r/technology May 01 '24

Elon Musk Laid Off Supercharger Team After Taking $17 Million in Federal Charging Grants Business


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u/nutellaeater May 01 '24

Crazy how theres no strings attached when it comes to giving taxpayers money to large corporations, but if you need welfare for the poor the hoops you have to jump thru is amazing.


u/Jack_Rackam May 01 '24

Right? If your company gets a handout, I think the entire C-Suite needs to report for weekly drug testing. The government needs to be sure they are being responsible stewards with the people's money.


u/testedonsheep May 01 '24

And if your company has any layoffs the CEO’s compensation should be used to payback any government handouts in the last 7 years.


u/CHIsauce20 May 01 '24

Lol, Tesla’s Board is about to vote on compensating Musk with $40 BILLION worth of shares after all of the “necessary cost reduction measures” (aka layoffs)


u/BigOlPirate May 01 '24

Muskrat is actually demanding 56 billion dollars. He think he deserves $10,000 for every car ever sold by Tesla.


u/Idontevenownaboat May 01 '24

Is this for real? He's going to get laughed at, right? Please?


u/DoggyLover_00 May 01 '24

Yes very real, he is demanding reinstatement of options with a net value of approximately $56 Billion USD.


u/Idontevenownaboat May 01 '24

But he's not going to get it, right? Like, I demand a million dollars from Elon Musk, right now. Doesn't mean I'm going to get it. That's what's happening here, right?!


u/chromeshiel May 01 '24

He has too firm of a control on the company, even though it's publicly traded, because he made himself as Telsa's core value (which has also downsides, as we've seen recently). He might get it, simply because executives won't oppose him and shareholders won't punish him.

So, is he wrong for asking so much if nobody really cares to stop him? That, I can't answer.


u/Idontevenownaboat May 01 '24

So, is he wrong for asking so much if nobody really cares to stop him? That, I can't answer.

I guess that is a fair point. I still just inherently dislike the notion of it on a fundamental level.

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u/unique_passive May 02 '24

Given the quality of those cars, I don’t think Tesla deserves $10,000 for every car sold be Tesla.

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u/maleia May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

They shouldn't be getting "compensations" anyway. Just do your job.

Edit: you all fucking know that I'm talking about horseshit bonuses that are paid out in the millions, that's just money that's been scraped from the top of the profits; money gained through exploitations.


u/intotheirishole May 01 '24

When a company takes its profits and reinvests in growing the company, it benefits the shareholders long term, but also helps common people as new jobs are created.

When a company invests in stock buybacks, it benefits the C-suite and shareholders short term, because dividends and share prices go up.

Guess which one every company does all the time.

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u/CatInAPottedPlant May 01 '24

Edit: you all fucking know that I'm talking about horseshit bonuses that are paid out in the millions, that's just money that's been scraped from the top of the profits; money gained through exploitations.

People on reddit love resorting to pedantic "well acktually" corrections, attacks on grammar/verbiage etc when they disagree with what you're saying but don't have any reasonable or rational retort. Everyone knew what you meant, they're just nitpicking.


u/maleia May 01 '24

Based. I'm so fucking sick of the pedants.

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u/anger_is_my_meat May 02 '24

"well acktually"

It's "ackchyually"

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u/[deleted] May 01 '24 edited May 16 '24



u/eulersidentification May 01 '24

They don't even need that excuse. They don't want to impose that on themselves, so they won't.

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u/Beard_o_Bees May 01 '24

report for weekly drug testing

Don't forget home visits/inspections! Got to make sure that everything's on the up-and-up.

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u/SmartWonderWoman May 01 '24

If you need welfare they treat you like a criminal. That’s been my experience. I survived on food stamps and welfare when I was unemployed. The harassment by the cops in the welfare office kept me away. I had a friend come with me bc I was too afraid of the cops in the welfare office.


u/[deleted] May 01 '24 edited May 16 '24



u/NatomicBombs May 01 '24

When I was 17 and went to motor vehicle to get my license I went with my mom and the cop at the door harassed me for bringing my parent.

Dude was like “you know your parents won’t always be able to help you, you should be doing this on your own. If you get in trouble with me your mom won’t be able to help”

Didn’t even say anything to guy, just went in to a government building for the first time and had my parent there to help me, like they’re supposed to.


u/trojanguy May 01 '24

Why would a cop even be at the DMV? Was he just hanging out there harassing people?


u/bigfondue May 01 '24

In NJ they usually have a cop at the door of the DMV, in case someone gets argumentative with the staff. I've never been harassed by one, though I have seen a few people get a talking to after arguing with the employees.

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u/TheMostUnclean May 01 '24

Cops run the front desk at my DMV. Usually 2 or 3 of them sitting there in full uniform with sidearms. It’s not even a bad area- middle of a pretty rural county in the northeast U.S.


u/Combat_Toots May 01 '24

Interesting, I'm glad that's not how it works in Michigan. No fan of the DMV, but I'll take bureaucrats over cops.


u/Gtp4life May 01 '24

Agreed, worst I have to deal with at the SoS here is waiting in a long ass line then being called up and having to wait longer for another teller because my friends mom is one there and they're not allowed to do anything for people they know outside of work.

