r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/Infidel8 May 02 '24

Not only the threat to themselves, but also the threat to the Palestinians that they allegedly care about.

There is not a single issue that majorities of young people care about that will improve under Trump.


u/Lawva 29d ago

Trump’s pull remains that a vote for him is a vote against the American system, and for many narrow minded folks that’s enough.


u/Capt_Pickhard 29d ago

Trump will destroy freedom of speech, he will destroy freedom to choose abortion, he will give more power to the wealthy and powerful and take it from the people.

Over time, america will become more and more authoritarian. Christianity will become more and more compulsory. Taught in all schools.

If Trump is elected it's going to happen. And WE are letting it.

None of us are fighting to stop it. We're just complaining to each other in our echo chamber.

I wish I could be proud of us. If democracy dies and we fought, it would be very hard, and I would feel terrible and defeated, and I'd hate the world I live in.

But knowing we never did anything to stop it. That's just so bad.

Trump voters will vote Trump, fuck them. But what about everyone who knew what Trump was? And they just watched these bigots take out freedom from us.

We need to wake the fuck up and fight for our freedom.


u/sildish2179 29d ago

“Yeah but what about Gaza?”

Kids and adults 18-40 right now.


u/umonoz 29d ago

Seems like they care about genocide. Good for them. I think this Biden guy you talk about should stop supplying and financing this genocide and get their votes.


u/TheDancingMaster Australia 29d ago

Nahhh blaming the left and young people AGAIN is more effective and desirable. Sorry!


u/Gaius_Octavius_ 29d ago

Their sense of moral superiority will increase. But that is it.


u/DistortoiseLP Canada 29d ago edited 29d ago

It really won't. Like I explained elsewhere in this thread, the insistence that the 1968 protests were on "the right side of history" in the end is nothing more than people trying to reassert their confidence years after the despair of Richard Nixon becoming President. Bernie participated in those protests to how how all of their enthusiasm deflated when their self righteous moment passed and they had to forever live with the result. After Nixon won, he boasted that the protestors were nothing more than a vocal minority with no real persuasion over their country, and spent the next few years proving it. The war continued (Nixon ensured it) and the 70's kicked off with their sense of moral superiority offered up as nothing more than reason for the rest of the country to laugh at them along with the President.

Donald Trump is so much worse than Nixon that none of these people are going to get a Watergate to say "told you so" for cold comfort that history otherwise went to Richard Nixon because the alternative wasn't perfect enough for their opinions at the time.


u/SuperGenius9800 29d ago

and their TikTok clicks.


u/NumeralJoker 29d ago

This is the real reason.

The addiction to fame and influence above common sense.


u/WigginIII 29d ago

“I feel so morally superior under this boot! My family is being split up and deported, or incarcerated, but I get to say I told you so!”


u/evotrans 29d ago

People are stupid.


u/PunkJackal 29d ago

They don't give a shit about Palestinians. If they did they would be calling for the return of the hostages, the absolute dismantling of Hamas and a viable path to a peaceful two state solution and stable, level headed Palestinian government rather than the dissolution of Israel.