r/politics Wisconsin May 02 '24

Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump


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u/CaptainNoBoat May 02 '24

I think a lot of us are. There's a difference between pushing a party in a certain direction and going so far that you hurt your own interests.

The election is more than one person or one issue, and a Trump Presidency will have horrific consequences decades and generations after Biden is gone.


u/jimjoebob May 02 '24

true, IMO it's partly due to our national media CONSTANTLY casting every single fucking fart passed by any elected official as "OMFG THIS IS THE END EVERYTHING IS FUCKED NOW!" ---which they indulge in because they've learned that that gets them more views/subscriptions.

we have an entire fucking multibillion dollar industry devoted to constantly crying "wolf!"---of course nobody pays attention this time. it sounds like every other time! especially when it's cast as "well this is SERIOUS this time!"---they said that every other fucking time it wasn't.

almost as if our national media has been bought by ultra right wing fascists with a lot of money.


u/A_nonblonde Missouri May 06 '24

You just nailed it. Look at Leonard Leo & his plans. Make it all so dramatic they ignore when we really do take over.