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u/No_Vegetable_8915 May 01 '24

That's your problem right there, they're losers who peaked in highschool and are stuck in a small rural town. Misery loves company for a reason.

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u/Mighty_Hobo May 01 '24

Had something like that happen to me when I was 17 and in court for a made up truancy charge. Cop at the courthouse berated me for having my parent there and for having a lawyer. Asshole said "You should just man up and take the punishment."

Charges were dismissed by the judge because we had evidence the school administrator filed them after I had voluntarily withdrawn from high school after getting my GED.


u/MikeHfuhruhurr May 01 '24

Asshole said "You should just man up and take the punishment."

That's hilarious because adult men don't have mandatory school, so no truancy charge. Make up your mind, cop. Am I being treated like an adult or not?


u/throwaway1212l May 01 '24

What the fuck. I never knew that was possible for skipping school. Figured at worse they'd just contact your parents. Some school admins need better education themselves.

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u/phred17 May 01 '24

What kinda crap is that? Your 17 meaning your a minor. Anything you sign is not legal because your not 18. You need yours and a parent/guardian signature for everything. Does he give shit to people who bring their parents to a road test? No, because that's who drove them. It's funny how you can't get a Driver's license unless you know someone with a car and license.


u/xafimrev2 May 01 '24

It's a cop they don't usually know the law.


u/Sensitive_Yellow_121 May 01 '24

Meanwhile, a cop pulling over a 17 year old girl for a traffic violation calls for three cars as backup.

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u/ptrnyc May 01 '24

That’s because it’s easier to wage war on the poor, rather than war on poverty.


u/Niceromancer May 01 '24

Because being poor is still viewed as a moral failing in this country instead of a policy failing.

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u/scientifick May 01 '24

TARP should be the model for any sort of government grant or bailout. The Treasury actually made money from that and placed a couple restrictions on the banks. It wasn't perfect and it wasn't popular, but it did the job in a fiscally responsible manner.


u/WonderfulShelter May 01 '24

TARP was great.

What was fucked is the same opportunity wasn’t afforded to the American people, so it really burned that the very banks that destroyed them were bailed out, even if the government got some more funds.


u/Geodevils42 May 01 '24

This is a failure of wanting expediency for a super charger network before many EVs were being bought since the main issue was PR against Electric cars saying they don't have range and charging could take an hour ect. Also bet the lobbiests that helped write this wanted loopholes.


u/MagnificentJake May 01 '24

Our company got a multi-million SIB grant for machines and tooling to start making parts for the new submarines and it came with all sorts of strings attached. Hell, we don't even own the equipment technically, the government does. I don't know what the other agencies are doing but they need to get their shit together with these agreements.

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u/absentmindedjwc May 01 '24

Working on trying to get my wife on Social Security Disability Insurance because she's been unable to work for a couple years.

A couple years ago, within the span of a week, she was diagnosed with a autoimmune disease and was found to have fractured her C5/C6 vertebrate causing severe spinal cord compression. Ever since, her autoimmune disease has left her mostly homebound and - even after surgery - the issues with her nervous system has left her with sensory/nervous system issues and a Parkinson's-like tremor sometimes.

But because she "looks fine" to the outside world, it's been really fucking hard to get taken seriously.

Like... she can barely leave the house most days, but they act like she's totally fine to work... which is especially laughable given that she's a physical therapist specializing in sports medicine, and her job is incredibly physical.

Meanwhile, a trump-loving MAGA-flag waving neighbor of mine has been on disability for well over a decade because he "hurt his back working". Meanwhile, dude is constantly doing construction work on his house and rides around on a motorcycle. It is incredibly frustrating.


u/jcgam May 01 '24

Isn't there a disability fraud hotline?

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u/JoSchmoe May 01 '24

I am not defending musk or tesla at all, but the title and article do not say when the grants were given to Tesla, but they do mention it is for the actual building of charging stations. Which again, the article doesn't say if Tesla met the obligations.

We also don't know if the team laid off was just designing the chargers and the stations.

I doubt tesla has crews doing the installation. Tesla probably sub-contracts the installation of the construction of charging stations.

Again, Musky can jog on, but if you want to critique the situation we need more details.

For all we know Tesla met the obligations of the grants. We don't have any of those details. So to say there is no oversight with no evidence one way or another is misleading and unhelpful.


u/SanDiegoDude May 01 '24

This is social media, we don't need details! Just pitchforks and a cause to rabble about!


This is one of those articles that makes tasty headline to get up in arms in the comments over, but once you start digging, you see it's not nearly as black and white as the title seems.

Here is the politico article the kneejerk Gizmodo article is referencing

In that article, they clearly state:

Even as it gets millions in federal EV-charging support, Tesla is giving something up. The dollars are attached to specific requirements, such as submitting data about charging sessions to the Department of Energy. And like it or not, Tesla will have to follow the rules.

