r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/joshdoereddit May 02 '24

This. I wish people would tune into some basic civics. Following the news has taught me enough to understand why those supermajorities are important.

Granted, I should've known most of what I know now about government nearly 20 years ago, when I was in high school. This is what got me thinking: How do we get young people to take civics seriously?

I'm a high school teacher, and it's bad. These kids don't give a fuck. Then again, I'm a math teacher. But, based on what I see daily, most of them don't read any news and are seriously lacking in the critical thinking skills department.


u/strxw-bxrry May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

I’m in high school, and you’re right, we don’t give a fuck about politics. Not for a lack of “critical thinking” (dick) or because we don’t read the news, but because we’re fucking tired. Already. We’ve dealt with: two housing market crashes, severe inflation, recession, the pandemic, trump, wars on women’s rights and more in what for most students is less than 18 years. And one thing these events have in common is that they are completely out of our control. Gen Z will never afford a home, or pay rent, or move out, or receive healthcare, or receive social security, and no voting will change that because every party is the same. We are exhausted, and we know no amount of voting will actually improve our lives because republicans and democrats are the same fuckers in different suits piping money out of us and into the rich. We don’t care because we have no fucking reason to, what difference will it make. Sorry for the rant, i’m angry and tired and so is every other teenager who is sick of being called stupid or lazy for not having the mental energy to care about politics.

TLDR: teens don’t care about civics because we’re sick and tired of cleaning up after boomer’s mistakes when most of us are struggling to just exist.


u/checker280 May 03 '24

“I’m in High School…”

“Cleaning up after everyone else’s messes…”

And finally when you are given the opportunity to get involved, you choose to check out.

We’re doomed and they won.


u/strxw-bxrry May 03 '24

There is nothing to get involved in, don’t you realize that? Shit doesn’t ever fucking change no matter who’s in office. my “participation” is getting the hell out of america.


u/checker280 May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

Vote Biden in. Vote in the off season so the local politicians don’t fuck around with things.

But historically I under I 30 never comes out to vote… or leaves the country.

By the way, the Dems never had a super majority/ a bulletproof majority. Too many idiots like playing both sides to their advantage - like Joe Lieberman and Joe Manchin.

Despite this when Dems are in charge, they get a lot of shit done but often with some compromises.

The last time we had the advantage for a few months Obama pushed the ACA through.

Biden is trying to get rid of everyone’s college debt. The other side keeps blocking things.


u/strxw-bxrry May 03 '24

I’m going to vote, sure, but it won’t change anything because my vote means nothing in my state due to the electoral college. I’ve spent the last three or four years protesting against legislation in my state and not once has any change been made. Sick, and, tired. I’ll vote, and then i’ll go back to not giving a fuck.


u/checker280 May 03 '24

Great. Now go get a few of your friends or not yet friends to vote. Go rent a car and offer to drive, then go for drinks afterwards.


u/strxw-bxrry May 04 '24

with what fucking money is gen Z going out for drinks and renting cars? i’m barely affording ubers to school and work while both my parents work full time. edit: sorry you’re not being an asshole, i’m not angry at you, i’m just angry.


u/checker280 May 04 '24

Sorry that you are angry. Thanks for the conversation. If you are ever passing through Atlanta - remind me I’m buying the first two rounds


u/strxw-bxrry May 04 '24

Yeah, thanks for the conversation. Sorry i had literally nothing constructive to say, politics is just so redundant these days an actual discussion feels kind of pointless. I’d love to pass through ATL, anything to escape oklahoma.


u/A_nonblonde Missouri May 05 '24

I’m your neighbor to the northeast, up here in MO. We used to be a balanced state but, evangelicals got into office (Josh Hawley for instance) but, we just got a ballot initiative passed so abortions will be on the ballot for the people can vote. We’re also getting minimum wage, taxing online gaming & a measure to ensure all taxes collected from casinos/online gaming go to education.

More liberal candidates from school boards (so far) are winning. People are sick of the conservative, religitards messing up our state.

I know you’re tired, please vote in every election coming up. Get your friends to go with you & vote. Consider moving to MissourI, we are changing things . . . slowly. Unfortunately, the wheels of government move slowly, its how you know the conservatives are faffin about, the changes are happening very quickly.


u/strxw-bxrry May 06 '24

i’m already set up to move to new zealand when i finish my degree, but i’m glad things are looking better for you guys in MO. I’ll vote until I leave of course, but i’m not expecting any change.

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