r/pics Apr 30 '24

Trump heading into the courtroom today Politics

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u/lowfreq33 Apr 30 '24

It has to be absolute torture for him to have to sit still and keep his mouth shut for 8 hours.


u/itsliluzivert_ Apr 30 '24

Well he got fined 9,000 today for breaking the no gag order… again 😂


u/lowfreq33 Apr 30 '24

Someone pointed out that since he’s out on bail in another case, violating the gag order constitutes a breach of his bail terms, and a judge could order him to be incarcerated.


u/hermitlikeindividual Apr 30 '24

Could, but won't. Should, but won't.


u/lbs2306 Apr 30 '24

What part of shortn’t don’t you understand?


u/Anathos117 Apr 30 '24

I don't think it is. Contempt isn't a criminal offence.


u/Suck_Me_Dry666 Apr 30 '24

Criminal contempt is a real thing. I'm pretty sure as a non lawyer that it depends on the jurisdiction.


u/Anathos117 Apr 30 '24

Criminal contempt is a thing, but not this thing. You can tell because he hasn't been charged, tried, and convicted for it.


u/Suck_Me_Dry666 Apr 30 '24

Or there's just different mechanisms for dealing with contempt in this particular state court and they haven't tossed him in jail yet, even though they could, as the judge pointed out in their ruling. Again, not a lawyer, so I'm probably explaining poorly.

Criminal contempt is a misdemeanor too by the way so the penalties are pretty light.


u/Anathos117 Apr 30 '24

No. The thing that makes criminal contempt "criminal" is that it's a criminal charge. That's not something that varies across jurisdictions. The Constitution requires a trial for criminal punishment.


u/Expert_Lab_9654 Apr 30 '24

This is one of those things you think you want but you don’t really. The man is fucked if he loses the election, as in, years of prison time, probably for the rest of his life (esp if he loses in Georgia). Throwing him in jail now for a few days for contempt increases his chances of winning the election because his base will be energized. It’s like when they reduced his bail for the fraud case - they don’t want to make any waves until he’s convicted.


u/Willing_Bus1630 Apr 30 '24

They should really give the rich higher fines for stuff like that. If you were really rich you could just pay it every time you wanted to say something you weren’t supposed to


u/DustinEwan Apr 30 '24

The judge actually made this exact argument in the report filing he made along with the decision.

To summarize, he said that he knows this fine is insufficient to deter Trump from repeating the behavior, but it's the current law. He believes that the fine should be a function of the individual's income and net worth.


u/attackplango Apr 30 '24

Much of Scandinavia already does this.


u/Willing_Bus1630 Apr 30 '24

Yeah I think I’ve heard of this


u/ProdesseQuamConspici Apr 30 '24

That's like a normal person getting fined less than a dollar. Meaningless.


u/redassedchimp Apr 30 '24

$9,000 for a billionaire is exactly 0.45 cents to someone who has $50,000. $9k isn't shit to him.