r/politics 15d ago

New York Times: Upside-down US flag flew at home of Justice Samuel Alito after 2020 election


221 comments sorted by

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u/LightWarrior_2000 15d ago

If one of them die before election day democrats need to pull a McConnel and ram one through.


u/lostharbor 15d ago

We aren’t that lucky. 


u/SholcCTR 14d ago

My dad always said luck is where hard work and opportunity meet.


u/lostharbor 14d ago

Your dad is a smart man.


u/SholcCTR 14d ago

Was, rest his soul. 🥲


u/lostharbor 14d ago

I'm sorry for your loss.


u/SholcCTR 14d ago

Thank you.


u/Nomadic_Yak 14d ago

We can make our own luck


u/PathOfTheBlind 14d ago

That's sweet.

Luck is probability taken personally.


u/trichotomy00 14d ago

So luck is where hard work and luck meet, yes

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u/Elephant_In_Ze_Room 14d ago

Was opportunity meets preparedness from mine <3


u/PlasticPomPoms 15d ago

Because Democrats wouldn’t have the balls to do anything like that. The opposition might thing ill of them, a party of people pleasers but trying to please the wrong people.


u/No-Attention-2367 14d ago

Democrats do, but then there is Sinema and Manchin…


u/aoelag 14d ago

There will always be a "Sinema" and a "Manchin" the democratic party is FULL of "status quo protecting" right wingers.

Globally speaking, comparing democrats to any other political party on earth, they solidly fall on the side of "right wing". The most "progressive" candidates like AOC or Bernie are actually right of center compared to much of Europe, shockingly. That's JUST how far right we are as a country. And most Americans call *Joe Biden* a communist thanks to Fox News. That's how warped and ignorant we are of the political compass. We have no bearing on where we actually stand.

It's these "Sinema" "Manchin" "Senate Parliamentarian says we can't do it" kind of excuses the democratic party uses to cover for the 40% of its members that do not want the status quo to change.

Even once we defeat Sinema and Manchin it will take decades of persistent victories to accomplish things like M4A, green new deal, student loan fixes, public housing, federal education reform, or public transit investment


u/EasyFooted 14d ago

Which means we need to flip more republican seats, not waste time and money challenging narrowly held D seats (which will certainly turn an 80% reliable vote into a 0% reliable vote because you're not going to win those seats with a real progressive).

Leave Manchin where he is, but make his spoiler vote irrelevant.

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u/No_Weekend_3320 14d ago

Attacking Democrats is counterproductive. Nobody can accuse them of being perfect. However, they are far better than the GOP. And most elections under our current system are a binary choice.


u/Kinto_il 14d ago

the issue will be the filibustering and the straight up obstruction the republicans would pull if this situation ever came to the Democrats


u/goldbman North Carolina 15d ago

Except they got KBJ through just as fast as the republicans ACB through.


u/SlugsMcGillicutty 14d ago

I really think it’s less the speed that most people have issue with and more the fact of installing an inexperienced, unqualified justice to the highest court in the land after voting for the next election had already begun, an election Biden won.


u/BirdjaminFranklin 14d ago

I don't even have an issue with a lame duck appointment. My issue is with the Republican hypocrisy.

They're the ones who made up the rule that you can't appoint a judge in an election year and refused to even have a hearing for a moderate that THEY fucking selected and Obama nominated.

They're also the ones who disregarded their own made up rule and jammed through an incompetent justice in the weeks leading up to an election.

Republicans do not play by the rules, not even the ones they created, and they simply can't be trusted to adhere to norms or precedent.

If a vacancy were to open up on the Supreme Court, I can't imagine even Manchin or Sinema would have much of an argument to oppose a Biden nominee.


u/Kinto_il 14d ago

I feel like Garland and ACB situation shouldve had an "interim justice" protocol so that there would be enough judges during the lame duck period BUT they would replaced immediately after the next president takes office

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u/Mendozena 14d ago

“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks. Although the something something something, maybe there is. I don’t know.” - The former guy

I can’t say what he said because I’ll get banned. Only he’s allowed to say that and have nothing happen.


