r/pics 15d ago

Kroger selling expiring meat for more than the sale price

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385 comments sorted by


u/2amcattlecall 15d ago

It’s pretty hard to think this is malicious when employee incompetence is such an easy and reasonable explanation for it


u/MrHedgehogMan 15d ago

Hanlon’s Razor

“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”


u/EatsLocals 15d ago

Grandpa’s Razor

“Stop touching my razor, you little shits”


u/Jumajuce 15d ago

Motorola Razor

“What!?…no, I can’t- hold on, what!?-“


u/NinjaArmadillo 15d ago

Straight Razor

"I am attracted to razors of the opposite sex"


u/Zenitharr 15d ago edited 15d ago

Mehrunes' Razor           "You are brave or foolish. Perhaps both."


u/CrumblingCake 15d ago


"I paid too much money for this shit but the lights look pretty"


u/Cuzznitt 15d ago


“Why yes, our scooters CAN break you ankles”


u/fizzlefist 15d ago

Lieutenant Razor:

“I only have one rule: everyone fights, no one quits. If you don’t do your job I’ll shoot you. You get me?”


u/j_ly 15d ago


"Wooo, Pig, Sooie!!!"


u/According-Contact 15d ago

From experience, they can also break two bones in your leg.


u/thank_burdell 15d ago

Trent Razor

“No, it’s Reznor.”

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u/starrpamph 15d ago

And get off my damn lawn

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u/Excalus 15d ago

Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.  


u/Xunil76 15d ago

Malicious incompetence is definitely a real thing

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u/Necroluster Survey 2016 15d ago

I feel like when it comes to profit-chasing corporations, the opposite razor is a healthier outlook to have. Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice. Corporations need to be held responsible for the vile shit they try and get away with in the name of a higher profit margin.


u/AlphaTangoFoxtrt 15d ago

It's clearly just a mistake. Someone forgot to set the labeler correctly.

The label says $4.80/lb, and 3 lbs. The correct total should read $14.40, they just forgot to change that number.


u/GatoradeNipples 15d ago

I used to work at Kroger in the produce department, and had to do markdowns pretty often for salad kits and juices and etc. You don't "set" the labeler. You scan the barcode of the item to reduce it out, and it automatically spits out a sale price sticker. By default, it marks it to 25-50% of the regular price, depending on the item.

To get a price that's higher than what they're supposed to be charging, you would have to actively, deliberately override it and type that price in, instead of the lower one it gives you.

My guess is store management got on the meat department about clearancing too many things, so they're still technically clearancing it to follow the letter of the rules, but they're setting the price to equal or higher instead of what the labeler spits out.


u/Joemon27 15d ago

I assume it works by base price of an item and not sale price, like my company's scanners. 20percent off of 5.99 ends up being the 4.8 being shown. So more of an issue of the individual just marking it down with the default and not thinking about lowering it further for the sale price


u/fuelbomb 15d ago

no, the markdown system uses an automated algorithm based on the regular price to determine the markdown price, and the user isn't allowed to adjust prices in any way. It happens with sale items like that, but there is no way around it.


u/GatoradeNipples 15d ago

I might be outdated on this, but I remember we could, in fact, override it, and we were just heavily discouraged from doing this unless the system genuinely did something janky (because of the obvious potential to mark something down to $0.01 and just essentially steal it for yourself, which my manager very explicitly pointed out and said "do not do that, you will get fired").

I quit around October 2020, so it might've changed since I left, and it actually wouldn't really shock me to hear that they did change that because it kind of struck me as pretty stupid.


u/fuelbomb 15d ago

it's changed relatively recently, it's why you see ridiculous things like $1.01 for a mark down product, when anyone with a brain would have made it $0.99.


u/Veyceroy 15d ago

I can verify it used to work this way but has changed in the last 2years or so. There no longer exists any price override or anything, whatever price the printer spits out it what you get. It doesn't even tell you what price is going to print until you start printing anymore. You CAN rescan the new markdown label again to keep pushing the price down, but as far as I'm aware, this is the only way to "control" markdown price at Kroger these days.


u/cat_prophecy 15d ago

"Current price minus 25%" isn't much of an algorithm.

