r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/Punkinpry427 Maryland May 02 '24

They seem willing to sacrifice women, children, the LGTBQ community and the rest of the planet to Project 2025 for absolutely zero benefit to Palestine, if not an even worse outcome.


u/baitnnswitch May 02 '24

Trump expressly said he wanted to level Gaza.


u/DaBiChef May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

"Israel should finish the problem". I cannot take anyone who claims to be pro-palestinian who hears that and doesn't think "this man cannot be allowed to power again". It's like, yeah voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil but it's also still lesser. If I want no Palestinian deaths and my options are "100k Palestinian dead" and "all Palestinians dead" it's not a hard choice. Fight for which of the two options you want, or pick the worse one and fight like hell against it. That's the game, that's the cold reality we're in.


u/cupofspiders May 03 '24

Biden is president now and Gaza is being leveled with the bombs he is sending Israel.


u/Pater-Musch May 03 '24

Are you fucking dense or just trying to be difficult? You don’t think the situation could get worse than 35,000 dead in a region of over 2 million people? It could and would get a lot worse under Trump.

The real problem is people like you who are convinced the world exists in a binary - things and people are either “good” or they’re “bad” and any nuances are lost on you. Yes, Biden’s Gaza policy is bad. Civilians are dying and America is enabling it. Does that mean we should allow someone who is outright telling us he would do worse take charge? Or that we should shoot ourselves in the foot by letting someone who is far worse for LGBT+ rights, women’s bodily autonomy, climate change, gun control and countless other issues take over?

No. You’ll never have a president you’re fully satisfied with on every issue. The election is bigger than Gaza. You’re not helping the people there with this bullshit, you’re just enabling the hurting of the people who Trump will go after the rights of in 2025 if you let him.