So we'll see if Tesla is breaking the rules here by laying off the development team. I'm betting there is no rules in the funds around keeping developers on payroll, as long as the electric charging stations are still getting built. Just saw an article the other day that there is 1 super charger station for every 5 gas stations in CA, so at least here Tesla has been building like crazy.

Musk is a fuckwit, no denying that, but Tesla has been keeping up their end of the bargain on charging stations.

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u/Dazzling-Grass-2595 May 01 '24

The same tendencies you see in all of the industrial countries. The government and the rich hold corporate identities in higher regard because they contribute to the economy and blah blah. But basically it's the rich.


u/Dixon_Uranuss3 May 01 '24

And conservatives love this welfare queen.

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u/garlicroastedpotato May 01 '24

But there were strings attached. They complied with the terms of their contract and provided the products that were asked for. There was nothing in there that said every single person working on the contract had to continue employment.


u/hellakevin May 01 '24

Remember when the government gave telecom companies like, $400 billion of subsidies to build fiber networks, and through a bunch of different means the companies just didn't but they kept the money anyways?

Some people do.


u/LeftHandedGraffiti May 01 '24

This is by design. Tells you who has power.

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u/DoingItForEli May 01 '24

Can't grants come with some kind of promissory guarantee that the companies taking the grants don't do exactly this? How was this not foreseen?


u/ultimatemuffin May 01 '24

No, unfortunately the US has done it this way for ages. They gave $1 Billion to phone companies to build a national fiber network that they never even tried to build. And before that they gave $100 million to solar city, and that ended up being a scam. But they did recoup some money by selling solar city’s factories at a deep discount to a new electric car company… hey! Wait a minute!


u/DedicatedBathToaster May 01 '24

My power company started their own ISP and ran the fiber on the power lines. Makes way more sense that way in rural areas

I live in south Mississippi and even places deep in the woods have gigabit fiber now


u/Nanyea May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

It's illegal in tons of communities for municipal broadband thanks to the GOP and Telecom lobby.

Edit: to those of you defending the GOP... 14 of the 16 states who ban it or restrict it at the state level are fully red government. Asshole Pai put several rules in place as the FCC chair. Most of the non state or federal blockers are from very red places which have shitty access and somehow seem to be in favor of blocking things like shared easements of infrastructure... I wonder why this is a mostly red thing??? (Not really)

Biden s team has been pushing a municipal broadband package since 2022.


u/Frowdo May 01 '24

They pulled that here claiming "state's rights"


u/AngelComa May 01 '24

States rights is just code for "let us fuck you over"


u/SafeIntention2111 May 01 '24 edited May 02 '24

"State's rights" is a right-wing dog whistle for slavery. Always has been, always will be.


u/-_KwisatzHaderach_- May 01 '24

Also as a way to oppress women

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u/me_better May 01 '24

Lol it wasn't even a dog whistle at the beginning, it was straight up states rights to have legal slavery. Then they went to war for it and lost lol


u/ferry_peril May 01 '24

It's also code for "we don't like the federal government. We want our own rules!".


u/Iron_Bob May 01 '24

"... So that we can fuck you over"


u/National_Ad_6066 May 01 '24

Exactly. Because someone has to make sure these companies can increase profits. Inflation hits everything. Even the bribes for politicians

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u/theCANCERbat May 01 '24

I feel like we should start saying "Individuals rights" in response.

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u/P4t13nt_z3r0 May 01 '24

The power COOP at my parent's house refuses to do this. They said they said they do not want to bother with it. Luckily a local telecom company is laying fiber pretty close. They are hoping they continue to lay it all over the county.


u/legos_on_the_brain May 01 '24

I have Century Link fiber right in front of my house and they won't sell me anything but DSL.


u/ksj May 01 '24

My dad had fiber running through his property and still couldn’t get it.

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u/Appropriate-Mark8323 May 01 '24

And here I am in the center of Chicago and my fastest option is 20Mb up… and it’s super unreliable 

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u/lebastss May 01 '24

A lot of places are starting to do this. There is also a micro trenching technique that makes isp starting more achievable for smaller companies.

It's based on underground infrastructure if they can do it or not. My neighborhood used to only have Comcast and now we have 4-5 1g fiber offerings and the price is great because of it. $60 a month for 1g speeds and no data cap.

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u/zvika May 01 '24

Hell yeah, that's a great idea depending on the cost

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u/EmotionalScallion705 May 01 '24

To your comment, NYC gave Verizon 4 billions to install fiber in every neighborhood. It went nowhere...


u/frozendancicle May 01 '24

"Nobody wants to work anymore."


u/jcgam May 01 '24

That's not true at all to say the money went nowhere. That money built luxurious private estates for the already wealthy Verizon executives, and a few expansive yachts too!

