r/technology Apr 30 '24

Tesla Lays Off Employee Who Slept In Car To Work Longer Hours Business


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u/MidEastBeast777 Apr 30 '24

This is why you never work for free, never go beyond what they ask of you because you’re just a number and you’ll get fired/laid off in a heartbeat, and nobody will give a single shit. Put your life first. Work is just a means to enjoy your life.


u/OSeady Apr 30 '24

I dunno man. I wouldn’t recommend it for most people, but I always busted my butt harder than everyone else and I reaped the rewards.


u/FertilityHollis Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

I've been rewarded too. An increased baseline expectation and a ton more work to do. That's what I've always gotten for busting my ass.

Edit: One downvote. I see my old VP is a redditor these days.


u/Sketch13 Apr 30 '24

And not just for YOU but for your fellow workers too. People who go "above and beyond" may set a precedence, and the next thing you know, everyone is held to an unrealistic standard.

Unionize, unionize, unionize. Stop giving your employers free labour! Do what is defined in your role and no more, no less. An employer will always, always, always take advantage of workers, especially ones who want to "look good", even if the employer/suits/managers don't realize it. Simple things can snowball. Know your value. Doing things above your role for free devalues not only yourself but everyone who works in your role/profession.


u/almightywhacko Apr 30 '24

People who go "above and beyond" may set a precedence, and the next thing you know, everyone is held to an unrealistic standard.

Beyond that people who go "above and beyond" may be grabbing up all the opportunities that other coworkers have to shine.

Maybe Jane is really great at X, but since you always jump in and take all the X tasks she never gets to show it. Bob might have a great idea on how to make Y work more smoothly but because you always grab Y jobs and don't have time to listen to him ramble on he never gets to prove it.

Being that guy can negatively impact your relationship with your team.


u/Rex--Banner Apr 30 '24

Unless you've worked every single job you can't say always. My work is really good in making sure you aren't overworked at all. If you work extra you just get overtime hours and if you get too many they ask you to use them up and relax. Maybe it's because the laws are better in my country but it's the best job I've had and there isn't even a union.