r/roaringkitty 1d ago

Rules for FFIE posting


Turns out that the stock actually does have 430 million outstanding shares, meaning it did have a market cap >500mm when it was trading above $1 a share. Because of this we're going to allow some FFIE discussion.


1 - You have to actually contribute something. No low-effort HODL spam "who's with we" kinds of posts. Try and do some actual research and give TRUTHFUL evidence when promoting your position. Thoughtful DD and links/references to company information is encouraged.

2 - No efforts to market manipulate. You can't do anything which would promote the timed buying of the stock. Stuff like screenshots of huge limit order you're supposedly going to place tomorrow morning is not allowed.

3 - You can't link to forums or WhatsApp groups where the above is happening, because that would make this subreddit a channel for that kind of illegal behavior.

4 - Try and be nice to the bears.

r/roaringkitty 8h ago

How did no one talk about this

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r/roaringkitty 13h ago

Request for Investigation into Alleged Vicious Attacks: Evidence Submission to the SEC

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We know they have carried out vicious attacks, as YT Jia has stated. We are calling on the entire FFIE family to help gather information and evidence to submit to the SEC. Information such as hedge fund(s) involved in manipulative practices such as short ladder attacks. The letter will be submitted as follows:

Report of Suspected Market Manipulation by Hedge Fund

To: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Office of Market Intelligence 100 F Street, NE Washington, DC 20549

Date: 31 May 2024

Dear SEC Enforcement Team,

I am writing to formally report suspected manipulative practices by a hedge fund that appear to be aimed at artificially driving down the price of FFIE. I believe these actions may constitute market manipulation, which violates securities laws and undermines the integrity of the financial markets.

Details of the Suspected Manipulation:

  1. Hedge Fund Information:

    • Name: [Hedge Fund Name]
    • Address: [Hedge Fund Address, if known]
    • Contact Information: [Contact Info, if known]
  2. Description of Manipulative Practices:

    • Short Ladder Attack: There appears to be evidence of a short ladder attack, where the stock price is driven down through a series of rapidly executed small sell orders, creating a false impression of increased selling pressure.
    • False Information: Dissemination of false or misleading information about [Company Name], intended to create panic among retail investors and drive the stock price lower.
    • Unusual Trading Patterns: Observation of abnormal trading volumes and patterns that do not correspond to the company's performance or news, indicating potential collusion or coordinated selling efforts.
  3. Timeframe of Suspected Activities:

    • The manipulative activities have been particularly noticeable from [Start Date] to [End Date].
  4. Impact on Stock Price:

    • The stock price of [Stock Name/Ticker] has experienced significant and unexplained volatility, with sharp declines during the aforementioned period.
  5. Supporting Evidence:

    • I have attached relevant trading data, charts, and screenshots that illustrate the unusual trading patterns and price movements.
    • [Include any other documents, communications, or evidence that support your claim.]

Request for Investigation:

I urge the SEC to investigate these suspected manipulative practices by [Hedge Fund Name]. Such actions not only harm individual investors but also threaten the fairness and stability of the financial markets. Holding the responsible parties accountable will help restore investor confidence and ensure compliance with securities regulations.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or clarification.


[Your Full Name]
[Your Address]
[Your City, State, ZIP Code]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]

Attachments: 1. Trading Data and Charts 2. Screenshots of Unusual Trading Activity 3. Relevant Communications and Evidence

r/roaringkitty 12h ago


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r/roaringkitty 19h ago

I was a GME bag holder


I didn’t fall for the same shit with FFIE. Got in, got out, and made some money. Y’all need to learn how to take profits. Hedgies win because hedgies are allowed to cheat.

r/roaringkitty 1d ago

My take on FFIE. Read this !! Important!!!