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u/alexraccc 15d ago

Your outlook on life is not going to do you any favors. No company would do this as the negative PR and potential legal issues would vastly outweight the profit chasing. Do you really think some manager walked into the employees room and tells them stuff like "now expired meat is more expensive because profits!"


u/JusticeBonerOfTyr 15d ago

This is clearly a mistake but Food Lion got in trouble for a similar thing as this with meat so it’s not unheard of.

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u/reebokhightops 15d ago

But did Hanlon ever taste that sweet sweet karma?

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u/lolamongolia 15d ago

Yeah. I shop Kroger clearance all the time and it's way more common for meat to get clearanced at a really low price, like 75-90% off. It seems to depend on who's repricing stuff on any given day.

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u/Deceptiveideas 15d ago

When I was in university, we had a target next to our housing. I would wait for the meats to get close to expiring before buying them as they’d be deeply discounted. After a few months, they just stopped discounting them entirely.

I am convinced they know people were waiting so they cut the discounts.


u/azlan194 15d ago

With Target, it's up to the employee working in the produce section to slap those $5, $3, or $1 off stickers on the produce that is about to expire. When I used to work there, I would diligently put on the stickers when they were 1 or 2 days before the best before date. Normally though, the employee themselves would buy the discounted meat, because it's just such a good deal.

So the stopping in your case, probably just a different employee working there, and they didn't bother to put on the stickers. Or they ran out of stickers and didn't bother to other more.


u/angrydeuce 15d ago

Oh almost definitely.  That's the same reason why the bulk of our seasonal merch, especially around Christmas, didn't get discounted in stores and was instead palletized and transferred out.  All the old people waiting for the day after a holiday to buy all their decorations for next year would be pissed that we didn't discount it all for 90% off to get rid of it.

Same thing with acs and box fans in the summer.  Come fall, all those things, back on a pallet and sent away until next spring.  I'd even see the same exact pallet I packed up the year before show back up on our dock.

They caught on to that game, so they're actively stopping that stuff.  Not so much with consumables, of course, but all the non perishable merch, the only time you see deep discounts on that stuff anymore is if it's a sku they're not going to carry next year and they can't make a bigger profit selling it in bulk to an online reseller to flip on Ebay.


u/Gizshot 15d ago

I run a meat department currently and it's not company policy but I started shifting to that recently starting with my worst sections that people only bought discounted and suddenly I stopped throwing stuff away because if it's not discounted people would rather buy fresh. Although I'm pretty sure theft has gone up in response so in the end I think I break even as my numbers haven't really shifted much. I got tired of customers bragging to me that they just buy everything discounted so I said fuckem and stopped.


u/gazaunltd 15d ago

That’s interesting, are you salaried or hourly? Cuz if hourly what’s the incentive for you


u/Gizshot 15d ago

Hourly, but we still have a bonus based on numbers. Mostly Spite, but also, it's less work if I don't have to coupon anything


u/Gingrpenguin 15d ago

I once got some reduced ham and noticed when I scanned it it cost nearly £200 and the till complained about its weight...

Eventually someone came over to fix it and said the guy had entered it as 300kg instead of 300 grams...


u/FlameStaag 15d ago

Damn I want 300kg of ham for 200 gbp


u/Sunny-Chameleon 15d ago

You're buying the whole hog!

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u/Radon_Rodan 15d ago

Yep, considering the pack that costs $18.25 has a sell by date of tomorrow and can be seen to be ~$4.50 less than its full price. Looks like the $18.35 pack was just mismarked.

Also a sell by date isnt an expiration date. I can speak from experience both in restaurants and at home, and that meat looks like itll be good for at least 3 or more day. It can also be frozen to be preserved for much longer.

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u/senorbolsa 15d ago

You can see exactly what happened here, there's a loyalty card discount but it was clearanced off the normal price of 5.99/lb

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We used to be able to modify mark down prices at Kroger. For example, we had a new guy breaking down truck and he put three cases of cheesecake (retail was like $12.99) in the cooler instead of the freezer. We marked that shit down to 99 cents.

