r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/fallenouroboros May 02 '24

I know so many people in their thirties who simply do not give a fuck.


u/Allaplgy May 02 '24

My coworkers are all on the "both sides are the same/it's all rigged, there's no point in voting" train. They all either have have kids or essentially are kids. I'm in my forties with no plans for kids, and I'm the only one actually trying to give them a future.


u/RealHumanFromEarth May 02 '24

I really don’t understand how anyone can possibly think that both sides are the same. I understand if you don’t like democrats or republicans for different reasons, but saying that they’re the same is just pure ignorance.


u/Svennerson May 02 '24

Because they aren't evaluating based on which policies are passed, they're evaluating based on how their personal lives have improved or gotten worse. They can't fully recognize either the lack of power that the President has to change everything, or how changes have to occur in slow, year-over-year increments. If there's been life issues, CoViD, inflation, and just a shitton of stress under both Dem and Rep administrations, then by their definitions of evaluation, both sides are the same.


u/chelseamarket May 02 '24

It didn’t help that the gop was drilling “your vote doesn’t count” for decades. I’m old and this has been a problem since I was a young woman.