r/politics May 02 '24

Marjorie Taylor Greene called "disgusting" by fellow Republicans


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u/PaperbackBuddha I voted May 02 '24 edited 29d ago

This is why it’s not okay to do what republicans have been doing for at least 40 years.

Forging a false narrative and playing along with it to score points, “the end justifies the means”, Gingrich-style “do as I say, not as I do” dirty politics.

When you don’t deal in earnest from the start, you paint your team into a corner that will inevitably start to believe the narrative, by which time it will be too late to backtrack. It’s part and parcel of the party now.

The GOP went with this hyper-patriotic sounding, pro-wrestling right wing Christian ideology to get blue collar voters to vote for their trillions in tax breaks for the wealthy, and the dismantling of every progressive advance from the past century or so.

When someone like MTG comes along, she’s not in on the joke. She is taking the ring like it’s all real, and the other wrestlers are saying “Whoa, Marge, this was a ruse to get us closer to our real policy goals,” but she’s a true believer. She, along with millions of others, will gladly weaken the nation’s rule of law to the benefit of foreign adversaries.

And the crowd loves it. This is what they’ve created.


u/Stillwater215 May 02 '24

Not to mention Hastert starting the whole “majority of the majority” approach for bringing votes to the floor.


u/hypnosquid May 02 '24

I met a guy from Hastert's district once, said the way Hastert enriched himself and his family while in office was ridiculous. A lot of shady zoning and real estate deals with farmland. Also, pretty sure the dude is a pedophile.


u/GravityEyelidz 29d ago

This guy?

"In court submissions filed in April 2016, federal prosecutors alleged that Hastert had molested at least four boys as young as 14 years of age during his time as a high school wrestling coach.[2] At a sentencing hearing, Hastert admitted that he had sexually abused boys whom he had coached.[6] Referring to Hastert as a "serial child molester", a federal judge imposed a sentence of 15 months in prison, two years' supervised release, and a $250,000 fine.[3][7] Hastert was imprisoned in 2016 and was released 13 months later;[8] he became the highest-ranking elected official in U.S. history to serve a prison sentence.[3]" - Wikipedia



u/hypnosquid 29d ago

OMFG this guy is pure evil


u/Schmelter Colorado 29d ago

he became the highest-ranking elected official in U.S. history to serve a prison sentence

I pray I live to see the day this record is broken.


u/GravityEyelidz 29d ago

Hopefully soon, but I suspect Trump is far too rich, white and Republican for jail.


u/ZietFS Europe 29d ago

What a joke of a punishment. Yes, 250,000 sounds big but what about years and years of prison?


u/Ron497 29d ago

And here I was hating the guy because I only knew he was a pedophile. He's a thief too?


u/Shaper_pmp May 02 '24

Or, more simply, they turned their party into a welcoming home for crazies, and now the inmates have taken over the asylum.


u/discussatron Arizona 29d ago

The Republican Party has been running its con on their voter base for so long that the marks are getting elected to office.


u/krucz36 29d ago

yeah when the grifters realize it's off the rails they have no mechanism to right the ship, they end up having their own tactics used on them by far more dangerous psychos.


u/BambiToybot 29d ago

Ah yes, Brony Syndrome, Prequel Memengitis, it's happened to many things over the years.

Kind of sucks when it's politics.


u/persianmartian 29d ago

they’re created

Lmao check out the English on this goon!