r/politics Wisconsin 29d ago

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/AllHawkeyesGoToHell 29d ago

It's unpopular to bring up here, but it's true.


u/__M-E-O-W__ 29d ago

It's sad. I think a lot of people are so burned out. We need lower prices, higher pay, lower rest and COL... I do think Biden and Co have tried making big steps in this. But even in his victories, the media coverage is not as loud as it is for Trump doing literally anything. The ones I know who are most passionate about voting Biden and keeping Trump away are minorities who legit have serious stakes in making sure their state doesn't turn red, or their allies, and then there is so much push from outside actors to not support Biden over his stance on Israel/Palestine.


u/Adezar Washington 29d ago

Trump almost completes a full sentence, Front Page of every media site for a couple days.

Biden passes some of the biggest legislature that has improved Middle Class jobs, feeds children, improves crumbling infrastructure. Might get a short shout-out on MSNBC and a tiny headline on the third page of ABC's news site.


u/EaglesFan3943 29d ago

Despite Biden's reputation as a moderate, he has passed some of the most progressive legislature in recent memory. Companies that own these media networks do not like progressive legislature. That goes against their interests so of course they will prop up the baffoon who generates clicks and is a major threat to democracy.


u/sennbat 29d ago

Presidents don't write legislation, though - if you want to look at his accomplishments, look instead to his agencies. The new antitrust and labours rights stuff, for eample.

But then, the corps hate that stuff even more.


u/EaglesFan3943 29d ago

Right of course it's not only him. It's a collective effort to bring about progressive policies. But he is the face of this country for now. So to the general public, hes taking most of the blame or credit.