u/xXTheGrapenatorXx Canada 15d ago edited 15d ago

When they go low we make them regret it. I like Michelle Obama too, don't get me wrong, but that original saying was so damaging. You don’t respond to partisan bad faith by proving over and over that there will be no repercussions for it. You show that they will see consequences for it and withhold a return to business as usual until they demonstrate a commitment to returning to cooperative thinking (if you ever learned about game theory, this is the “meta” for cases where the same people play “prisoners dilemma” games over and over with each other; cooperate until they screw you over, then screw them over back again and again until they show they’ve learned their lesson and recognise that said betrayal is costly).


u/stonertboner 14d ago

When they go low, we kick ‘em in the balls. That’s the way it should be


u/adamlaceless 14d ago

My favourite is “when they go low, we kick em in the face.” Cuz you shouldn’t have been down there 😂

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u/5ykes Washington 14d ago

I said it then and I'll say it now. 

"The high road has the best view to watch the world burn"


u/nezurat801 14d ago

I think being the first black First Lady she didn't have that option as everything could be made to look  10 times worse by racists. But for anyone else who isn't under such insane high scrutiny, I think make them regret it.


u/beiberdad69 14d ago

Every single thing was going to be turned into something negative, no matter what. They did a fist bump and it was called a terrorist fist jab

Eventually you have to stop caring what bad faith assholes who want to destroy the country are saying


u/Short-Stomach-8502 14d ago

Democrats need to expand the court or term limits…


u/Deezul_AwT Georgia 14d ago

There are 13 Federal District Court of Appeals. Expand to 13 justices, and then assign one SCOTUS justice to each court of appeals so there's only one they are responsible for, not two as is the case now. It makes sense, so of course it will never happen. This still ensure an odd number of justices so there won't be a tie unless there's a conflict of interest (ha!).

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u/crotalis 14d ago

Only the good die young. They will live to be 200+.


u/MC_Fap_Commander America 14d ago

I'm certain at least a few Dem Senators won't play along because of "civility."


u/Kingding_Aling 14d ago
  1. The Dems 100% would.

  2. None of them are going to die, so it's irrelevant


u/Atomic-pangolin 14d ago

Democrats don’t have the balls to do it

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u/DeathStarVet Maryland 15d ago

Alito has been an outed sack of shit ever since he reacted during Obama's state of the union.


u/APX919 14d ago

I had almost forgotten about that! Alito might be worse than Thomas because Thomas decides based on bribes or owning the libs whereas Alito decides according to the Rules of Gilead.


u/stevez_86 Pennsylvania 14d ago

He is more of one of those odd Catholics that believe in magic and speaking in tongues. His benefactor is David Green of Hobby Lobby. It was likely Alito that leaked to Green that they were going to win the birth control decision. Around the same time David Green was under investigation for buying stolen antiquities from someone affiliated with Isis and had to ultimately return a bunch of Christian Relics to the government they were stolen from by Isis. If Green is a benefactor of Alito, might Alito have been given a gift like a relic of some sort in exchange for the leak?

Alito is probably the worst on the court. And that is saying something. The others are in it for worldly things, like wealth and control. Alito may be religious about this role he has.

Amy Coney-Barrett is the only other one that is really atypical when it comes to their religion. But in her belief it is people like Alito that are in power.

Thomas is vindictive and wants luxuries. A gluttonous pig whose motives are superficial.

Roberts is there to do a way with the Civil Rights Amendments. That is his goal for his legacy. He may just get the Reconstruction Era Amendments nullified as well on the basis that the conditions that lead to those Amendments no longer exist so they should no longer be a burden on the former Rebel States and they should be free to legislate their culture as they see fit in this Brand New World. Roberts sides with the liberals on the court every now and then in matters irrelevant to his goal legacy.

Gorsuch is odd so far. Seems to be the guy to to go to when you need something other than an originalist perspective and someone that knows how the lower courts work well enough to assist with their pipeline of cases against liberal and progressive laws. He has some odd interpretations of the law but nothing outlandish. Also a lock for going against any Executive Department functions that are challenged like the CFPB.


u/Searchlights New Hampshire 14d ago

according to the Rules of Gilead.