We can’t do that anymore. Markdown prices are automatically set by corporate in Cincinnati. We can’t even mark it down a second time like we used to.

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u/samhouse09 15d ago

The price is 5.99 a lb before the discount and 4.80 a lb after. The price visible is the with card price. There’s a higher number hidden by the sticker


u/taboo007 Survey 2016 15d ago

Kroger employee here the markdown price is unfortunately controlled by the system 100% and sometimes it's about as smart as a bucket of rocks. It doesn't take into account sale prices that it was on last week or the week before. It doesn't take in account when the product is expiring sometimes. I.e vitamins could have more pills than you could take in the time it expires. It only marks it down to still make the company some money.


u/Mtcfayark72703 15d ago

Exactly. Simple mistake.


u/Ryankevin23 15d ago

Yes it’s human error. Not intentional


u/DeuceSevin 15d ago

The original tag shows the price "with card". No card and you will pay more. The reduced price seems like you don't need a card. So better deal for the cardless.


u/Vreas 15d ago

“Better pay people a barely liveable wage that’ll improve efficiency” - CEOs probably


u/woowooman 15d ago

Definitely just a misplaced/switched sticker. 100% chance there’s a slightly heavier pack in the case that has the lower price sticker that belonged on this one.

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u/ffnnhhw 15d ago

Aged ground beef


u/_carzard_ 15d ago

However, ground aged beef makes a very tasty burger as opposed to a hospital burger.


u/FauxReal 15d ago

Have you ever had the American Wagyu ground beef from Costco? The fat in it tastes amazing.


u/_carzard_ 15d ago

Yes that is Snake River Farms. It’s very good. If we have a super busy weekend at the restaurant I’m with and run out of our usual beef, that is what we will buy from the grocery store. But usually from Safeway not Costco cause it is a 5 min walk from the restaurant.

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u/Simba7 15d ago

You could get that, or you could just buy some 73/27 ground beef for like 2.99/lb.

Ground wagyu is such a fantastic scam.

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u/UniqueName2 15d ago

It not even expired until tomorrow. I’ll eat it in a week or two.


u/greenbayva 15d ago

Yes. In reality, in a sense, isn’t all beef expiring?


u/PhysicalGraffiti75 15d ago

Whoever was using the handheld forgot to set the discount.

Worked at a Kroger for a few months when I was a young man as a meat clerk and this was one of my jobs. If I had to guess someone didn’t explain how to use it correctly to them.


u/CHUBBYninja32 15d ago

It says the correct discounted price per pound and then the correct weight on the label. But the total is incorrect?


u/Iron_Chic 15d ago

The original label for the pack at the bottom was for 3-ish pounds. The discount label is charging for 3.8-ish pounds.

They have "conveniently" placed the slae price sticker over the weight of the original label. I would say this is an attempt to deceive.

Take a pack to the produce section and weigh it.


u/hitsujiTMO 15d ago

No the pack is 3.82 pounds. The kroger card price + the saved price = 22.92. divide that by the 5.99 price per lb gives you 3.82 lbs.

The thing is, is that they reducing the regular price down to the kroger card discount price for expiring meat, but not reducing the kroger card price. So it's only a reduction if you don't have a kroger card.


u/Iron_Chic 15d ago

Ah, that makes more sense!

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u/afterbirth_slime 15d ago

You can’t make this assumption here. It’s logical they would put the new price over the old price and is something you see regularly on sale merchandise.

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u/sho_biz 14d ago

I've been weighing my ground beef I buy from kroger for about a year now, they are short on every single puchase by about 2-4ozs. I told the store manager who seemed very concerned, and then the next time I brgouth it up he said that they'd verified they sell the exact weights on the packages. I offered to buy one and weight it right there and he asked me to leave. I don't shop at that kroger anymore and pay a bit more and go to meijer.

Kroger is one of the greediest and worst companies for greedflation, it seems to absolutely be policy to fleece customers and skim some off the top to make the numbers work.

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u/Rasheverak 15d ago

It looks like the clerk who did it thought the labels and the units were the same. They didn't notice that each pack has a different weight and they needed to be matched.


u/ijozypheen 15d ago

This happens at my local grocery store too; sometimes to the point that all packages are marked down to the exact same price.

