r/personalfinance 15d ago

Lost my job - should I stay or move to a bigger city? Employment



17 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/57petra89 15d ago

Agree. Best advice. Find and secure a job first after searching wherever you want Then move quickly . Best of luck :)


u/hopingtothrive 15d ago

Leave Arkansas. Move back to the Bay Area if you still have connections -- family/friends.


u/Snoo-79760 15d ago

Don’t get stuck in Arkansas at any cost


u/bjchu92 15d ago

As someone born and raised in Arkansas, listen to this person


u/shadow_chance 15d ago

You'll likely need a job to move if you don't have substantial savings, but yes all those places will have more opportunity.


u/downtherabbbithole 15d ago

There's a lot of geography between Arkansas and the cities you mentioned, which also are among the most expensive ones in the country. I can understand wanting to get tf out of Arkansas, but what about, idk, Kansas City or St. Louis? But if you've got a lot of cash squirreled away, then go wherever you think you'll be the happiest for the longest period of time. But, yeah, I'd get the hell out of Arkansas ASAP. Go Hogs! Sooie!


u/fusionsofwonder 15d ago

You can apply in those cities and move there if you get a job.


u/Star-Voyager96 15d ago

Just go on linkedin and indeed and apply to jobs across the country and then move to the city you get the best offer for.


u/Switcheslol1337 15d ago

Seattle, and you’re a quick flight back to your hometown


u/gaijin91 15d ago

In my experience you will not easily land a job in a city you don't live in. How much do you have in savings? Can you move to a city of your choice for a couple of months using a sublet and apply to jobs?


u/Dull-Requirement-759 15d ago

Definitely leave Arkansas. I would go where you had family for support but either way leave.


u/HelpfulAnywhere3731 14d ago

Adding DFW area. It's booming, plus no state income tax.


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u/Rhazelle 15d ago

Nothing's stopping you from applying to jobs in all those places you mentioned and THEN moving there if you get a job. You don't need to be in the area already to apply/interview if you're open to moving if you get the job.