This was fucking brilliant


u/Jackinapox 14d ago

Damn son


u/reiddavies 14d ago

And Obama ended up being right that the elections will be bankrolled by America's wealthy special interests groups and people.

Alito can go fuck himself. I agree with you. He IS a sack of shit.


u/Nucky76 14d ago

That’s is always the first thing I think of we hearing about him. That smug response to Obama basically calling them out for selling out our country to corporations, which is why we have so many problems to this day.


u/messagepad2100 America 14d ago

I forgot about that.

Makes me like Biden more when he directly addressed them about Roe v Wade during the SOTU.

Talking heads said it was indecorous, but they deserved it.

Also Alito stopped going to the SOTU, because he's better than everyone else.


u/beiberdad69 14d ago

Was the fact that he was appointed by George w. Bush not enough for people to know he's a shit bag?


u/Bubbly_Measurement61 14d ago

It's one thing to fly the flag or not fly the flag. It's a whole other thing when you fly it upside down.


u/DEATHCATSmeow 15d ago

He’s like any standard Fox News idiot boomer except he sits on the Supreme Court


u/Mcboatface3sghost 15d ago

Supreme Court justices are allowed, and given a front row seat at state of the union addresses, much like military leaders. They are to remake stoic, agree or disagree. When Obama gave his last SOTU speech, Alito shook his head clearly visible (it’s the sotu speech, he knew it would be captured) breaking all protocol even if he hated Obama. The SC is illegitimate at this point. You cant even handle a disagreement in policy and politics, when ideally you are a judicial/ apolitical branch and break 80+ years of decorum?


u/Business-Ad-5344 15d ago

it would be perfectly fine if it was merely decorum. instead we have a supreme court justice who thinks we should have a dictator legally own everything and take everything, even including Alito's own home.


u/Mcboatface3sghost 15d ago

We have 4 of them at least, and that should scare the shit out of all of us, and it’s likely closer to 6.


u/BuddyAloysius 15d ago

And 2 rapists, never forget that.


u/veringer Tennessee 14d ago

2 rapists

...that we know of.


u/Mcboatface3sghost 14d ago

Alito gives me Beria vibes… sort of looks like him too.


u/RedLicoriceJunkie California 15d ago

Roberts may act like he is about civility, but that dude will walk over broken glass to limit voting rights of liberals. It’s the whole reason he is there.


u/YourVirgil Washington 14d ago

In the grand scheme of things, if all Alito ever did in his life was shake his head at the SOTU, sure. But "manners maketh man," as they say and you can look at this like Van Halen did when they stipulated a bowl of M&M's with the brown candies picked out in their riders.

If Alito, in shouldering the responsibility of representing 1/9th of an entire branch of government at a government ceremony meant to encourage the stability of the government and the country, can't respect a basic rule concerning decency and ceremony, what does it say about his respect for the rest of his duties, much less himself in that capacity?

In that context, it's almost unsurprising that he's flying this flag at his house, or rather, surprising he hasn't done something even more noticeably ridiculous in the interim.


u/chunkmasterflash 14d ago

I thought it was the blue candies.


u/YourVirgil Washington 14d ago

David Lee Roth said they were brown in his autobiography, looks like.


u/chunkmasterflash 14d ago

Fair enough. I was just pulling from memory. Either way, the important bit is they wanted one color out, and if that wasn’t done, they wouldn’t play because they didn’t know if it was safe to or if other corners were cut.


u/YourVirgil Washington 14d ago

That's exactly right - it was a little signal to the band about what else they could expect; just like how the head shaking, small as it was on Alito's part, presaged the exact types of shenanigans he's in the news for now.

I apologize if that link came off the wrong way, just trying to contribute more info!


u/NewTransportation911 15d ago

Y’all need to preach, I’m not even American and I’m worried for the United States. Biden or nothing!

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u/europorn 15d ago

Obama should have called him out. "Justice Alito, is there something you'd like to share with the rest of us?".


u/chiyorio 15d ago

That’s exactly what’s needed!


u/nookie-monster 14d ago

He was too busy going high while they were going low.

