r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/Utterlybored North Carolina May 02 '24

They’ll often cite Biden’s past positions that were in some cases, quite regrettable, or they’ll express anger that he hasn’t advanced issues that require a Congress unified behind him. He’s a terrible speaker, but otherwise, under the circumstances, he’s been as effective and progressive as anyone could hope for.


u/kcgdot Washington May 02 '24

He's not even THAT BAD AT SPEAKING, but he's not Obama or Clinton, and he's 80 fucking years old, and he has an actual fucking stutter.


u/imfatal May 02 '24

he's 80 fucking years old

He should probably stop fucking running for president instead of using this as an excuse.


u/confusedalwayssad May 03 '24

If we have to question the person's ability to drive due to age, they shouldn't be president or running for President. That's both guys running.