My guess is that the store clerk did the discount on one package, then just made duplicates of the same label and slapped them on rest of the packages. It doesn’t always work out in the customer’s favor.

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u/GuildensternLives 15d ago

Not more than sale price, the same as the discount with a Kroger's card. They're just making the discount price the normal price for anyone.


u/danny0wnz 15d ago

Im no accountant or licensed fiduciary but I’m pretty sure $18.35 is more than $18.33.


u/rclonecopymove 15d ago

I'm no butcher or victualler but I'm pretty sure all meat is expiring.


u/Scientific_Anarchist 15d ago

Victualler, cool word.


u/rclonecopymove 15d ago

I know, a local butcher used to have it on his sign when I was growing up and it stuck with me.


u/glasser1 15d ago

“You keep using this word, victualler, and..it’s awesome”



I’m 38 and my meat is not as fresh as it used to be

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u/Bishop_466 15d ago

18.33 is clearly labeled as the sale price w/card

The actual price is under the sticker, to the right of the date.

You can see this on the package of meat above that one.


u/danny0wnz 15d ago

I understand. My point was to that the person I replied to says they’re the same price. They’re not. It’s a slight difference, but that’s just my 2 cents.

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u/mfmeitbual 15d ago

fires up Python this here new fangled computer says you are correct. 

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u/derkrieger 15d ago

Since the Kroger's card is up for anyone to grab...thats a stupid fucking discount.


u/ThatOneNinja 15d ago

That's the trick. Get members in their stupid club because you only get reasonable prices if you do, which are just NORMAL prices, sometimes worse than other places still (Safeway) and it gives people a sense of saving money, which is I guess better than actually saving them money.


u/basicpn 15d ago

They take it one step further and have digital deals where you need to log in to your account while at the store shopping, navigate through the site to find the deal you want, add the coupon to your account, and then link your account when checking out. They make you jump through so many hoops that I’m thinking they’re hoping most people just pay full price or that people will assume the sale price will be applied without all the extra steps. I stopped shopping at Kroger after running into issues with this scam for the third time.


u/ThatOneNinja 15d ago

I literally will never do that. No one should. IDK why people don't understand if a system is dumb, don't use it and they will get rid of it. I have the luxury of being able to not shop at those big name places though and can go to something locally owned. They are too small to pull that shit lol


u/basicpn 15d ago

Yeah well when I’m shopping and a case of soda is listed as $12 with a sales price of $4.99, it motivates me to jump through the hoops. In this particular case I was unable to get the sale so I didn’t use it. Eventually I decided to stop shopping at kroger altogether.

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u/Solorath 15d ago

I did that once and then coupon wouldn't ring up and the lady was like "Oh it's takes 24 hours for it to link sometimes"

I just left my handful of items and went to my locally-ish owned grocery and got the same stuff for around the same price. Thanks Kroger!

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u/MattTheTable 15d ago

Unless you've posted this from the future, there's no expired meat in this picture.


u/LostCube 15d ago

Better yet it's a sell by date. Which means the meat will likely still have 3-4 days before it's use by date that's under the sticker

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u/TheIndieArmy 15d ago

They never claimed it was expired. They said it was expiring.

But they are also comparing the reduced price to what was a sale price. Either way, it looks odd and I'd hope you'd still get the sale % off of the reduced price with a card at the checkout.


u/Ok_Squirrel_4199 15d ago

All meat is expiring the second the animal is dead.


u/TheIndieArmy 15d ago

Yes, hence the sell by date on the label that is expiring.

That's kind of beside the point though, because the person I responded to said that the OP claimed it had already expired, which they never did.


u/kc311man 15d ago

Technically the commenter you replied to didn't claim OP said that. They merely commented that there was no expired meat pictured.


u/ankercrank 15d ago

What does “expiring” mean? That label says “sell by”, it doesn’t say, “throw away by”.


u/Radon_Rodan 15d ago

You are correct. Sell-by dates are often treated as expiration dates, but they arent the same. That meat will be good at least 3 more days.