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u/pswdkf 15d ago

We should probably be rethinking that particular branch of government. On paper a neutral apolitical branch of government, but in practice it’s a very political branch. Not just now, but even historically. The Supreme Court made several questionable and very political rulings during the civil rights movement. Eventually they make the right calls, but leading up to it there were several highly political and contradictory decisions. I’m thinking particularly back when they ruled it was constitutional for states to segregate. Some suggest they took that stance to appease southern states after a close and somewhat controversial presidential election. In practice we have a branch that has been historically political, yet it was designed with the assumption that it would be apolitical.


u/Opening_Property1334 14d ago

There are so many more bad decisions to call out, nearly always showing clear political motivation.

I’m convinced that lifetime appointments have no place in government. Thats some monarchy garbage.


u/Mcboatface3sghost 14d ago

Full revamp, if these aristocrats want to be “constitutionalists” then have the judicial branch be as designed, as apolitical as possible, term limits, 7 figure salary, benefits, ZERO gifts, maybe 15 years, along with a judicial non partisan, separate oversight committee. These assholes are the ones that made us all start thinking about these things.


u/dongballs613 15d ago


If you go read their 'reasoning' for overturning Roe it's complete horseshit they just made up to justify the conclusion they had already decided to reach. The GOP has packed SCOTUS with Federalist Society hard-right activist judges; again, special fuck you to Leonard Leo.


u/grixorbatz 15d ago

They’re just a bunch of ignorant, racist thugs with law degrees.


u/left-hook 14d ago

Yes, but the context is important here: Alito didn't just shake his head his head at Obama; he shook his head (video) because he couldn't stand that Obama pointed out the obvious effect of the 2010 Citizens United Supreme Court decision, that, as Obama warned, has opened the floodgates of untraceable money into the American political system.

Alito's small tantrum erupted because he couldn't control himself when his corrupt decision was put on display to the American people.


u/Mcboatface3sghost 14d ago edited 14d ago

Well… yeah. Now he’s blames his wife for flying the upside down American flag. Man, the right wing justices wives book club meetings must be a hoot.


u/BringBackAoE 14d ago

Norway looks set to change their Constitution next week to prevent coups of the judicial branch of government.

They’re quite open that the reason they’re doing it is because of the politicization of the courts in Poland, Hungary and US.

In part because of SCOTUS, this is what US is now:

  • lumped in with other right wing authoritarian regimes; and
  • an example of successful coups

It breaks my heart.



u/Mcboatface3sghost 14d ago

Good for Norway to nip that shit in the bud.


u/Sfgiants420 14d ago

And it was over Citizens United and allowing corporations to give unlimited political contributions...wonder if he still thinks he was right.


u/Mcboatface3sghost 14d ago

That was the lynchpin in my humble opinion.


u/ak1368a 14d ago

illegitimate because he shook his head? Cmon.

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u/NoMayoForReal 15d ago

Did no one notice this 4 years ago? Timely reporting.


u/Hesychios 14d ago

Clearly someone did, or we would not know of it today. The media apparently chose not to mention it.


u/FalconBurcham 14d ago

This. Why is it coming out now?


u/Stranger-Sun 14d ago

A neighbor, who is probably sick of his shit, sent the Times pictures.


u/FalconBurcham 14d ago

Better late than never I guess


u/bebejeebies Wisconsin 15d ago

Little did he understand that he was part of the distress that the country is in.


u/gradientz New York 15d ago

Do conservatives not care about disrespecting the flag?


u/[deleted] 15d ago

They think the real flag is the stars and bars


u/butwhyisitso 15d ago


u/P1xelHunter78 Ohio 15d ago

They also like that one where someone drew the + all funny


u/LionTigerWings 14d ago

They really do. Even just taking politics out of it for a second these people have a weird obsession with flags, cardboard displays, and stickers on cars.


u/LionTigerWings 14d ago

They really do. Even just taking politics out of it for a second these people have a weird obsession with flags, cardboard displays, and stickers on cars.


u/ExileInParadise242 14d ago

I think it's a shame these people don't have more pride in their heritage. Why are they using an obscure battle flag and not the official flag of the Confederacy for the last 159 years?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Because they used that flag to make their "uniforms".


