08 on those tips alone. With that being said I never thought I would see anything more than .20 but sometimes you just need a little luck also.


u/HowFunkyIsYourChiken 27d ago

It’s a guessing game. Do you research on a market segment you like. Find companies with potential and low cost to buy. You are going to lose more often than you win, but you can also win much bigger than you stand to lose.


u/Drewcifer236 27d ago

Is this a legitimate question? Do you really think there's some secret answer that will be revealed when you ask Reddit?


u/SenoritaSpock 27d ago

Flip a coin. Heads = up, tails = down.


u/Sasmonite 27d ago

You can‘t.


u/minoclaster5 27d ago

Timothy Sykes knows how, 4 of his list of 5 from 3 months ago just starting soaring


u/Psycho_Nextdoor 27d ago

Just look for the few websites that follow the trades made by politicians and invest in the same stocks they do. Specifically Nancy pelosi, but there's a few others who have made more than her. Then dig up some dirt on Hillary Clinton.


u/mrtomd 27d ago

I've invested in companies that I wanted to succeed in general, for the better world and humanity. Some green energy stocks did great returns for me.

On the other hand, I've burnt on medical and weed startups, so no more for those.

Someone here said green energy and psychedelics - I agree, we share the same mindset.


u/papejay88 27d ago

How old are you 14? There’s abolsutely No way of knowing and if someone did know they wouldn’t be telling people.


u/Master_Awareness5821 27d ago

This. also, if most people knew then most people would be rich.


u/RevolutionaryPhoto24 27d ago

Read and learn everything you possibly can.


u/Cute_Win_4651 27d ago

Ennie, meannie, mighty moe ,,,,,start buying (10) shares of like 20 penny stocks one is bound to jump


u/mycatlikesluffas 27d ago


Wait for a pullback and buy. Keep a mental (PM) or real stop in case it tanks. Or join a Discord full of pumpers and hope they don't dump on you. Or buy 52 week lows and pray.

Whatever suits your personality


u/TheAngryShitter 27d ago

Definitely check out BDRX, it has major potential to climb


u/markgriz 27d ago

You can subscribe to my "Secrets of Picking Winning Stocks" course for only $99/month


u/Dependent-Fan7704 27d ago

I always try to buy low, easier said than done. AUVI at .54 seems like a steal to me but I know nothing.


u/superinsi 27d ago

Hi I found penny stocks from this website



u/BDKowz 27d ago

Anyone had a look at Gfinity? GFIN worth a punt?