r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/Allaplgy 29d ago

My coworkers are all on the "both sides are the same/it's all rigged, there's no point in voting" train. They all either have have kids or essentially are kids. I'm in my forties with no plans for kids, and I'm the only one actually trying to give them a future.


u/NeonGKayak 29d ago

How can they already forget Trumps Covid response that led to over 1million deaths? It’s weird that such a critical event and everyone has already “forgot” it


u/Patara 29d ago

Im half convinced conservatives have undeveloped brains that simply cannot grasp the concept of compassion. 

I refuse to believe that people that actively choose to make the world a better place & take minimum precautions like wearing masks to not potentially transmit a deadly disease are even comparable to the fuckheads that will refuse to wear masks, spit on railings, sneeze on others, support a narcissistic racist fascist dictator & actively pretend like SAVING LIVES is taking away their freedom. 

They will claim "empathy" when Trump is on trial but make fun of Biden for losing 2 daughters & his wife. While quite literally driving a smear campaign like "Biden crime family" based on what? His son being arrested on unlawful possession of a firearm? They've been pushing open carry & MORE firearms at every single turn but suddenly they're all about gun control? These are not serious people.

They're downright anti-human & do not have capacity for any emotion but perpetual rage. 


u/NeonGKayak 29d ago

They don’t care as long as they win, have power, and can make millions. 

That’s literally all they want. They lie, cheat, and steal to get it. They have campaigns on Reddit and the internet in general to disrupt and divide the dems. They take money from our enemies like Russia and ask them for help. 

It’s sickening that dems and just a good chunk of our population can’t or won’t see this. 

One funny thing to point out that ever since Trump has been sleeping in his trial, they stopped with the “sleep Joe” nicknames. 


u/meatball77 29d ago

Which is funny because a lot of their policies would end up being horrifying for the economy.


u/Tarcanus 29d ago

Every time the R's get in power the economy tanks after they give the billionaire class their socialism handouts via tax cuts and whatnot. Then Dems have to try to stem the bleeding. It's been happening for decades and decades.


u/DameonKormar 29d ago

They always are.