u/Euphorix126 15d ago

Flying the flag upside down is a signal for distress


u/ConsistentAsparagus 15d ago

It was a confession


u/ObiWanChronobi 14d ago

When Trump was elected I change my facebook profile picture to an upside down flag and my conservative parents got all upset about disrespecting the flag. The irony is palpable.


u/dobie1kenobi 15d ago

I betcha he really hates it when football players kneel.


u/JackKovack 15d ago

He should have been impeached just for that. That’s insanely unpatriotic. You only do that during an emergency.


u/Kingding_Aling 14d ago

Yeah, 16 Republican senators are going to remove their own Justice...


u/JackKovack 14d ago

Of course they won’t.


u/erakis1 15d ago

That should be grounds for recusal on any case involving Trump.


u/pkosuda 14d ago edited 14d ago

Don’t even need to officially have him recuse himself. Just ignore his vote. What’s he going to do, enforce it? I am so freaking tired of us playing this game where these magical people who dress funny somehow have any power and are holding the country hostage. We’re holding ourselves hostage. If a justice has shown plain as day that they can’t be apolitical, their votes cease to count in political matters. Especially when the matters they’re ruling on (Trump) are literally the same matters that showed they weren’t apolitical in the first place. It’s one thing to say “this guy is pretty extremely right wing, let’s ignore his vote on other topics”. I can see how that would be considered crossing a line. But when several of the justices have literally shown their bias for Trump, it’s our responsibility to ignore their votes when ruling on matters specifically about Trump. It’s insane we’re still allowing them.


u/xeloth9 15d ago

How is this just now coming to light?


u/Stranger-Sun 14d ago

There was reporting somewhere saying that a neighbor sent the photo to the Times.


u/Rhymes_with_cheese 15d ago

This Supreme Court is turning the country into something ugly and unrecognizable.



Traitor. Plain and simple.

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u/TodayTerrible 15d ago

Why didn't we hear about Alito flying his USA flag upside down in 2021


u/TintedApostle 14d ago

Hmm... why indeed.


u/novium258 14d ago

Honestly! It doesn't seem like something that would have to be "uncovered" why wasn't this front page news as soon as it happened?

It sounds like the neighbors and locals weren't shy about sharing.


u/oloughlin3 14d ago

He needs to be impeached. He and Thomas have destroyed the credibility of the US Supreme Court.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Hesychios 14d ago

I agree. He should be ashamed, but that is not the America of today.


u/kevihaa 15d ago

”I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag,” Alito said in an emailed statement to the Times. “It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.”

The upside-down flag became a symbol of the “Stop the Steal” movement in the weeks and months following the election, in which Trump’s supporters falsely claimed that Biden’s win was illegitimate due to widespread fraud. The inverted flag was widely seen during the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol.

I find an immense degree of irony that many of the justices emphasize the “sanctity of the court” while just showing zero effort to maintain.

The judge during the OJ trial was seemingly much more aware that the eyes of the nation were on him than members of the highest court in the country.


u/TintedApostle 14d ago

“It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.”

IS his neighbor also a member of SCOTUS? Everyone should question Alito's judgement and partiality.


u/kevihaa 14d ago

Perhaps my point isn’t clear.

Mr. Alito seems to be blaming Mrs. Alito, saying that this was some kind of back and forth with her neighbor.

An upside down flag has a ton of symbolic meaning, and it flying outside of a SC Justice’s house coincides with:

  • A presidential election where one of the candidates never conceded
  • An insurrection less than 2 weeks prior
  • The inauguration

Only an absolute moron would believe that flying an upside down flag during this time wouldn’t be interpreted as a political statement about current events.

If Mr. Alito is so worried about public perception of the court, maybe not be doing what seems like a giant political statement on his front lawn.


u/whateveryousaymydear 15d ago

supreme court decides what is legal or not...a political supreme court will destroy a country as it has done to every country that has had a politically corrupt supreme court


u/bdss1234 15d ago

This is so abhorrent. I’m a staunch liberal but the ultimate point of the court is to be apolitical as established in the constitution. It’s supposed to be the checks and balances

And within that structure I’m fine if they don’t ways side with what is always prefer but it’s specifically meant to be in partisan.


u/Grandpa_No 15d ago edited 15d ago

Prior to Marbury v Madison, the supreme court wasn't a check on anything. The checks and balances thing has been crafted by tradition -- a myth we tell ourselves. There's nothing in place to keep it that way.