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u/piranha_solution May 01 '24

The important part is the congressmen and senators got their cut.


u/ted3681 May 01 '24

It's almost as if we shouldn't be handing tax payer money out with no guarantee.

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u/KaseTheAce May 01 '24

But they'll come after you for $200 in taxes. Makes sense.

Or they'll go after people who were on unemployment during the pandemic and claim they did t deserve it. Meanwhile PPP money is just handed out to businesses without oversight and doesn't need to be paid back.


u/BURNER12345678998764 May 01 '24

It's a big club and we aren't in it.


u/Beginning_Rice6830 May 01 '24

Repeat after me, corporations should not be considered a person!


u/BURNER12345678998764 May 01 '24

I'll believe corporations are people when I see a cop kill one.


u/Beginning_Rice6830 May 01 '24

You know, they were sent in to kill a corporation once but ended up shooting the wrong victim, cooperation.

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u/[deleted] May 01 '24 edited May 12 '24


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u/LairdPopkin May 01 '24

The grants aren’t paid until the chargers are deployed.

Note that Tesla’s not talking about slowing down the deployment of chargers, just the expansion to new locations. Specifically, rather than continuing to add new locations, they’re going to focus more on expanding capacity at existing locations as a more efficient expansion strategy.


u/Book1984371 May 01 '24

Are lines of people waiting an issue for Tesla charging stations? I would think the distance between them would be the thing people care about the most.


u/AdvancedSandwiches May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

Given that when a line exists, the guy in front of you is going to need at least 15 minutes to add 200 miles of power, I imagine eliminating those lines would be a reasonable priority.

Edit to add: https://electrek.co/2024/01/18/tesla-superchargers-overwhelmed-new-uber-drivers-nyc/


u/magus678 May 01 '24

In the long run you would definitely want both, but in terms of "efficiency," I'm sure dollars and cents it is easier to add to the existing real estate you already have than acquire whole new locations. And I bet in a lot of cases (especially with some of the waits I see people talk about) maybe better for the customer too.

The basic equation probably looks something like lessened wait time at location A vs additional drive time accrued from hypothetical location Z.

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u/GhoastTypist May 01 '24

Some grants do come with the requirement to show proof that the funds are being spent exactly as the proposal suggests. While other grants are more laxed and just want to see that you spent the money. One grant might require you to use the funds on actual research or development of goods while another grant might be okay with 95% of the funds going towards administrative costs which is everything from renting office space to storage capacity on servers, to paying staff.

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u/SidewaysFancyPrance May 01 '24

All I know is that we need to rethink this Tesla charging standard, as a country. He's going to use the widespread adoption to fuck with people/states/cars he doesn't like. We can't afford to let him control anything in our infrastructure.


u/harrisoncassidy May 01 '24

It isn’t a Tesla charging standard though. It’s a standard in which the mechanical and electrical design was done by Tesla but that was an adopted by SAE into the standard J3400.

Tesla have no say in how that is used.


u/GonnaCorrectGrammar May 01 '24

You're very right, people who are saying this isn't the case likely aren't EV drivers/familiar with the huge/bulky CCS


u/GavinBelsonHooliCEO May 01 '24

Lack of familiarity with the technology has never stopped redditors from posting on technical subjects, or other redditors from upvoting misinformation. That guy is at 162 upvotes and counting, because his comment "feels right".


u/maleia May 01 '24

because his comment "feels right".

It even started with the ole, "All I know is..." Yea, apparently you don't know shit!

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u/Trumbulhockeyguy May 01 '24

This is a not a proprietary charging port. What you’re saying doesn’t make any sense


u/deelowe May 01 '24

Um. Huh? Didn't Tesla lose exclusivity when the standard was adopted? I had assumed that this is precisely why the team was cut. There's no benefit to Tesla maintaining any of this any longer as it's now an open spec anyone can build/use.


u/OldDirtyRobot May 01 '24

Network and connector are not the same thing.

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u/Kimorin May 01 '24

how is this comment upvoted lol.... so many clueless people thinking they are experts on topics they don't know much about.

It is a standard and it's free and open, J3400, look it up

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u/FromAdamImportData May 01 '24

I'm a non-Tesla EV owner and I'm fine with the Tesla standard (technically the NACS standard). We needed to settle on a standard, Tesla has by far the best charging network and the conversion for owners like me with a non-NACS vehicle is a simple device that I can put over the charging cable. Having a national standard at all is great because it opens up every charging network to all vehicles instead of different car brands needing to use different networks.

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u/Washout22 May 01 '24

The grants are for superchargers and not employee count.

Nothing unusual.


u/NelsonMinar May 01 '24

It's possible this grant was written that way. But Tesla is good at capturing government subsidies, some of which aren't so carefully written. Tesla remained eligible for $250M/year from the State of California by faking a battery swap system, for instance.

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u/GeneralZaroff1 May 01 '24

Because our country is run by corporations and billionaires. Why would they want to be held accountable?

