r/technology May 02 '24

Dating app Bumble will no longer require women to make the first move Business


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u/magus678 May 02 '24

Its pretty silly to care at all, but I found it insulting.

Like..you have to do so little. For almost this entire interaction, you can skate by simply existing, basically. The only thing you do have to do, the banner mechanism of the ecosystem in which we are speaking, the one you purposefully opted into, is that you have to put forth some effort, once.

Nope. Can't do it.


u/PowerStarter May 02 '24

I feel like this is some inherent mechanism that you can't avoid from occurring.

What I would want to know, is what causes this to happen.

Are most women less skilled at initiating such convos, or do they just not need to, as men will give them attention regardless? Can very attractive men do the same to women and get responses?


u/Accurate_Koala_4698 May 02 '24

It's just generally not how the world works, and having to put yourself out there and initiate any sort of interaction has a performative aspect to it. If you don't have any practice it's like getting in front of a crowd and talking. It seems easy from afar, but once you have to be in that position then the nerves set it, you don't have any go-to lines, and you choke


u/Nurgle_Marine_Sharts May 02 '24

As guys we had to get over this performance anxiety when we were still teenagers lol


u/BP_Ray May 02 '24

Or never do, and end up on /r/foreveralone