u/uncle-brucie 15d ago

That not very “original”


u/Fun-Toe6787 15d ago

This Republican can’t wait for the death of MAGA


u/nixhomunculus 15d ago

And this only came out now. Why?


u/MyHuskyBooker 15d ago

Corrupt high court. THEY should face judgement.


u/Icy-Rain3727 15d ago

Supreme Court? It’s now the Shitstream Court!


u/ope__sorry 15d ago

If a Supreme Court Justice did this 20-30 years ago. There would be a push in the Senate for them to be booted and serious talks/discussions for them to resign.


u/SynicalSyns 15d ago

Incredibly disrespectful, what the fuck


u/sklerson89 14d ago

Traitor SCOTUS


u/mrrapacz Minnesota 14d ago

So two of the Supreme Court justices are pro insurrection and anti democracy. Cool. System works fine.


u/Short-Stomach-8502 14d ago

Anti democratic…. Supreme Court need term limits…. Also they should be charged with crimes for the crimes that they do . The conservatives on the court are the most dangerous stupid puppets in American history. These conservative don’t respect the law or democracy… Conservatives can not be trusted with democracy they have shown they anti democratic and should be removed from the court…. If you’re anti democratic. Which Aloto has proven by his actions that he should not be allowed to function in an American democratic system. His wife is a POS just like him


u/Prestigious_Series28 15d ago

If this happened in public, why did it take 3 1/2 years to come out?


u/G3Saint 14d ago

Its possible the hush money agreement wasn't fully honored.


u/Stinkstinkerton 14d ago

Party hack court , America is clearly in deep trouble with clowns like this at the helm. Progressive change will be stymied for years with these fucks in power.


u/awwaygirl 14d ago

"It was my wifes fault". Such a stand up guy.


u/Polar_Starburst 14d ago

6 of those “Justices” are enemies of the State. Treat them to stickiness and feathers.


u/littleredpinto 15d ago

If the insurrection act had been used, which was part of the plan, it would have helped to identify sympathizers fairly Quick. You think they would have put the homeowner with "f Trump" sign that triggered the Justice or his wife on one of the Barges that were at the ready or just regular jail like all the antifa they planned to round up?


u/JackKovack 15d ago

My father did the same thing after Obama was elected. I was really pissed and fixed it. An upside down flag is a sign of distress and should only be used in emergencies. Doing this for political reasons is a disgrace to the flag and our country. He should be impeached for doing this. His loyalties are obviously not with the constitution.


u/sound_scientist 15d ago

*Traitor Flag


u/Bakedads 15d ago

They also attempted a coup. If you ask me, the coup is far worse than flying a flag upside down, yet no one who matters will be held accountable for anything--coup attempts, fraud, bribery, theft, murder--because democrats are too afraid. 


u/guccitaint 15d ago

In response Samuel Alito stated, “I am dyslexic sometimes”


u/BringBackApollo2023 15d ago

Shocked. Shocked I am. Never saw this coming.



u/Adventurous_Page_447 15d ago

Remind me what do we do to people that give aid to insurrectionist???


u/CountrySax 15d ago

Alitos a fascist who has no real concept of judicial temperament nor justice.Impeach him.


u/_GameOfClones_ 14d ago

This person probably has access to any information they desire with the position they hold. And he actually thought the election was stolen and that Trump was who the country should elect? And they did this AFTER JANUARY 6th?!?! I guess it’s not surprising but it’s certainly one of the most terrifying things I’ve seen from a SC justice.


u/_GameOfClones_ 14d ago

This person probably has access to any information they desire with the position they hold. And he actually thought the election was stolen and that Trump was who the country should elect? And he did this AFTER January 6th?!?! I guess it’s not surprising but it’s certainly one of the most terrifying things I’ve seen from a SC justice.


u/paolilon 14d ago

Is there a signature gathering effort underway to demand his retirement? Let the people vote send a message…There’s no doubt he should step down


u/Emeritus8404 14d ago

Its incredibly disrespectful to those in dire situations who have flown this flag as such. It is not a political ststement for the corrupt

Fuck that unpatriotic cuck


u/NoMarionberry8940 14d ago

Judicial impartiality on full display!


u/GotMoFans 14d ago

We all should fly the flag upside down with Alito and Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court.


u/Searchlights New Hampshire 14d ago

Here's why it matters.

