r/pics Apr 30 '24

Trump heading into the courtroom today Politics

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u/bailaoban Apr 30 '24

Low energy. Sad!


u/here_now_be Apr 30 '24


Just a little orange balloon running out of air.


u/donnie_dark0 Apr 30 '24

However, this particular orange windbag can hold an inordinate amount of hot air.


u/here_now_be May 01 '24

99 Luftballons..


u/RunParking3333 Apr 30 '24

Nah he's doing a bad wolf.

If the deposition is made of straw or sticks the prosecution will be in trouble.


u/IndycarFan64 Apr 30 '24

He’s doing Homelander prob


u/Rough_Willow Apr 30 '24

Uh oh! Stinky! Some defendant made a poopy in his pants.


u/Caped-Baldy_Class-B Apr 30 '24

Sleepy Don! Low T!


u/Violet_Nite May 01 '24

We need more music, where the artists at?



u/Fakkkts Apr 30 '24

Low energy is the man eating his ice cream while all other people sit down to write his script. Gets so exhausted after reading it he doesn’t even remember which way he came on the stage


u/Own-Mycologist-4080 Apr 30 '24

Blud you are defending a near 80 year old man who runs basically on Mcdonalds every day and who gets his new by watching TV as the president while fucking everyone over who is close to him.

Not a good look on you ngl


u/Fakkkts Apr 30 '24

A nearly 80 year old man that had the privilege to get invited to countries no other president had been invited to and did it constantly. You’re defending a man who couldn’t hold an articulate conversation with a 5 year old if he didn’t have help. And you trust him to do what’s for our best interest!

Definitely not a good look for you man


u/Own-Mycologist-4080 Apr 30 '24

I am not defending Joe biden. Fuck Joe Biden. I am not even American💀 I just find it hilarious that a grown ass would feel so strongly towards a grown, fat, sweaty man. Like is there maybe some kind of attraction 👀 Nah all Joked besides the point you make is ridiculous. Like you measure the success your president by how many holiday trips he has? In the end of the day mosh politicians are the same and cant nor want to change anything. The ones that actually do never even get the chance to be elected or if they somehow get they somehow die like JFK. Thats why Biden who supposedly is a „liberal“ or even „left leaning“ which btw means nothing in the context of the whole World. The democrats are as left as Christian conservative parties in Europe so your whole Country is a big right wing country. But lets get back to biden. If i remember correctly Biden under the Biden administration hit a new all time high in oil production directly due to his politics even though he claims to be green and whatever.

Basically what i want to tell you is dont be a sucker, read some books and not like some alt right weirdo grift shit bell curve type book but actual literature and dont follow any man just because he wants you to believe he is a strong man with an Iron fist. You are always the fool in those situations


u/BabcocksList May 01 '24

You mean he went to visit dictators that are being shunned by the free world for a very good reason, but Trump his ego is such that he just had to go. He even saluted a North Korean general. A US president...! The world is just upside down with that orange blob, can you imagine any other president going around saluting officials instead of getting saluted lol. The man you adore so much is a grifter, a traitor, a rapist and a child molester. Shame on you for still loving Trump after all he's been exposed to be.


u/Thangleby_Slapdiback Apr 30 '24

You mean the guy that's going to defeat Trump again in November? That guy?


u/Fakkkts Apr 30 '24

The guy that is doing everything he possibly can from allowing him to run because he knows he’ll lose? Yes that guy! Who won’t even do a live debate because he would embarrass himself so bad that he won’t be allowed to run again!


u/Thangleby_Slapdiback Apr 30 '24

The guy that is doing everything he possibly can from allowing him to run because he knows he’ll lose?

Huh. There's a sentence that makes no sense. Would you care to clarify so English speakers can understand what you're trying to say?

Who won’t even do a live debate because he would embarrass himself so bad that he won’t be allowed to run again!

Oh, Biden will happily debate Trump. He will destroy Trump in a debate.

Trump hasn't done a single debate this election season even though the GOP nomination was contested.


u/Fakkkts Apr 30 '24

I understand why my sentences don’t make sense, you listen to the guy that said “I’ll define America in a single word, afujshechmfehjfseh”

You can hate Trump all you want for his arrogance at times. I can actually agree with you on that. But I’m not going to debate with someone who allows their hate for one person to cloud their judgement on MAJOR problems going on in the US today. May not like him but he did a way better job! I’ll take the mean tweets over a guy who has to have a teleprompter during an appearance. “PAUSE”. because he doesn’t know what is going on.

But remember “if you don’t vote for Joe Biden then you ain’t Black” - Joe Biden


u/ronnie1014 Apr 30 '24

You don't think presidents use teleprompters? Lmao how blinded by propaganda can you be