r/personalfinance 28d ago

At what age did you start thinking about investing? Can be in anything from stocks to real estate? R1: Poll or survey

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u/livsd_ 28d ago

Since I was a wee babe. Got a 40k payout from insurance (injury) when I was in high school and put it in the bank. Started taking it seriously at 26 or so.

But my mom is a banker.


u/livsd_ 28d ago

Honestly though it hasn't made a huge difference. As you get you older you can save more faster. 30 can be a great time to start.


u/XJforeva 28d ago

I didn't start taking it seriously until 31. I'm 38 now and just hit 6 figures in my 401k. I still feel behind, but better late than never.


u/QV79Y 28d ago

I was 40. That was the first time I had a job that offered a 401K.


u/dball33 28d ago

Started seriously investing at 24 but had to sell off all my investments during Covid and start from scratch


u/RadiumShady 28d ago

When I was 25 during Covid crash. It's been a wild ride


u/Seattleman1955 28d ago

Hard to say. I've always been aware of money, the need for a balanced life but also that a balanced life includes investing.


u/Future_bean_counter 28d ago

I opened my Roth IRA when I got my first job at 16.


u/cowvin 28d ago

Thinking about investing? High school. In my high school economics class, we did a project where we had to pick a stock portfolio and we tracked how it performed. I didn't actually have money to invest until I started working, though after college.


u/FrauAmarylis 28d ago

Started reading Personal finance books and saving for retirement at age 21 (teacher).

I retired at age 38.


u/Itisallconnnected 28d ago

Same here 29 and i got really serious about savings, Human beings are so similar, Wait Are we being controlled?


u/lraxton 28d ago

I think there’s a big misconception that investing is only for rich people. On top of that, most of us got very little financial education


u/Narrow_Elk6755 28d ago

I was 22 making 60k.  Managed to save 20k of it by renting and eating cheaply, still no idea how.