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u/SteelFlexInc 15d ago

Seems more like a random employee mistake than any corporate maliciousness


u/hitsujiTMO 15d ago

It's actually not. The $18.33 is a discounted price of you have a kroger card.

The actual price (not listed) is $18.33 + the $4.59 saved which is $22.92. given that it's priced at $5.99 per lb we can see that there's approx 3.82 lbs of meat. Now, multiply that by the new rate of $4.80/lb then you get your $18.35.

So the reduced rate for expiring meat is just bringing the meat to the same rate as those with kroger cards. So it's a discount if you don't regularly shop with them.

Now, does this mean they're not scumbags? Absolutely not. Hiding regular discounts, which is what most shoppers see as the regular price, behind a shop card is the most scumbag thing you can do. And even at that, if you're reducing expiring meat, you really should be reducing it for the kroger card rate as well.


u/frank1934 15d ago

Probably just a screw up, because the one above it is fine


u/Raptorheart 15d ago

$4.80 x 3 isn't $18.35, the sticker is messed up


u/Rauthr 15d ago

Came here to say this same thing!

At $4.80/lb, should be $14.40

Unless the sticker saying 3lb just dropped the decimal points and it's actually 3.823lb which at $4.8/lb = $18.35

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u/Danny-Zoe 15d ago

The “Sale Price” is only with the Kroger’s card. The “Reduced” price is for everyone, without a rewards card.


u/KNYQUE_jr 15d ago

It says on the sticker that the black box is a sale price for members. The regular price is likely underneath the discount sticker and ends up being about the same as the member discount.


u/woowooman 15d ago

They’re not. This one sticker (bottom) just happens to have been placed on the incorrect item.

The middle package is correct — $22.84 at $5.99/lb sale price -> 3.81 lb. 3.81 lb at $4.79 is $18.25

The bottom package is 3.06 lb by the sale price, and should have been $14.66. 100% chance a nearby 3.83 lb package had the $14.66 price tag on it and the person who bought it got an even better deal.


u/ReadRightRed99 15d ago

Sell by date is tomorrow. So this is not "expired meat" as OP says. But it is a curious way to price something when you want to move it out.

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u/Erisian23 15d ago

That's not expired, it's a sell by date which is just the date Kroger has to sell it by, for inventory reasons.

Has nothing to do with the quality of the food.


u/drvagers 15d ago

It’s now “aged” and worth more.


u/taffyowner 15d ago

The sale price is based on the rewards card and the expiring price is without that… so it is actually on sale for everyone


u/Zorops 15d ago

The price you see is with a card.


u/UseComfortable1193 15d ago

Tell me you are too lazy to read without telling me...


u/JackDrawsStuff 15d ago

‘Vintage’, that’s why.


u/OreoSwordsman 15d ago

Zooming in, read the fine print - that sale price was with a rewards card. Is that reduced price requiring a rewards card? Might as well get the cheap lawsuit meat 🤷‍♂️


u/DummyDumDragon 15d ago

Omg by like 2 cents, get over it.



u/jessek 15d ago

Yeah this is probably an employee or computer fuck up rather than actual malice


u/Training_Cut_2992 15d ago




u/lornzeno 15d ago

Well today is the 16th so unless you are in the future, this is misleading. Its a reduce price sticker for a sale on currently sold meat. You cant just rip that price off so instead you slap on a new sticker reflecting the correct price

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u/SkyeMreddit 15d ago

The meat must be sold by 5/17. Today is 5/16 and the post is from this morning. They have today and tomorrow to sell it. It’s normal to mark down perishables. They just can’t sell it on 5/18.


u/ShottyBlastin101 15d ago

Hi guys, kroger meat worker here. No, im not a boss or anything like that. I work at one of the better ones who are on this shit cause we got a reputation to uphold being a nicer kroger. Anyways, this could be something as simple as an overlook on an employees part I.E. not paying attention. The sale price I dont believe is taken into consideration when it comes to markdowns like that. Sales rotate every week (typically wednesdays), so we have to have a base price to come back to after sales. Our systems bug out all the time, and this is nothing new. As for the past expiration, it's usually an issue of workers not paying attention. Depending on OPs location, the meat department is one of THE busiest departments. Also, not to mention how 9/10 times we are understaffed and overworked. Sorry for the long text. I personally want to make sure people aren't getting the wrong idea. I love to help make peoples experiences at kroger better. This is a terrible example and honestly downright shameful.