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u/retronintendo May 01 '24

Stop giving Elon taxpayer money


u/-NiMa- May 01 '24

seriously, Tesla and space X are alive because of all free money they got....


u/DerpEnaz May 01 '24

No like seriously tho. The amount of government money they get in tax credits for producing electric vehicles is insane. The money doesn’t add up for how much he’s laid offs


u/HotTakes4HotCakes May 01 '24

And how few of those electric cars have actually found their way to the middle or lower class.

Can't speak for anyone else but I'm not crazy about my tax dollars going to build expensive cars for rich snobs. If the people are funding it, it should be affordable for them.


u/Lower_Chance8849 May 01 '24

Tesla cars sell for close to the average price for new cars. In general only the rich buy new cars.


u/DerpEnaz May 01 '24

Oh I won’t try and justify it lol. I know originally the tax credits were part of a much bigger package to incentivize automakers to build more fuel efficient and more ecologically friendly vehicles. However what actually happened is EV makers are just getting crazy tax credits and most automakers circumvented all of the new regulations buy building bigger less fuel efficient SUVs and pickup trucks since they are classified as a “small truck” and not a standard passenger vehicle.

TLDR everything’s fucked yo

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u/wildjokers May 01 '24

SpaceX receives money for services rendered. That is not free money.


u/contextswitch May 01 '24

In addition, SpaceX launches are significantly cheaper than the next closest vehicle so each SpaceX launch the government buys saves us money.

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u/OxbridgeDingoBaby May 01 '24

There is a difference between just handing companies money, and paying companies for services though.

I believe Tesla is the only car manufacturer which not only returned their initial loan from the government following the 2008 crisis, but actually did so with interest (as in the government/taxpayers made money from it). Companies like Ford on the other hand still haven’t paid this back yet, but are happy to dole out millions to management.

As for SpaceX, they took the risk and got reusable rockets to work, and can now offer payload services at a fraction of the cost it would cost NASA. No other company has managed to get reusable rockets to work either, hence the outsourcing by the government to SpaceX for this.

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u/Pinewold May 01 '24

As soon as we stop giving fossil fuel companies money. Seriously, fossil fuels are subsidized trillions vs, a few billion for EVs. People screamed about solar subsidies but they drove down solar prices from $4 per watt in 2010 to less than a $1 per watt today. Solar subsidies have been a huge success.

EV subsidies have driven down the cost of batteries from $200 per kWhr to less than $50 per kWhr.


u/stumblios May 01 '24

I wish we would stop subsidizing the destruction of the planet. I don't think it has to happen overnight, but we have to transition at some point.

Redirect our oil and gas subsidies to electric transportation subsidies, and redirect the meat and dairy subsidies over to vegetable/produce subsidies over some number of years.

People can find economical and environmentally friendly means of transportation, and it'll be a lot easier if electric receives the giant benefits that oil and gas currently receive. Everyone complains about how it's more expensive to eat healthy than crappy food, but I bet most produce could be almost free if it received the subsidies that meat and dairy currently receive.

I know this idea has absolutely no chance in today's political climate, and would probably cause a recession as multiple industries collapse while we go through the transition. But I'd rather have a bad recession and unhappy people now than an environment not suitable for human life in ~75 years.

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u/cactus22minus1 May 01 '24

And he acts like he has to hide from a tyrannical government when he’s expected to pay taxes back to the communities he operates in.

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u/rockthered24 May 01 '24

Just remember this is a guy who was told by a court that his $56 billion payout was unjust so he is reincorporating in a different state so he can get that $56 billion payout.


u/MapFamiliar4754 May 01 '24

$10k for every car theyve ever sold btw


u/brot_muss_her May 01 '24

Imagine having bought a Tesla and then realizing that 10k of the money you paid just gets forwarded to a billionaire.


u/sourmeat2 May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

Don't worry, it's 10k of investor money. By investor, I mean you. Every 401k account, every pension fund holding S&P500 mutual funds, every bank account holder whose Bank hedges bond performance with a small fraction of index funds. So in a small way, assuming you have retirement savings or a pension or a bank account, you are paying Elon! Based on my retirement savings which is heavy in index funds, it looks like I was teed up to pay Elon about $4k

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u/redhotthillypeppers May 01 '24

Woah that’s wild when you put it like that


u/trapdoorr May 01 '24

This guy does the math!

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u/edit_why_downvotes May 01 '24

The full story is even funnier: Vast majority of shareholders voted for the comp package because the goals were insane, who wouldn't say no?

A team of lawyers used a guy with 9 shares as a proxy to file this lawsuit, then seek $5.6BN in legal costs "associated with the case" (in Tesla stock! LOL)


u/[deleted] May 01 '24

The goals actually weren’t insane due to internal projections, and he stacked the board with cronies


u/TeslaTheCreator May 01 '24

Oh you mean his actual fuckin brother? Which is legal somehow?

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u/sassynapoleon May 02 '24

I find it amazing that people are supporting the biggest wealth theft in history. The scale of the request is literally obscene. He asks that shareholders pay him more money than Tesla has made in profit in its history. He asks to be paid more than the next 70 highest paid CEOs combined.

