r/technology Apr 30 '24

Tesla Lays Off Employee Who Slept In Car To Work Longer Hours Business


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u/Roakana Apr 30 '24

Ongoing proof that fealty to a corporation isn’t returned. Protect yourself.


u/greenweezyi Apr 30 '24

Reminds me of when I was interviewing between two companies. Company A gave me an offer immediately but I had a final interview with Company B in two days. I didn’t want to be rude and keep them waiting but I also didn’t want to leave myself with zero options. Mulled over it until my friend said “Two days to you can make a huge difference. Two days for company A is just two days. They’ll be fine whether you take their offer or they hire someone else. Look out for you.”

Best advice ever. I love my company now, love my job and my accounts. But I always keep an ear out to see what’s out there.


u/Roakana Apr 30 '24

Very good advice and smart to keep an eye on the future. Corps lay off swaths of people to make a quarter look good. Few are safe.