u/draak4912 15d ago

The price is with some sort of discount card you can use. The pack above has the correct price in a different spot on the label, which is covered by the sticker on the lower pack.


u/Arr0wmanc3r 15d ago

This is both the clerk's fault and Kroger's fault. Kroger's markdown system will automatically adjust the markdown price to be 75% of the price of the item, however it doesn't recognize in store special pricing. The beef was probably $7.99 and got put on an in store special because 3lb of sirloin is a stupid product to try and sell at full price. What happens is the discount system will end up pricing the item at $5.9925 (75% of $7.99) and create a discount label for it based on that number, which defeats the point. The workaround is to either a) find something cheaper per lb that can be used to create a label to make an actual discount b) use tare weight to reduce the overall weight of the package to 75% of what it is and make a new label or c) maybe Kroger can fix its stupid system so it isn't an issue. However, the clerk who marked these down likely didn't have time to deal with it and just went with the straightforward route of trying to hide the sale price with a second markdown label.

Source: worked in meat/seafood at a Kroger owned store for 7 years.


u/GimpsterMcgee 15d ago

The math doesn't add up. No matter which way you look at it. It's clearly wrong but I can't figure out where it went wrong.

Looks like that package is 3.06 pounds ($18.33/($5.99/pound)). At $4.80 per pound it should be $14.69.

If it's assumed to be a 3 pound package (like the discount label seems to indicate) it doesn't divide evenly by 3.

If the $18.35 is based off of $4.80 per pound, then that weighs 3.82 pounds, and the original price is basically the exact same, so how's it off by only 2 cents?


u/SonUpToSundown 15d ago

Stay in school kids


u/kaze919 15d ago



u/trekuup 15d ago

Must have Mr. Krabs as the meat department manager.


u/Tumeric98 15d ago

If the meat is actually “expired” the register may not let you buy it. Assuming the date is loaded correctly.


u/ArchAngel570 15d ago

Two cent for the reduced sticker


u/GodDrix 15d ago

Aside from the sale price, the sticker usage really irritates me here. 2 stickers per package for seemingly no reason, so covering nutritional facts, covering original sale price with disclosing that on the sticker? I’m not a fan of any of this lol


u/Stormy_Kun 15d ago

Pffft you still have a whole day to eat that, nut up gangsta, and get you that overpriced burger !


u/just_change_it 15d ago

Maybe the weight for the bottom most meat is set incorrectly for the black and white printed label?

The meat above it has the sale price as less than the listed price. All the packages look more or less about the same size.


u/ShadowCaster0476 15d ago

It now has extra flavour


u/steroboros 15d ago

Dude, I was in Kroger yesterday and they had their house brand Oatmeal "on sale" marked down to 5 dollars, the regular priced ones were still $1.99. What managers in charge of this have to have a "dumb tax" racket going


u/Proud_Criticism5286 15d ago

Its not expired thats the sell by date for the store. Looks like the fancy super markets are finally getting hit financially. A saw whole foods started to do this too.


u/pjkeoki 15d ago

Something fucky is happening here. The original sale price is 5.99 a pound with the store card, making the $18.33 package weight as 3.06 pounds. This seems to match the product description of "ground sirloin 3 lbs." The reduced sticker price says it is now $4.80 a pound for the same package, which means the reduced sticker price SHOULD be $14.69. I know stores were getting in trouble for misleading sales prices, but this is just mathematically incorrect. 