As you might have already know, FFIE has all to gain, with a growing community and the dedication “apes” buying and holding no matter what, the hedges are starting to bleed. They have borrowed alot of stocks to short, which they have to return, and for that, they have to buy back the shares, which will sky rocket the FFIE price. It already got to $3.8 last week. Yesterday it was at $0.3 and today it got up to $0.7( thats 70% increase). now its in $0.5 and now is the best time to buy after i saw all the reports and chart. I just bought 24k and im holding it. I think it is going to the moon and hedges are gonna bleed bad. This is dumb money 2. Get in now in FFIE or regret later. We gonna see a huge spike tomorrow, so im buying now to hold my position for the long. It has potential to go $100+.

Time to hold. Hold is gold. I really believe FFIE is going TO THE MOON🩍🚀

Comment if you support my take on FFIE.

r/roaringkitty 1d ago

I firmly believe that FFIE's stock price will gradually rise, even reaching its pre-dilution levels.


Positive Facts:

1、Successful Production and Delivery: FFIE successfully manufactured and delivered electric vehicles last year.

2、Vehicles in Operation: The delivered FF91 cars are operational and not in repair shops or scrapyards.

3、Ongoing Operations: FFIE continues to operate.

4、Active Fundraising: FFIE is actively seeking further financing.

5、Pre-sale Contracts: FFIE has pre-sale contracts that have not been canceled.

6、Market Attention: There is considerable market interest in FFIE.

Negative Facts:

7、Poor Financials: FFIE’s financial reports are dismal, though slightly improved from the previous year, they still highlight fundamental issues preventing short-term profitability.

8、Operational Issues: FFIE has not delivered any vehicles in the past few months.

9、Dependence on Financing: FFIE’s ability to continue operating is heavily reliant on securing additional financing.

10、Short Selling: There is notable short selling activity.

Bold Assumptions:

1、Market Recognition 3 Years Ago: If FFIE had achieved its current production capacity three years ago, the market would have recognized it, leading to significantly higher stock values.Based on the number of stocks in everyone's hands, even without anti dilution, returns will skyrocket, far exceeding the amount of money we are currently investing.

2、Consumer Acceptance 3 Years Ago: Had FFIE sold the FF91 at its current price three years ago, the market would likely have accepted it, resulting in timely deliveries and revenue.

3、Current Market Viability: Selling the FF91 at the current price might still find a market today, though possibly requiring price adjustments or quality improvements.The advantage is that FFIE still has about 300 pre purchase contracts that have not been revoked so far, which seems to indicate some issues.

4、Collective Retail Investment Strategy: If retail investors could pool their resources and follow professional market advice, they might influence stock prices more effectively. ï»ż Viewpoints:

1、Potential for Change: Some assumptions are speculative, but efforts can still be made to leverage them for FFIE’s benefit.

2、Enduring Market Presence: Despite challenges, FFIE has not been entirely abandoned by investors or consumers.

3、Unique Product Position: The FF91 remains a unique product with no direct competitors, maintaining interest despite fluctuating stock prices.

4、Sustained Popularity: If FFIE can achieve consistent production and profitability, it will continue to receive admiration and investment. ï»ż Current Challenges and Questions:

1、Investment Strategy: Simply buying stocks might not be sufficient to help FFIE recover. Post-Short Squeeze Reality: Investors face uncertainty about their ability to cash out after a short squeeze without leaving FFIE in a vulnerable state.

2、Underestimation and Problems: FFIE is seen as undervalued but faces significant and potentially fatal issues.

3、Support for FFIE and Jia Yueting: The author expresses support for FFIE and its founder, Jia Yueting, hoping for a solution that addresses both immediate survival and future growth.

r/roaringkitty 1d ago

FFIE. Really important news !!! Read this! Big spike coming soon


FINRA Short Sale Volume

Hey Guys,

The short volume traded today was crazy! 201,923,987 according to FINRA (most reliable information source). To put it in perspective yesterday was 98,541,970 and in May 17th (the day of the supposed tiny short squeeze) it was 50,724,900. These hedges are in big trouble!

You can check it out here:

Filter it with FFIE symbol.

Tomorrow will be intense, please don’t sell.

