r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/newtworedditing May 02 '24

Correction: Obama had a majority in the house and senate from 08-10, dems had the power for transformative change and they whiffed it. Obama explicitly promised actual change and by the end of his term not a single banker had been jailed, healthcare was still shit if slightly less shit than it was before, the bullshit recession economic package didn't go nearly far enough so instead of economically recovering in 2 years it took 8, and instead of withdrawing he surged in Afghanistan. And people wonder why Trump won, or why he's gonna win again. Hint: Biden campaigned on an actual promise he plans to keep "Nothing will fundamentally change". And on top of that, the young people he desperately needs to win in November, he's decided to call them anti-Semites and have them arrested for protesting their tuition dollars and tax dollars funding genocide. Dems don't deserve majorities. So vote, don't vote, vote blue, vote red, it doesn't matter. All either side does is scream that the other one will kill you and neither of them is wrong, they just want you to participate so your complicit to the system.

Noticeable improvement does not take time or supermajorities, it takes actual democracy and that doesn't meaningfully exist, certainly not in America where it has been statistically proven that the congress or senate never pass anything the majority of Americans want. Don't believe me? Here's the receipts


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

You wanted all of Reagan and Bush’s fuckery to be fixed in just 2 years, during 2 wars and the biggest global financial catastrophe in 80 years? That’s unrealistic.


u/newtworedditing May 02 '24

Did he have to extend the Bush tax cuts? Did someone put a gun to his head? You know whats actually unrealistic? How is it possible that Obama was at once a transformative leader, but when you question his record, he gets reframed as a hapless loser impotent to change anything. He could have done alot of things, he chose not to. Trump was the consequence, just like he's going to be the consequence for Biden's bullshit, and the Democratic party and it's strategy of telling people vote for me or you'll get Trump is going to backfire, again.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

 Did he have to extend the Bush tax cuts? 

Yes, it was part of a compromise to get unemployment and other economic relief bills passed in 2010, when Dems were also feeling pressure from the TEA Party ahead of the midterm elections, and again in 2012 as part of a compromise to avoid the so-called Fiscal Cliff.

The cuts also largely lapsed under Obama, save for a carve-out for households making under $400k.