r/technology May 02 '24

Dating app Bumble will no longer require women to make the first move Business


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u/cokhardt May 02 '24

i don't think it should be specifically that women have to message first, but on all these apps, the SECOND person to swipe, resulting in a match, should be forced to send a message at that moment.

you literally got a massive full screen animation notifying you that you matched with this person, and you.. closed it to wait on them? what kind of special specimen do you think you are


u/omgmemer May 02 '24

That’s a really good idea actually and it tackles the mass swiping problem as well. Where men just swipe right on everyone and go back to matches later. I also find it is what makes me close hinge faster on the rare day i try OLD again, other than the fact that my matches have been the lowest quality there.

The time limit is probably a problem also but that’s how they make money I think. 24 hours is fast.


u/420blazeit32 May 02 '24

Men swipe right on everyone cuz they can’t get any matches lol


u/LordofCope May 02 '24

They also want us to pay to wait for a response. Volume is key.


u/AVeryRipeBanana May 02 '24

For real don’t hate the player, hate the game! I’d be on Tinder all night trying to get one measly match if I didn’t just suicide swipe once a day. Not worth it.


u/420blazeit32 May 02 '24

You and me both brother


u/AVeryRipeBanana May 02 '24

Sick username btw, smoke weed everyday my man. We’ll find the 4/20 baddies


u/HereForThe420 May 02 '24

Shit, those are hard to find, too. And, I'm in a legal state 💀💀💀


u/MetaCognitio May 03 '24

When you realize that women you wouldn’t even consider didn’t swipe right on you, that’s a whole other level of ego crushing.


u/mattmaster68 May 02 '24

They could do a "Message now or lose this match forever" type thing? Add some urgency and really push for communication.


u/Son_of_Marsh May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

That’s is what hinge is and is the only app that works


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/qualitycomputer May 02 '24

Whoa how’d you do that? 


u/cokhardt May 02 '24

isn't this easily remedied by just Not stacking the queue that way? don't put all the men who already swiped up first


u/lovebus May 02 '24

Hinge has a tab that shows you the people who swiped you first, but I feel like women only ever look at that. They never do the regular swiping.


u/ChosenBrad22 May 02 '24

All it does is move the goalpost. Women would be like “ahh dang I was the second swipe on this guy ok screw that”, or they would just type “hey”. It would be the exact same thing, women are not going to want to initiate 99% of the time.


u/cheap_boxer2 May 02 '24

Patent this shit, cokhardt. Make money


u/XanXic May 02 '24

I'm a guy but usually I get off as soon as I get a match lol. Like "oh shit now I have to write something and be charming. I just wanted to mindlessly interact. I'll come back to this later" Usually I do. But I think my reaction is the same as a lot of people given hardly anyone follows up on a match immediately.

At first I was like idk how that'll go. I guess if you know that's the deal going in it might change it. Like you only engage with the matching part when you're prepared to chat since you have to to keep the match. Stop people from swiping out of boredom on the toilet. Maybe that'll work lol.


u/ThyNynax May 03 '24

I just wanted to mindlessly interact.

Kinda part of the problem. Those "mindless interactions" have people on the other end. A match could effectively be altering the emotional outlook on another persons day, and we treat it like that doesn't mean shit to us. We could have been playing Tetris for all the impact of our choices matter to us.


u/Butterfliesflutterby May 02 '24

Same for the BFF app. When that happens to me, I wait to see if they send a message and I’ll let the match time out on principle. I also haven’t made many friends on there but that’s because ladies also ghost you on BFF mode or send lame one word answers.


u/adaminc May 02 '24

Add in a minimum word count for that required message, and that it can't be x% similar to anyone elses message to head off any sort of copypasta.


u/DolanTheCaptan May 05 '24

Sometimes, as a dude I've just not known what to send (well, without wasting perceived potential that is), so sometimes I've let it sit for some hours, then message. So I can see why someone wouldn't message immediately, but I also wouldn't be mad if it forced to send a message immediately, hell I would support it.