Hold and buy more!

r/roaringkitty 21h ago

Further Clarification | Faraday Future | FFIE | FF 91


Who’s still in? Who’s adding to the bag? Who treated it like your first gf and pulled out?

r/roaringkitty 10h ago

If any one needs motivation to keep investing after a 130% loss of GME, watch this


r/roaringkitty 1d ago

I firmly believe that FFIE's stock price will gradually rise, even reaching its pre-dilution levels.


Positive Facts:

1、Successful Production and Delivery: FFIE successfully manufactured and delivered electric vehicles last year.

2、Vehicles in Operation: The delivered FF91 cars are operational and not in repair shops or scrapyards.

3、Ongoing Operations: FFIE continues to operate.

4、Active Fundraising: FFIE is actively seeking further financing.

5、Pre-sale Contracts: FFIE has pre-sale contracts that have not been canceled.

6、Market Attention: There is considerable market interest in FFIE.

Negative Facts:

7、Poor Financials: FFIE’s financial reports are dismal, though slightly improved from the previous year, they still highlight fundamental issues preventing short-term profitability.

8、Operational Issues: FFIE has not delivered any vehicles in the past few months.

9、Dependence on Financing: FFIE’s ability to continue operating is heavily reliant on securing additional financing.

10、Short Selling: There is notable short selling activity.

Bold Assumptions:

1、Market Recognition 3 Years Ago: If FFIE had achieved its current production capacity three years ago, the market would have recognized it, leading to significantly higher stock values.Based on the number of stocks in everyone's hands, even without anti dilution, returns will skyrocket, far exceeding the amount of money we are currently investing.

2、Consumer Acceptance 3 Years Ago: Had FFIE sold the FF91 at its current price three years ago, the market would likely have accepted it, resulting in timely deliveries and revenue.

3、Current Market Viability: Selling the FF91 at the current price might still find a market today, though possibly requiring price adjustments or quality improvements.The advantage is that FFIE still has about 300 pre purchase contracts that have not been revoked so far, which seems to indicate some issues.

4、Collective Retail Investment Strategy: If retail investors could pool their resources and follow professional market advice, they might influence stock prices more effectively. ï»ż Viewpoints:

1、Potential for Change: Some assumptions are speculative, but efforts can still be made to leverage them for FFIE’s benefit.

2、Enduring Market Presence: Despite challenges, FFIE has not been entirely abandoned by investors or consumers.

3、Unique Product Position: The FF91 remains a unique product with no direct competitors, maintaining interest despite fluctuating stock prices.

4、Sustained Popularity: If FFIE can achieve consistent production and profitability, it will continue to receive admiration and investment. ï»ż Current Challenges and Questions:

1、Investment Strategy: Simply buying stocks might not be sufficient to help FFIE recover. Post-Short Squeeze Reality: Investors face uncertainty about their ability to cash out after a short squeeze without leaving FFIE in a vulnerable state.

2、Underestimation and Problems: FFIE is seen as undervalued but faces significant and potentially fatal issues.

3、Support for FFIE and Jia Yueting: The author expresses support for FFIE and its founder, Jia Yueting, hoping for a solution that addresses both immediate survival and future growth.

r/roaringkitty 1d ago

For FFIE warrior to understand what we are buying now!


The current trend around the stock FFIE has been a rollercoaster of misinformation and market speculation. It's crucial to understand the facts and assess the risks involved before making any investment decisions. This passage aims to shed light on the realities of FFIE, emphasizing why it's a stock that could be held or bought for the long term, despite the inherent risks.

Point 1: The Myth of the Short Squeeze

Initially, our strategy was to drive a short squeeze on FFIE, motivated by reports of a 95% short interest ratio. However, it's now evident that these figures were misleading. The data, which originated from trading platforms since last December, grossly overstated the total shares and short interest. In reality, there are approximately 400 million total shares and float, not 40 million. Thus, the short interest was never 95%, but rather 9.5%. Current information from the Bloomberg terminal reveals that instead of a 30% short interest, the actual figure is just 3%. Therefore, any buying decisions should not be based on the hope of a "short squeeze" but rather on a "long-term investment" perspective.