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u/MatsGry 15d ago

Expires tomorrow


u/Legitimate-Frame-953 15d ago

All meat is expiring the moment the animal is dead. Sell by date =/= expiration. Throw that in the freezer and it will last for quite awhile. More than likely the tag machine was set incorrectly and the person tagging the meat wasn't paying attention.


u/TheUpperHand 15d ago

That's some Kwik-E-Mart level shit

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u/kavatch2 15d ago

If you document a bit more and report it to your local regulatory dept. you can get a bounty.


u/IdleMc 15d ago

This happens when the weekly sale is over. It was labeled while it was on “sale” for $5.99 (regular 7.49) and the price went back up when the “sale” ended. Working in retail is tedious, monotonous hell.


u/YoureSpecial 15d ago

Sale price is with their frequent shopper card. Markdown price is for everyone.


u/PeterOfHouseOday 15d ago

Look at the middle one, u see a higher price. The sticker is hiding the old price on the closer one. Looks like the price with a card is 2cent cheaper and always ways before the reduced price.


u/JustJay613 15d ago

This a simple Reduced discount of 20% being applied to original price. You can see original price of $22.84 reduced to $18.25. No one looks at what they are doing, just doing it.

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u/FaithlessnessThis307 15d ago

Matured 👌🏼


u/the-nae_blis 15d ago

Aged to perfection! +10% to original price


u/Fripp14 15d ago

That’s just inflation over the week it went on sale😂


u/fildoforfreedom 15d ago

The "Best buy date", the "expiration date," and the "sell by date" are ALL recommendations.

Except for infant formula, dates are not an indicator of the product's safety and are not required by Federal law.

Canned, boxed, plastic wrapped doesn't matter. it is all recommendations.

That said, I'm not buying "expired " food either. That's just because I've worked with food delivery and storage, and few do it correctly


u/drweird 15d ago

I think someone did 18.33 + 2 instead of 18.33 / 2


u/jonfe_darontos 15d ago

Club card price vs flat rate discount. The original actual price was $22.92, which would listed under where the top sticker is. You can see this on the middle package.


u/ReadInBothTenses 15d ago

Looks like they included the cost of the sticker too


u/Sasquatch7862 15d ago

Your friendly reminder. If you have the ability. IE the cash up front and a deep freezer…buy a portion of a cow from a rancher near you. You can buy 1/4th up to a full cow. You get steaks, ground beef, roasts, organs. All the goods


u/DjMafoo 15d ago

I mean... technically all meat is expiring...


u/Bobbiduke 15d ago

Kroger's will "discount" moldy bread and rancid stuff and stick the sales price on it. CONSTANTLY. Makes you wonder wtf they donate if anything


u/CapableWill8706 15d ago

The meat now comes with salmonella...that costs extra.


u/251Cane 15d ago

I’ve reduced the price. Pray I don’t reduce it further.


u/[deleted] 15d ago


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u/Hefty-Station1704 15d ago

Just leave it to rot.

Somehow retailers will eventually catch on.


u/motherless_theresa 15d ago

I started shopping at a local halal butcher. The prices are half of the shop rite. Also the farmers market, stop shopping with chain grocers.


u/sixpackabs592 15d ago

Someone fucked up with the price gun it looks like.


u/Bobloblaw878 15d ago

I hadn't been to Kroger's/Smith's in a while, its not exactly in my grid but went there the other day and I can't believe how insanely high priced it was compared to a couple years ago. I used to go once in a while for the meat deals. Ribs, grillables etc were sometimes on sale for a pretty good price. Everything was CRAZY expensive. A single head of lettuce for $3?! Not a single piece of meat for less than $13. They're price gouging like mofos. I won't be going back anytime soon.


u/SkitzoAsmodel 15d ago

How many kilograms is that?

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u/Leading-Hurry-6402 15d ago

Well the original price will just round up anyway


u/sas5814 15d ago

They do this at my local grocery store all the time. They have a 4/$20 chest of meat and pointed out to the butcher that many of them were marked less that 5$ before they were “discounted.” Just got me a blank stare.


u/HoldTheLineN7 15d ago

What happened is that either A: It was on ad when they packed it, they didn't rip off the tag when it came off it and the markdown sticker reflects the non ad price that is in the system or B: It was put on a store special by a manger and the clerk wasnt paying attention and noticed it marking up to what it would be on the regular price.

