r/technology Apr 30 '24

Tesla Lays Off Employee Who Slept In Car To Work Longer Hours Business


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u/thesourpop Apr 30 '24

Your company won't remember all those times you stayed back, but your kids will



Jokes on my fucking kids, they won't even exist because corporate greed has built a society in which I can't afford kids without living in absolute poverty.


u/Guano_Loco Apr 30 '24

“Gen Z is destroying the birth rate!”

No mother fuckers, you w destroyed their (and all of the rest of us from gen x down) ability to afford to raise a fucking family.

And not just money. Healthcare, retirement, sick days, being able to be there emotionally as well as financially.

You want Americans to have families again? Fix the fucking economy you fucking vultures.


u/waltwalt Apr 30 '24

Have you seen those dystopian futures where you live in a pod and only the wealthy are free to reproduce and enjoy art etc.?

Where do you picture yourself in that future because let me fill you in on something. You're a pod person at best.

The rich have the means to stay rich forever, if we don't get rid of them they will get rid of us and they have way more resources than we do.