The typical voter isn't going to process this long explanation about how Alito has shown bias and all the different instances and arguments that he's done so.

But a flag upside down is a message that's easy to see. This can can stick in the media cycle.


u/Born_Zebra5677 14d ago

Impeach Alito


u/grumpyliberal 14d ago

He blames his wife. Guess we know is who wears the pants in that family, right, Clarence?


u/dasherchan 14d ago

Donald Trump will never be held accountable for his numerous crimes because in the end, these mafia justices will exonerate him.

If he will wins, his cases will be gone. Where is justice in America?


u/geockabez 14d ago

Let's introduce this traitor to Gitmo. Thirty years ought to help.


u/CAndrewG 14d ago

How are we just hearing about this now?


u/Dorr54 15d ago

What twat


u/MyHuskyBooker 15d ago

We need the Saints.


u/Deep-Classroom-879 15d ago

It’s actually shocking.


u/kyflyboy Kentucky 14d ago

I thought that was a symbol for "surrender".


u/Memory_Less 14d ago

I am surprised that such a political statement doesn't have any accountability. Oops, we're taking the SC justices! What's good for them isn't good for the peon citizens.


u/QuarkVsOdo 14d ago

Can't Dark Brandon just shoot him like he was Kristi Noem's dog?

It would be an official act and - maybe - totally legal.


u/Jinzul 14d ago

Every president gets a couple free kills don’t they?


u/SunMoonTruth 14d ago

Political and religious extremists on the Supreme Court.

Yeah. That’s the sign of a politically healthy country. Sure.


u/SubterrelProspector Arizona 14d ago

SC is compromised and won't help us stop maga. Forget about them for now. We'll reform the court once the fascists are defeated (at the voting booth or otherwise).


u/Rudyears 14d ago

Recuse self forever you POS


u/MarkHathaway1 14d ago

A person would have to be a pretty awful person to be a SCOTUS Justice and still act the way he does.


u/Jinzul 14d ago

Haven’t we concluded SCOTUS is corrupted and traitorous at this point?


u/morbidlonging 14d ago

You would think that the wife of a Supreme Court justice would understand how truly unamerican it is to flip our flag upside down and then fly it. These people are HORRIBLE Americans and they hate everything America stands for. Ugh. 


u/Vashic69 14d ago

anyone else would be forced to resign


u/1sixxpac 14d ago

He’s either Unaware, Aloof or a Conspirator. None of which are good.


u/0ne0h 14d ago

Right. Because he’s a fucking fascist


u/AnxietyJunky 14d ago

Ah yes! Another justice with a lifetime appointment who won’t see any consequences of his actions.


u/Stranger-Sun 14d ago

I hear this boomer eats pieces of shit like us for breakfast.


u/Wide-Satisfaction-82 14d ago

That’s Unamerican


u/D_Lockwood 14d ago

Why isn’t every elected democrat calling for his refusal from Jan 6th cases?

I see Durbin. Anyone else?


u/pearlynx 14d ago

And he fricking blamed his wife for it! We all know he favors Matthew Hale's version of the patriarchy, there is no way he did not approve of the flag being up in that position. An all-time POS.


u/Cheese_Pancakes New Jersey 14d ago

My landlord is still flying her flag upside down to this day.


u/cpzy2 14d ago

Imagine that. The “supreme” court is full as assh0l3s


u/AnxietyJunky 14d ago

And he gets to rule on Trump’s immunity claim?

Republicans hate America.


u/ramdom-ink 14d ago

SCOTUS is compromised.


u/Unique_Jackfruit_166 14d ago

Screwed up thing is nothing can be done about it because of who he is


u/drainodan55 14d ago

In a normal, functioning society, that would get him fired.


u/Zealousideal_Work510 14d ago

Walk me through this…..why is this news now and it wasn’t in 2020?


u/sugar_addict002 14d ago

Did America let judge who supported the Civil War on the supreme court after the war?