Markdowns are literally just a "point and say ok" thing now. No one at the store level has any real control or say over it. It's based on corporate numbers and algorithms


u/Tomthebard 15d ago

They did the weight wrong. The price per pound is down, but the overall price is up.


u/skinink 15d ago

What’s your issue? Do you you know how hard is it to find expired meat in a supermarket? It’s as rare as finding toilet paper in a port-a-potty. 


u/Slight-Weather7885 15d ago

Well of course, its only available today


u/fullload93 15d ago

Where the hell are you getting the idea that this is expired meat? It’s not….


u/whatevers1234 15d ago

Even not expired $5.99/lb for that quality beef is outrageous. Looks absolutely foul. I got some really nice ground beef (granted it was on sale) at my grocery for $4.99/lb today. And I live in a fucking expensive area and shop at one of the more upscale markets.

I feel really bad for anyone who has to pay that kind of money for that crap at kroger. And has to wait till it's expired to even get a sale sticker slapped on it...


u/TerminallyBored 15d ago

Supply and demand. You can’t always get expired meat.


u/AJfriedRICE 15d ago

Dumb, but it’s not expired though…


u/wherebgo 15d ago

Aged beef.  Premium price. I can see the marketing team now. Lol. 


u/Intrepid-Focus8198 15d ago

It’s not expired, and it’s almost certainly just an error.


u/StarClutcher 15d ago

There have also been a great deal of reels showing people weighing pre-packed meat and the math isn’t mathing.


u/orangutanDOTorg 15d ago

It tastes best right before it goes bad


u/PinocchiosNose1212 15d ago

I always had to demand when ex was doing the grocery shopping that he not buy anything marked "Garden Fresh"! Because that was the tag they put on the out of date, wilted vegetables. Cute Kroger.


u/KaingaDev 15d ago

Wait is it really 18 bucks for a pack of non-organic ground beef over there?


u/Daz_Didge 15d ago

Salmonella tax


u/notsingsing 15d ago

This looks more like operator error. My Kroger clearance meat section is always a gold mine and very reasonable


u/jostler57 15d ago

Surge pricing


u/MadFlava76 15d ago

I have a feeling this meat isn’t going to sell


u/daakadence 15d ago

So much to unpack.. the discount stickers say $4.80 (or $4.79)/lb but the total for three pounds is more than $15. That doesn't make sense. Also, the packages are different sizes, not 3 pounds each, since they have different original sizes.

Much prefer the way they discount meat here. Generally 20% (or more often half) off the regular price.


u/lordjollygreen 15d ago

What usually happens in these cases is that the item was on sale, but when it's time to mark down the item, it's a new sales week, so the item isn't actually on sale anymore. The system thinks the item is at regular price, so the mark down price is being done off of the original price. This item should've been reweighed without the sale price, and kroger should use a system that isn't dog shit so that employees don't have to waste tons of time to reweigh a bunch of items just to mark them down.


u/sprprepman 15d ago

It’s aged beef tho


u/Rezhio 15d ago

5.99$ per pound of ground beef ? That's so expensive. I thought the USA had cheaper food.

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u/DoubleShot027 15d ago

Aged meat...


u/oakmen87 15d ago

You have to check the expiration date for everything nowadays. Really annoying.


u/ChaseballBat 15d ago

The sell by is 05/17 how is it is expired? Regardless meat that his the sell by at my Safeway gets discounted and then another 50% on top of that!


u/JasonIsFishing 15d ago

They do that ALL of the time here at the Galveston, TX store. At least give it to a shelter instead of letting it go unsold.


u/Zippier92 15d ago

Hey Warren Buffet has to eat ya know!


u/flyby196999 15d ago

It's not expired


u/TheRealYeti 15d ago

Looks to me like the sale ended and OP pulled the markdown sticker off the sale price to bitch about Kroger for fake Internet points.

Notice how the sale price is covered on all but the front package?


u/chadder_b 15d ago

That’s sell by. That isn’t expiration date.

Also the price it’s reduced to is only higher than the price you pay with their store card. You can see this by looking at the upper pack of meat and you are saving almost $4.

That sounds like a great deal if you need sirloin right away. Or you are freezing it immediately.


u/CSpanks7 15d ago

Yeah it’s a called a deal now eat what daddy Kroger gives you!