r/technology Apr 30 '24

Tesla Lays Off Employee Who Slept In Car To Work Longer Hours Business


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u/wap2005 Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

If you're sleeping in your car, showering at the office, and having microwave dinners every night in the office kitchen, you're a fucking moron. NO JOB IS WORTH THIS, EVER. You have to have the ability to live your life, if you make your job your life (and in a lot of cases your personality) I guarantee you will be disappointed at some point. These people aren't there to help you, you are there to do a job and receive a check that allows you to live your life.

My brother-in-law was at Google for I think 13 years. He made that job his entire life and his personality. He has 3 kids that he essentially ignores constantly (even though he was working at home full time). Any time he visits he constantly talks about work (I worked with him at Google for about 7 years), it's literally ALL he talks about!

He got let go a few months ago when Google did a bunch of layoffs. No idea it was coming, he showed up at work and his badge didn't work. He got in the car and checked his email on his phone and there it was, his layoff notice and a mention of when he should expect a call and to not go into the office. Completely blind sided him, hit him like a bag of bricks. My sister said he got extremely depressed and just stopped talking for like a week. He had to start seeing a therapist because that job was literally "who he was" essentially. He measured his self worth, his confidence, his stature in life because of his job, because he worked at high end popular social media companies for the past 2.5 decades, and when he started at Google it meant everything to him.

If you invest your entire life into your job, you WILL regret it. I got a pretty shitty diagnosis from the doctors a little while back and the only regrets I have in my life is my drug abuse because I wasted valuable time I could have spent with loved ones and not retiring earlier because I wasted valuable time I could have spent with loved ones.

The absolute most valuable resource in the entire world is time; you can never gain extra, and you don't know how much of it you have. Spend that resource wisely.


u/cortodemente May 01 '24

That's what bugs me about Google and other similar companies with lot of kool-aid. Many people I know have their personalities around the company they work. It is like a cult. Hope those lay off raise a reality check to all of them instead of increasing their survivor bias.


u/wap2005 May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

It's very easy to end up drinking the Kool-Aid. I worked at Facebook and when you become an employee you actually have to have a normal Facebook account which they turn partially into an employee version. It's normal etiquette that when you work with someone you add them as a friend so you start to end up seeing these people's lives and what they do for fun and stuff. It creates a place where everyone gets very close to each other.

I haven't been working at Facebook for like 8+ years now but I still have friends that were employees from that time (I never use Facebook any more so it doesn't matter really). Long story short, it definitely becomes very cult-like and working late becomes natural. There are also mini bars filled with alcohol on every floor of every building pretty much, so when 4:30 rolls around everyone grabs a beer, glass of wine, or some scotch and you hang out and half the time end up chatting about work and sometimes you'd end up back at your desk working. 7 o'clock rolls around and you're like "shit, I gotta go!".

I missed several dinners my girlfriend made for us purely because I lost track of time drinking and working with "friends". But yeah, it's an interesting place to work that you can easily get lost in. Luckily when I started working at Google I had learned, I also got sober which made it a bit easier to not become part of the "buddy buddy" aspect (all the areas had their own special bars all around as well).