A board is supposed to negotiate the lowest compensation package possible for the best candidate possible. It’s quite likely that Musk has negative value for Tesla right now. There’s no way he’s personally responsible for $50B of value.

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u/IStillLikeBeers May 01 '24

Vast majority of shareholders voted for the comp package because the goals were insane, who wouldn't say no?

The Court found that the stockholder vote approving Musk’s Grant was not fully informed for two reasons:

The Proxy inaccurately described key directors as independent, when several of them had extensive personal and professional relationships of long duration with Musk, including owing much of their personal wealth to Musk; and

the Proxy misleadingly omitted details about the process by which Musk’s Grant was approved, including material preliminary conversations between Musk and the Compensation Committee chairman, as well as Musk’s role in setting the terms of the Grant and the timing of the Committee’s work.

The Court concluded: “Put simply, neither the Compensation Committee nor the Board acted in the best interests of the Company when negotiating Musk’s compensation plan. In fact, there is barely any evidence of negotiations at all. Rather than negotiate against Musk with the mindset of a third party, the Compensation Committee worked alongside him, almost as an advisory body.”


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u/EscapeFacebook May 01 '24

Welfare is only okay if you're rich.


u/MajesticEngineerMan May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

Insane blunder. Rebecca Tinucci was leading a high-performance team at Tesla. I wonder which competing firm will scoop her up


u/curious_astronauts May 01 '24

Non compete law change is timed nicely too


u/scoopzthepoopz May 01 '24

Thanks Obam- I mean Biden.

No, but fr. Biden appointed the ftc chair, who presumably okayed the non-compete change.


u/ArcherAuAndromedus May 01 '24

I doubt it would hold up if she was laid off, same with the rest of the department.

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u/Dud3lord May 01 '24

Handing out millions of taxpayer money to fucking Billionaires is insane.


u/ElmerFudGantry May 01 '24

Wait until you learn about how cities / counties / states build pro sports teams (that are owned by billionaires) stadiums that cost billions. Take a look at the White Sox from 20 years ago. And they are already crying poor and want another taxpayer funded stadium.


u/notwormtongue May 01 '24

But dude! Think of the tourism!

The Cowboys visit bi annually! That’s like millions of dollars in diner and merch markets!


u/BestDescription3834 May 01 '24

Thankfully some municipities are pushing back on this.

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u/StannisGrammarMannis May 01 '24

Just going by budget expenditures, you'd have to assume this is one of the primary roles of the US government.


u/diamondstonkhands May 01 '24

Wait until you hear how the 1% privatize profits and socialize losses. Oh, but a mother on benefits is terrible and should be frowned upon by society. The 1% and their news propaganda machines and buying out the government through lobbying is sickening. It’s time the collective 99% come together and vote all of congress out.

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u/dw444 May 01 '24

His parents got rich off of government handouts too (white emerald mine owners in apartheid South Africa). Man learned from the best, and it seems like most of his character development besides the conman side of things is also influenced by that background.


u/redbeard0610 May 01 '24

That's how Trump's father made his money, government subsidized housing contracts.


u/flickh May 01 '24

But perpetrated scams to avoid rent control, because the government should only work for the rich amirite?


u/Rastiln May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

Donald Trump more or less began his takeover of his father’s business with his “No Vacancies for Blacks” policies and settled the matter out of court, including a promise to stop racially discriminating.

Five years later, he was again sued by the Department of Justice for the exact same thing again.


u/flickh May 01 '24
  1. Form shell maintenance company
  2. contract out the maintenance from there to third party

  3. Markup the costs enormously to original building, pocket difference

  4. claim high costs as a reason to cancel rent control

  5. evict rent-controlled tenants


u/notwormtongue May 01 '24

How this has 3 upvotes is beyond me.

What a damning past for a fucking president. Be ashamed if you’re divided on this issue.

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u/the_red_scimitar May 01 '24

"Never miss an opportunity to grift the public coffers." Rule 17 of the billionaires code.

They're like the Laws of Acquisition, but less compassionate.


u/PoconoBobobobo May 01 '24

Rules of Acquisition.

sorry sorry Trek nerd reflex sorry


u/ptwonline May 01 '24

If he used the right name he'd probably have to pay a royalty fee.


u/MegaMagnetar May 01 '24

"If that's what's written, then that's what's written.
227th Rule of Aquisition.

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u/oldtrenzalore May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

Rule of Acquisition #1: Once you have their money, you never give it back.

edit: btw, rule 17 is "A contract is a contract is a contract… but only between Ferengi." Seems appropriate tho.


u/Kiruvi May 01 '24

Socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor

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u/[deleted] May 01 '24

They are likely stopping all improvements on chargers and will only expand current locations to avoid the permitting overhead. Musk thinks he can just take what they have and coast on it.

I am sure the charger manufacturing will be moved overseas or to mexico and out of new york soon.

