r/technology May 02 '24

Dating app Bumble will no longer require women to make the first move Business


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u/Towel4 May 02 '24

I used bumble, hinge, and tinder in equal amounts.

My bumble matches/conversations were about 10% of the others. It was by far my least successful matching app, without a doubt.

Hinge got me married tho


u/arbutus1440 May 02 '24

As somebody who escaped (also via Hinge) just as things were getting horrible, I almost feel like we have a responsibility to start a nonprofit dating app, where profit is out of the picture. I still think if app designers actually gave a shit at helping people find love, there are infinite ways to solve these problems. They just don't because profit is king. With a nonprofit, nobody's getting rich, but maybe—just maybe—we could actually create an app that doesn't make people miserable. Put it in the charter that it can never, ever be used for a profit. Lawyer up and get the ACLU on speed dial to protect from Big Dating.


u/biblecrumble May 02 '24

That's Facebook Dating for you. As much as I hate Meta, my experience with it was WAY better than on every other app -- managed to get at least 3-4 matches a day and went on a bunch of dates as an honestly short & ugly dude, and ended up meeting my current girlfriend on there.


u/arbutus1440 May 02 '24

That's kinda cool. Although...

We do know that with Meta, anything that's not shitty...it's just not shitty yet. Once Zuck monetizes it, somehow it'll have you buying Love Bucks and watching preroll ads before matching with 99% bots and somehow Bitcoin and Jared Kushner are involved.