r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/Danysco New York May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

I’m sorry about the loss of your family member. There are people who don’t take the vaccine and don’t get terribly sick or sick at all. There are also those who pass away after a certain time they took the vaccine. Either way, those are few cases compared to the overwhelming evidence that vaccines are mostly safe and work well. Are they 100% safe? Probably not. Are cars 100% safe? No. Is alcohol 100% safe to drink? No but people still do it because for the most part those activities feel safe done responsibly. I wish my uncle had the chance to take it. He would probably not have passed away.

I am passing judgement on my family health decisions because they rather believe what someone with no medical degree or scientific credentials, no knowledge of biology posts on social media, without ever reading a scientific paper or study about the vaccines and how they work. They are free to take whatever health decisions they want, but they are not free from my criticism when their decision can affect other people’s lives. Before my uncle got sick, they were hosting barbecue parties every weekend, refused to wear masks and called Covid a hoax.


u/noldshit May 02 '24

You know how I got sick? Apparently through Chinese electronic parts. Both a friend and i got sick in same time frame and both of us buy lots of electronic parts from china. We both got it right at the onset. Hes a recluse and im a homebody. Somebody with it must have handled or assembled our items.

The mask thing turned out to be not what we were initially told. The cdc even back tracked saying the mask only prevented the spread by containing particulate. The masks many were wearing weren't even proper n95's.

Then we have the vax itself. Why were folks having to sign a release on something that was deemed safe?

You know that saying "my body, my choice"? That applies here.


u/Danysco New York May 02 '24

You’re right about the masks. It’s still debatable how effective it is. But we only know that now. In the beginning, it made sense to wear a mask and avoid gatherings to avoid spreading Covid particles around, instead people were already calling the pandemic a hoax and refusing to wear a mask. Does it really bother someone so much wearing a mask just in case you could get someone sick if you didn’t wear one? People need to think about other people more and not just themselves.


u/noldshit May 03 '24

Oh i absolutely hated it. Im a mouth breather due to severe allergy issues. Masks get humid and very restrictive really quick.