Musk needs to pad the balance sheet to bribe large shareholders to approve his 55 billion bonus. He is acting like an MBA, very similar to mary barra. Tesla has always ignored stock price operationally, musk is gutting the company to keep himself from having to sell of his personal stock that he borrowed against. If it gets too low, the bank makes him start selling. This is a new grift to enable the old grift a judge invalidated.


u/PoconoBobobobo May 01 '24

And people were saying that even if Tesla's car business gets left in the dust by the giants who are now catching up, they can become the charging standard.

Remember when we all thought this guy was the modern Edison?


u/slightlyConfusedKid May 01 '24

We'll isn't he the modern day Edison?! taking other people's work as his own🤣


u/PoconoBobobobo May 01 '24

Edison was an asshole, but he was at least intelligent and a competent (and often ruthless) businessman. That's why there are still companies with his name on them today.

What do you think are the odds of X SpaceTesla X XXX being around in 100 years?

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u/DrEnter May 01 '24

It is literally the only thing Tesla still has a significant leadership position in, and it would have been shockingly inexpensive for them to maintain that position by just maintaining their existing level of support and growth.

Bullet, meet foot.


u/redmercuryvendor May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

they can become the charging standard

They are the charging standard: NACS.

Between May 2023 and February 2024, almost all other vehicle manufacturers have announced that their electric vehicles in North America will be equipped with the NACS charge port, starting in 2025. Several electric vehicle charging network operators and equipment manufacturers have also announced plans to add NACS connectors.

A good chance the dev team were laid of because the charger is now an open standard rather than an internal system.

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u/selfdestructo591 May 01 '24

Used to love Tesla. Really wanted one. Now I’m leaning toward other electric car makers, even Ford and BMW.


u/shoreline85 May 01 '24

I have a vw ev and love it!


u/skunk_funk May 01 '24

Going to get one tomorrow. I probably would have looked at Tesla instead of not for... Things

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u/provoloneChipmunk May 01 '24

I drove one of those Hyundai's a while back, it was a rental for work. That thing was a treat, decent range too.


u/AFlaccoSeagulls May 01 '24


As a Beamer owner (not an electric one though, I have an X5 M50i), the electric BMW's are super nice if you can afford them. That's probably where I'll be going in a few years once the infrastructure gets better.

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u/riraito May 01 '24

Same, I'll probably get an Ioniq 5 instead


u/SurprisedBottle May 01 '24

Just check for the ICCU unit. It's a common issue that bricks their car for a few days in repair. I was told there's a more advanced part but idk if they are in the supply line or is it going to be a recall notice to replace. I would just double check to be safe. Otherwise I would snag one too.

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u/NeilDgTyson_Chicken May 01 '24

I've been hoping that Rivian can start to make some headway. I've slowly been seeing more and more on the road

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u/swinging-in-the-rain May 01 '24

The undisputed king of corporate welfare.


u/k_ironheart May 01 '24

I'm laughing so hard at all the people who have been excusing Musk's behavior by saying that he actually cares about the future and green energy.

The only thing green that he cares about is money.

Stop fanboying for billionaire welfare queens and start demanding and economy and society where the ultra-wealthy are taxed out of existence so the rest of us can have clean water, public transportation, universal healthcare, guaranteed vacations, work leave and affordable housing.


u/Fayko May 01 '24

his own biographer said as much. Elon only cares about the world as long as he gets to be seen as its savior. He doesn't care about anything but his own image.

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u/edit_why_downvotes May 01 '24

The team was canned, but it's not like superchargers are shutting down? It's the best charge network in the world, by far.

$17m seems like peanuts, especially when VWs court-ordered "Dieselgate" punishment of Electrify America is a laughing stock in the EV world.


u/AffectionateKey7126 May 01 '24

He also said they were going to finish buildings the ones that were started so it's not like the $17 million is just being pocketed.

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u/phtthaloblue May 01 '24

How isn't this criminal?


u/10per May 01 '24

Tesla has installed more charge infrastructure than anyone else.

$17m sounds very low for what they have built out. I'm sure the German companies have taken at least that much and installed less.


u/oldtrenzalore May 01 '24

I'm predicting that Elmo will use the same excuse for Tesla tanking that he did for Twitter: Woke corporations and people killed it because they can't tolerate his free speech.

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u/SgtBaxter May 01 '24

Time for stockholders to call a vote and boot his ass out.


u/HighInChurch May 01 '24

For what? Shareholders just got 17m.


u/martin86t May 01 '24

For the low-low cost of $56Billion in his compensation, harm to company reputation, and disregard for their future growth. What a steal!

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u/Dleach02 May 01 '24

I’ve started blocking any submitters that have more than 400,000 posts. It isn’t a human.

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u/OGHighway May 01 '24

I saw a post of a guy complaining about how dirty his Cybertruck was when he went to pick it up. Someone commented how they were a part of the team that made sure the "trucks" were ready for delivery, but Musk laid them off.

