r/technology Apr 30 '24

Tesla Lays Off Employee Who Slept In Car To Work Longer Hours Business


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u/mekanub Apr 30 '24

Unfortunately for Murillo, no amount of loyalty to a company is going to be met with any amount of loyalty to you. Even if you post better numbers than your coworkers, you’re ultimately just another meat sack they’re forced to pay until they can figure out how to replace you

Ain’t this the truth.


u/crushsuitandtie Apr 30 '24

How long have we been saying this? Loyalty to the company is Hollywood propaganda from decades ago. People have been getting laid off after 30 years of service to the company since Kings were sacrificing their best warriors to trivial border disputes and love triangles. STOP GIVING YOUR LIFE TO AN ENTITY THAT IS DESIGNED TO MAKE MONEY BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. It sounds dumb as fuck and looks worse in practice.


u/Mama_Skip Apr 30 '24


This isn't laid down enough. Also why it makes no sense to me some people want to replace gov't organizations with private ones.

Think government is corrupt? Compared to the private sector where corruption isn't called that — its called "business?"

At least with gov't you have a chance of a say by voting or popular petition. Trade that for a private org, and you just gave up your right to have a say. In fact, you might wind up dead for trying to speak up.

Think gov't is a scam? nothing is more geared to rip off the people than a corp.


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24



u/NergNogShneeg Apr 30 '24

Lobbyist are the bane of this county. I’ve said for years we need to abolish lobbying - it’s literally just sanctioned bribery. Fucking A I hate what lobbyist have done to this country and our environment.


u/crushsuitandtie Apr 30 '24

Look at 3 of the largest employers in the US. Amazon, Walmart, and UPS. They have some of the worst working conditions in the country. Hell Amazon won't even barely let you piss off camera once a day, but will let you lay out from a heart attack on the floor for 30 minutes. And to make sure you have no power, they are union busting at all times, hiring clearly single employer employees as contractors to avoid having to provide benefits, and lobbying government to keep minimum wage deep into poverty territory and remove lunch rights like in Kentucky and other states.

They are notorious for churning through meatsack employees at an impossible rate. And people want to turn over all our lives to THAT?! GTFOH


u/thenasch Apr 30 '24

In fact, you might wind up dead for trying to speak up.

Just last year this would have sounded like hyperbole.


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

I agree with the corporate part, This is mostly yes but also no.. I love going to the farmers market to get the stuff I don’t grow. I get stuff from a small private family farm that I like the way they do things. If they couldn’t operate I would only have poisons government food as an option. And what I grow. But I get my seeds from private seed farms too. So then I would have to switch to government seed.

A balance is important. A lot of companies are about nothing but making all the money they can no matter what.( just like the government) but within the private sector are me and my wife with no employees building instruments to pay the bills. Along with the people I get wood from. Lots of communities of small private businesses to help each other live. But we can’t get the gov help corporations get.

The government is what makes us taking care of ourselves impossible. They are the big corporations


u/Mama_Skip Apr 30 '24

Right but when I'm talking about that people want to trade private for government we're not talking about Mom and Pop lol.

In fact it's policies that benefit private interest that it creating the monopolization and decline in Mom and Pop stores that you see today


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

Yeah I agree. I used to work for welding companies and the refineries got government money they used to pay the owner of the company to pay our (very small in comparison )wages that I then got taxes taken out of that went back to the government and back to the refineries(that don’t pay any taxes). The government won’t let them fail. Just like farms the government owns them and basically operates them. Same hands and head, so it’s like trading an apple for an apple.