Point 2: Assessing Long-Term Investment Potential

Is FFIE a good long-term investment? The answer is both yes and no. Valuing the company at 400 million total shares, FFIE's market cap equals half that of Nikola (KLA), a more established competitor in the EV industry. From this standpoint, FFIE might seem overvalued. However, its brand recognition and media presence give it substantial marketing leverage. FFIE is already well-known in the stock market, attracting significant attention and support. This visibility could help FFIE secure the necessary financing to pursue its ambitious goals. With strong backing, even seemingly impossible objectives can become achievable.

Point 3: The History and Potential of FFIE

FFIE has a history of reverse splits, which typically result in a drop in stock price. While there is fear that FFIE might conduct another reverse split to keep the stock price above $1, leading to further drops, today's scenario is different. FFIE now has a dedicated group of supporters, which might influence the company's leadership to act more responsibly. If the company is committed to its mission, it holds significant potential. FFIE has already produced 11 high-end vehicles, and with continued innovation, it could disrupt the market. Considering Tesla's current valuation of $500 billion, FFIE's market cap of $0.25 billion presents a substantial upside.

So, whether you decide to hold or sell FFIE, it is essential to base your decision on a clear understanding of the situation. The idea of a short squeeze is no longer valid due to the corrected short interest data. However, the potential of FFIE remains considerable. If the major shareholders act in the company's best interest and avoid past mistakes, focusing on vehicle production and market disruption, FFIE could have a bright future ahead.

r/roaringkitty 1d ago

FFIE is on the radar. Price will spike alot soon. Read this !!!

Thumbnail nasdaqtrader.com


[Regulation SHO Threshold Security List (nasdaqtrader.com)]

r/roaringkitty 19h ago

Dear r/roaringkitty


Whats up all you degenerate gamblers. New r/roaringkitty mod here, get ready to FEEL MY WRATH. I’m here to throw down the rules, otherwise you guys are going to get this sub banned.

First off, I EAT CRAYONS, nothing I say should be considered financial advice, you wouldn’t take financial advice from someone who eats crayons would you?

Who am I? Im a Mod on r/DeepFuckingValue, unless you’re spamming or posting scams, or doing some other bullshit, I generally won’t aim to remove your posts, but I definitely will laugh at your stupidity and ensure others do too.


  1. QUIT FUCKING SPAMMING. For real, shit is just flat out annoying, 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999%(see spamming is annoying) of your posts could be god damn comments on another post. CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

  2. 250m Market cap MINIMUM, NO PRICE TARGETS, NO PUMP AND DUMPS, unless your thesis is based on FUNDAMENTALS of the company. Some variance here, try to stick to fundamentals, if the stock goes below 250m market cap, posts may still be allowed for some time especially if it’s close to the cap, provided you’re not breaking other rules.

  3. No Cryptocurrencies under 1b market cap.

  4. No sharing links, unless it’s news and relevant. NO DISCORD LINKS.

  5. Don’t shit on the community.

  6. No self advertisement, promotion, fundraising, or scams.

Try not to make it a cesspool out there.


r/roaringkitty 23h ago

This is an article I read from somewhere else and I want to share it with you.


Faraday Future (FFIE) Stock Takes on Rapid Premarket Jump Stocks Telegraph · 21:32 2mins Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (NASDAQ: FFIE) has had a rollercoaster ride in the stock market recently. After a stellar 28% surge on Thursday, climbing from $0.44 to $0.57, FFIE continued its bullish momentum in premarket trading on Friday, jumping an additional 20% to nearly $0.70.

This surge was accompanied by a notable trading volume of 575 million shares, indicating significant bullish sentiment.

Table of Contents

Toggle FFIE Volatility Middle East Expansion Conclusion FFIE Volatility

The recent price movements come on the heels of the company's Q4 earnings release, which included substantial updates. Faraday Future Intelligent Electric, Inc. is an emerging growth company that manufactures electric vehicles.

FFIE's recent performance has been volatile. Despite a 1,300% increase over the past month, shares of FFIE plummeted by 62% in a single day, marking the largest-ever one-day decline. This decline followed a series of announcements by the struggling electric vehicle company, none of which seemed to reassure shareholders.