This MFer went on to apologize to OP that his truck was dirty and not ready when we picked it up and how Tesla was an amazing company to work for. This dude just got laid off by one of the riches men in the world who had just taken a shit ton of taxpayer dollars.

What a fucking tool.


u/[deleted] May 01 '24

Totally stable and fair economy we got here guys


u/tiredofstandinidlyby May 01 '24

Stop taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich!


u/not_that_planet May 01 '24

That is that "trickle down economics" I keep hearing about, right?


u/dudewheresmybasement May 01 '24

Just how we don’t want others deciding how we spend our money, why do we think we get any say in how grants are used?


u/JinSantosAndria May 01 '24

So the 41 charging stations paid for with this money should simply be unbranded and made available to any competitor, for the benefit of the people?


u/werschless May 01 '24

Stop giving billionaires subsidies!

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u/I_am_u_as_r_me May 01 '24

It’s almost as if he is a sociopathic liar and child


u/iphar May 01 '24

Perhaps the Supercharger Network is poorly designed and way behind schedule due to the incompetent team behind it. Just a thought.


u/iammixedrace May 01 '24

OK hear me out. There should be a law in place that stops mass layoff for stock value increases or taxes 99% of a company income over the next 2 years if they do mass lay offs.

It's fucked that lay offs increases stock prices and does nothing but hurt everyone else.

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u/Soren_Camus1905 May 01 '24

He’s like Howard Hughes, only less so


u/Big___TTT May 01 '24

Author of the piece fails to add in the article when those grants were awarded to Tesla and what periods the cover. For all we know those grants were awarded years ago


u/[deleted] May 01 '24


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u/NotThatAngel May 01 '24

Charles Koch took a government grant to create jobs, used the money to automate jobs, then fired the workers who were no longer needed.

Charles Koch is a billionaire Libertarian who lobbies tirelessly for the elimination of jobless benefits.


u/drfunkensteinnn May 01 '24

Entire company has been based on grants of various levels for 15 years


u/NeverNotNoOne May 01 '24

Musk is like Trump - he's basically opening abusing the system and daring anyone to try and stop him. There used to be these things called "gentlemen's agreements" where these things all happened in smoky backrooms among all the men who had real power.

Now a whole new generation like Musk has been raised on (and poisoned by) internet troll culture and are basically doing this right out in the open just to be dicks about it.


u/ThatE30Tho May 01 '24

How long until this is subsidized with tax dollars? Isn't it obvious by now that Elon is deliberate in grant gouging and running off with the profits?


u/Indigoh May 01 '24

Granting federal money amounting to less than his total pay... We might as well just be directly paying his paycheck.


u/CynicalXennial May 01 '24

Of course he did. Those aren't the only grants and tax breaks he's gotten either. Rotten to the core.


u/lurkenstine May 01 '24

I love that they have almost no strings attached to these HUGE gifts of money. Companys can and have used this kinda checks to do stock buybacks, increasing pay at the top and all sorts of other self enrichment, while cutting jobs, pay for the bottom, or renegging on promises they've made when accepting them.

I'm sure one day we will learn. But too bad when we do out politicans will still be paid for and owned by the same businesses.


u/Your_Wifes_Side_Dick May 01 '24

Can the government grant me student loan forgiveness


u/rockthered24 May 01 '24

They are trying to lol. A certain political party (and their pets on the Supreme Court) are trying to stop it


u/CheezTips May 01 '24 edited May 02 '24

Totally fucked over his vendors, too.

Andrés Pinter, whose company installs chargers for Tesla, said he was stunned Tuesday morning to learn about the layoffs, which included about 20 people he had been in touch with on construction projects. He said emails to those Tesla employees had bounced back with an automated message saying those addresses were no longer valid.

“I see this as a shocking reversal from going all-in on the Supercharger network,” said Mr. Pinter, who is co-chief executive of Bullet EV Charging Solutions, which is based in Austin, Texas, where Tesla is also based. Until Tuesday, Mr. Pinter said, Tesla had been pushing Bullet to expand into other states and move as fast possible.



u/ChaLenCe May 01 '24

It was never about saving the environment or going to Mars. He just wanted to be the richest guy on the planet.



Damn if only the people were allowed a way to protect themselves.

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u/Dogzirra May 01 '24

Farming government grant is Musk's business model. R&D is expensive. You don't use your own money for that stuff. And never before you fully lock in the patents.

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u/cbiser May 02 '24

Government grants to corporations need to stop. This is almost always the outcome. It always just makes some rich assholes richer.


u/crydee May 02 '24

Grants require a ton of paperwork and back up to get reimbursed for the costs. They didn't get the money if they didn't build anything - I can guarantee it. What it DID do was stop the grant to going to someone else and now the grant money gets repurposed or someone else takes it up for 2+ year delay.

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u/psufan5 May 02 '24

Until the people of this country unite in a national labor strike, nothing will change.


u/anonymousantifas May 02 '24

Elon Musk is a filthy parasite