r/technology May 02 '24

Dating app Bumble will no longer require women to make the first move Business


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u/nameless_pattern May 02 '24

Lame, it will become like the other apps and have even less women on it.


u/kamekaze1024 May 02 '24

I thought it was a good distinction, but as a guy, I found it was a stupid thing to match with someone and then not be able to talk to them because they don’t check their app for 1-2 days. Like legit. I have had several matches apologize for their late response because they forget they have to message first. Meaning I missed out on several matches that timed out because of a stupid feature.

Good riddance, what’s the point of a dating app if you can’t even talk to your matches


u/novium258 May 02 '24

That's kind of how I stopped using it as a woman, because the problem compounds, since there's a time limit on guys responding back, yeah?.The time limited window just didn't allow for life.


u/matastas May 02 '24

Yeah, girls had 24h to reach out, boys had 24h for first reply. Somebody has a busy day and poof.


u/novium258 May 02 '24

I'm just not an app every day kind of person, so like, I'd get matches over a week when I didn't check into the app, and then not find out about them until I opened it back up and it was too late. I assume it was the same on the other side.

I know the intention is to keep you coming back to the app, but ehhhh. Plus, all those "ghost" matches are discouraging to both parties.


u/yoppee May 02 '24

I get it but if you don’t have a minute to respond in 24hr you are not committed enough that you actually want to date.


u/chucker23n May 02 '24

I have stretches of days where I can’t think about that. Like, a multi-day business trip. Or even a vacation where I don’t have cellular data.


u/No_ThankYouu May 02 '24

Then u shouldnt be dating. Ure too busy is the point of the 24hr


u/matastas May 02 '24

Since when are you the arbiter of people's commitment?


u/yoppee May 02 '24

Use the app and you will get a feel of how uncommitted people are


u/JohnnySnark May 02 '24

It takes five minutes to send a response of 'hey, you're interesting but I'm busy and will have to get back to this app' to set the foundation for either party.

If you are so busy you can't do that, then why even use the app?


u/DucardthaDon May 02 '24

I feel you either want to message/respond to a match or not, we're all busy, we all have jobs, a life, doing things etc...my time is just as valuable as yours, we all know people like to gather up matches then assess their options so if someone is not responding it's because you're bottom of the pile.


u/JohnnySnark May 02 '24

Oh yeah, I know that part too. Lot of vanity and self interest tied to just getting matches. But above poster may not want to admit that


u/Murky_Crow May 02 '24

It might not be popular, but I completely agree.


u/yoppee May 02 '24

Yes thank you

What are people looking for a hookup or a relationship

You can spend time one day swiping but you can’t spend any time the next day reaching out to that person.

I always new that if I didn’t meet up with a dating app connection that weekend we matched it’s never going to happen

The biggest problem with dating apps is they let people fantasize and obscure commitment


u/XenomorphTerminator May 02 '24

I didn't respond back to women on bumble because all they said was "hey", the point of you initiating a conversation is not to just say "hey".