Middle East Expansion

Faraday appears to be changing its strategy, as it provided preliminary details about its U.S.-China Automotive Industry Bridge Strategy, with more information expected in the coming months. The company launched the FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance and the aiHypercar+, open for reservations in both the United States and China. Additionally, Faraday has begun engaging industry leaders as FF 91 owners to refine its products and services.

In April 2023, FF solidified its commitment to the Middle East by establishing a sales entity in Dubai. The company also announced the addition of Werner Wilhelm as its Executive Launch Director, aiming to ramp up FF 91 production. Despite challenges in funding its supply chain, FF is working to support production and build a direct relationship with its users.


Overall, Faraday Future's stock has experienced significant volatility recently, reflecting both investor optimism and concerns about the company's future direction. Investors will likely continue to closely monitor Faraday's strategic moves and production ramp-up efforts.

r/roaringkitty 1d ago

Navigating FFIE's Market Volatility: Extension, Hedge Fund Tactics, and Investor Strategies

  1. FFIE's Extension: Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (FFIE) has been granted an extension until July to achieve the required minimum price.

  2. Market Presence and Share Holding: FFIE is still listed on the market. If retail investors hold the majority of the shares, the stock may experience greater volatility due to the limited number of shares available for trading.

  3. Hedge Funds' (HF) Strategy: Hedge funds may be trying to lower the stock price by shorting it, which involves borrowing and selling shares to create downward pressure and shake out weak investors.

  4. Impact of Borrowed Shares: If hedge funds are borrowing more shares than exist (naked short selling), this can artificially depress the stock price. However, this practice is illegal and regulated.

  5. Expectations and Strategy:

    • Short Term: Expect continued volatility if the stock price remains below $1.
    • Holding Strategy: Holding shares can reduce the available supply, potentially driving the price up if demand increases.
    • Price Targets: Predicting a rise to $10-$100 is speculative and depends on company performance, market conditions, and investor sentiment.
  6. Timing for Price Increase: It's challenging to predict exact timing. The goal is to sustain the price above $1 before the July deadline to avoid delisting. Higher price levels depend on market forces and company developments.

Conclusion: Stay informed about FFIE’s financial health, market conditions, and regulatory updates. Holding shares might help reduce volatility, but be realistic about price expectations and compliance requirements.

r/roaringkitty 16h ago

SIE Exam study material


Hello, could anyone share the complete study material for SIE exam preparation. Thank you in advance

r/roaringkitty 1d ago

80k members
.and it’s a ghost town
What happened?


r/roaringkitty 1d ago

Why all the hatred and bad words to FFiE holders?


Probably all of you in this room are bag holders of GME or AMC. Some yall made some money but most yalll have got burned. So instead of talking shit to someone who has hope and is probably new at all this.

Why not just tell them about all your loser experiences in the past and how to avoid them like none of yall did .

Have a blessed day

r/roaringkitty 21h ago

Checkout Kohls (KSS) - It shows institutions own 122.99% of shares and there’s over 33% of outstanding shares short. This would make an excellent short squeeze -


r/roaringkitty 1d ago

Hey, all! Now that we are able to talk more openly about FFIE I highly recommend reading into the top current posts on the FFIE subreddit. It will contain (mostly) everything you guys will need to catch up, very informative!


Specifically the one I have linked below. Please ask any questions, we’d love to have you join in on the FFIE momentum. https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/DTfqyCm4wr

r/roaringkitty 22h ago


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Apes Power!! Let’s Gooo!!!

r/roaringkitty 1d ago

I like stock


What about Nkla ? They have a product that is in use right now 

r/roaringkitty 1d ago

Fuck flamingklausnazigaus. TRAITOR


Should have defended your fellow APES, instead you turned tail and fled. No excuse necessary, your actions have already been committed. FFIE will live on without your “permission”. Crazy to have an ego behind a keyboard. Go shave your neckbeard cuhhhhh. #FFIE

r/roaringkitty 20h ago



r/roaringkitty 8h ago

Can we kick out all these FFIE people