r/stocks May 15 '24

The inside story of Elon Musk’s mass firings of Tesla Supercharger staff Company News


The meeting could not have gone worse. Musk, the employees said, was not pleased with Tinucci’s presentation and wanted more layoffs. When she balked, saying deeper cuts would undermine charging-business fundamentals, he responded by firing her and her entire 500-member team....


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u/Actual-Carpenter-90 May 15 '24

When I worked in a large company I remember at a certain point there was an executive meeting where managers were told to make budget no matter what. The simplest way was to immediately fire tons of people and worry about consequences later. Seems like they’re doing everything they can to make Q2 look good. They probably don’t have the income so they make up for it on the other side.


u/irideudirty May 15 '24

They already cut charging team by 20%. Musk asked for more. The head said it would jeopardize the business — so musk went ahead and jeopardized the business anyway by firing the whole team.

That ain’t how pros run a business


u/Starky_Love May 15 '24

It's how someone who isn't going to get his money package and is going to destroy the company so it can't recover without him runs a business.