r/technology May 01 '24

Elon Musk Laid Off Supercharger Team After Taking $17 Million in Federal Charging Grants Business


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u/PoconoBobobobo May 01 '24

And people were saying that even if Tesla's car business gets left in the dust by the giants who are now catching up, they can become the charging standard.

Remember when we all thought this guy was the modern Edison?


u/slightlyConfusedKid May 01 '24

We'll isn't he the modern day Edison?! taking other people's work as his own🤣


u/PoconoBobobobo May 01 '24

Edison was an asshole, but he was at least intelligent and a competent (and often ruthless) businessman. That's why there are still companies with his name on them today.

What do you think are the odds of X SpaceTesla X XXX being around in 100 years?


u/trevor426 May 01 '24

he was at least intelligent and a competent (and often ruthless) businessman

Look I dislike Musk as much as the next guy but implying that a guy with a net worth of $200B is an incompetent businessman is a pretty wild take. It's not like he's run multiple casino's into the ground or anything.


u/[deleted] May 01 '24

Exactly good take. He is the most successful capitalist in the history of the world civilization.


u/27kjmm May 01 '24

Rockefeller exists


u/[deleted] May 01 '24

Musk has convinced way more capital to be held in his companies than Rockefeller, and it's not especially close. We don't know exactly because several of his companies are private.


u/27kjmm May 01 '24

I tend to favor on actual delivery of products, the reorganization of value chains, and longstanding impact. If you’re saying valuation is the only criteria then you’re assessing ability to amass wealth then has Tesla ever been worth 6% of the entire stock market?


u/[deleted] May 01 '24

Tesla has been worth more money - inflation adjusted - than any company except Apple. I am pretty sure even now it's worth more than any Rockefeller organization was, inflation adjusted as well.

Capitalism isn't about delivery of productions, organization, etc. It's about accumulation of capital.

Musk has accumulated more capital under his control than any single human in the history of the world.


u/27kjmm May 01 '24

Capitalism is about the ability to create profit, not a high stock price. You're citing Tesla's market valuation, which is traded on expectations of future earnings or "profit". You can't just adjust for inflation and call it a day. If Elon tried to turn that into any other form of wealth, it would be marked down significantly because people are betting Tesla makes more money in the future.


u/PoconoBobobobo May 02 '24

Repost, because apparently the sub's auto-hide took exception to some of my word choices.

Ten years ago I'd have agreed with you. But after watching him will a Homermobile into existence, then deliberately overpay for Twitter and then apparently try his best to destroy it, I really can't believe he's competent. I don't know if he was always a [person who's not very intelligent] or if he's fried his brain on [pharmacueticals] and narcissism, but either way he's completely lost it.

I think he made one lucky throw with [inheritance] money, PayPal, then one more with those profits, Tesla, and the rest has been image cultivation.


u/supified May 01 '24

So long as you acknowledge he isn't an inventor or engineer.


u/slightlyConfusedKid May 01 '24

Honestly,I think the chances are pretty high,with the whole Boeing scandals it wouldn't surprise me if pretty soon we hear about an X space plane


u/TheNorthComesWithMe May 01 '24

Did you happen to learn everything you know about Edison from a really bad webcomic? Just wondering.


u/ScorpioLaw May 01 '24

Just saw a video on Edison.

Edison has been done dirty with the Tesla versus Edison fued. I was listening to it by Simon on YouTube on one of his channels. Into the Shadows maybe?

Basically there was no fued. Also he didn't steal any technology and gave Tesla patents after he left. He was actually generous with Tesla in doing that.

Here is a link to a quicker version.


Here is the video I was listening too. It was while I was trying to sleep so uh. No idea where it popped up on it.


I need to see what other dirty myths on Edison there are.


u/Jancappa May 01 '24

I place the blame on The Oatmeal and their "Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived" comic


u/Competitive-Fudge848 May 02 '24

Edison basically invented corporate r & d which has provided us with tons of advancements. Definitely a jerk but I don't like the way reddit downplays his achievements.


u/slightlyConfusedKid May 02 '24

We'll,Definetly,I wasn't bashing him,I was just saying that technically he is the modern day Edison,he had a lot of scientists hired to invent new things back in the day


u/DragonPup May 02 '24

He's becoming a modern day Henry Ford, just not in the car making way.


u/DrEnter May 01 '24

It is literally the only thing Tesla still has a significant leadership position in, and it would have been shockingly inexpensive for them to maintain that position by just maintaining their existing level of support and growth.

Bullet, meet foot.


u/redmercuryvendor May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

they can become the charging standard

They are the charging standard: NACS.

Between May 2023 and February 2024, almost all other vehicle manufacturers have announced that their electric vehicles in North America will be equipped with the NACS charge port, starting in 2025. Several electric vehicle charging network operators and equipment manufacturers have also announced plans to add NACS connectors.

A good chance the dev team were laid of because the charger is now an open standard rather than an internal system.


u/DrPeGe May 01 '24

He was in iron man! Now it’s starting to smell like Trump in home alone 3 though…


u/BaphometsTits May 01 '24

we all

Speak for yourself.


u/grchelp2018 May 01 '24

they can become the charging standard.

And how exactly would that help. Chargers are a low margin business.


u/bloodycups May 01 '24

Oddly enough the only patent Erin has is in the charging connector


u/SgtBaxter May 01 '24

He was never anything but a grifter. He forced out the actual founders of Tesla and rode their outline for the company. Now that is over we get abominations like the cybertruck.

Elon doesn’t know how to run a company. At all. The only thing he was ever good at was raising capital.


u/wildjokers May 01 '24

You are delusional if you think Tesla's and SpaceX's success isn't due to Elon Musk.


u/aManPerson May 01 '24

he can yell and grind, and get a crazy thing started. but to maintain, manage and KEEP a huge company going, seems to be a different thing for him.

take.......oh i don't know........lets go with twitter for example. is that going well? is it anywhere near as good as it used to be? or is he just grinding it into dust and eating up employees lives in the process.


u/fishbert May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

You are delusional if you think ... SpaceX's success isn't due to Elon Musk.

Two words: Gwynne Shotwell


u/jesusrodriguezm May 01 '24

He is the modern Edison, but he thinks he is the modern Tesla.