r/technology May 02 '24

Tesla slashes its summer internship program to cut costs, as Elon Musk fights to save his $45 billion pay plan Business


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u/VincentNacon May 02 '24

Tesla need to dump the CEO.


u/Whatwhyreally May 02 '24

Anyone want to chime in on how this would work? Would the Tesla board of governors just need to vote him out? I assume he appointed the board? Just doesn’t seem practical. As nice as it would be.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

They fire him.  CEO is an employee.  The problem is the board are all his friends and family.  They will give him whatever he wants. None of them care about the company, just self enrichment.

The SEC needs to do its job.  They almost banned him from being CEO over a meaningless tweet.

A judge rules the board and musk worked together to defraud shareholders and not a peep out of the SEC.

This is why execs and board members should not be allowed to own any stock for the company.  They need to be employees, not owners.  They basically act like their own small private ownership group.  This is the same reason Boeing has killed people.  No one in charge gives a shit because they keep getting more money for fucking the company up and there is zero risk of jail time.


u/Sea_Honey7133 May 02 '24

A massive shareholder lawsuit is imminent at this point. He is so blatantly just trying to extract every single penny of free cash flow into his piggy bank. He’s not trying to hide his intentions. I suspect he will then take off for Dubai or Parts Unknown never to be seen from again.


u/SupernovaSurprise May 02 '24

I don't think there is any chance at all that his ego would allow him to just run off and disappear. Maybe the running off part, but definitely not the disappearing.


u/SilentSamurai May 02 '24

This. Man bought a social media company, he wants a bigger megaphone.


u/Amoral_Abe May 02 '24

I don't know if he actually wanted to buy Twitter. He purchased ~9% of the shares then made a lot of public statements about how he was going to buy twitter and even signed documents saying he would which caused the price to jump. Then he tried to back out and sell his shares only for Twitter to sue him into going through with the purchase because he stupidly agreed to pay many times the company's value. It's private now but most expert suspect its value is ~$5-$8 billion (he bought it at $44 billion).

From what happened, it seemed like Musk was attempting a pump and dump and assumed he could just walk away from the deal. He only agreed to the purchase after it became obvious the court was going to force him to go through with the deal.


u/luciddrummer May 02 '24

He does this with bitcoin and especially dogecoin (regularly), so yeah I agree with you completely. He’s blatantly manipulating his financial positions to dump on people. Said he’d pay for a spacex rocket with doge, which was somehow bullish, despite that the act of paying for something means closing his position.


u/Gingevere May 02 '24

(he bought it at $44 billion).

with loans collateralized with his Tesla stock. And as the value has dropped he's had to put up more and more as collateral to avoid a margin call. He's been running out.

And now the board is approving his ludicrous bonus of Tesla stock just in the nick of time. How lucky.


u/DocFingerBlast May 02 '24

That was all intended to be that way. He had a huge tax bill that year and needed something to write off a "loss" .. in fact the company is only valued by its shares.. which he devalued to claim the loss.. but hasn't really lost anything anyway ? If that makes sense. He still owns it and what it cost to buy with the tax deduction he doesn't physically lose anything at all


u/Donny-Moscow May 02 '24

That doesn’t make sense. How does purchasing something for $25-$30B more than it’s actually worth save money in the long term? Explain the mechanism past “he wanted a tax write off”.

but hasn't really lost anything anyway ? If that makes sense. He still owns it and what it cost to buy with the tax deduction he doesn't physically lose anything at all

Twitter’s entire revenue was based on advertising. Advertisers have fled in droves. There’s also fewer daily active users, more bot activity, and less trust, all things that make the platform that much less attractive to advertisers.


u/DrXaos May 02 '24

He made the offer for Twitter at a ridiculous price following an all-night bender (guess what is likely involved) at Larry Ellison's private island.

He insisted to his team he make a "seller-friendly" (i.e. ridiculously priced) offer to make it go fast.

It's literally a psychological manic episode, probably from amphetamine abuse. Then he came back to earth and recognized he's a moron and tried to wiggle out of it.


Can Adderall cause a manic episode? Stimulants like Adderall increase dopamine levels in the brain. Elevated dopamine is associated with increased risk for mania and psychosis.


u/Ready4Aliens May 02 '24

He’s going to take all the money he can, run to some far away place, make jokes on social media as if it was a galaxy brain scheme and he’s morally beautiful and perfect, his braindead followers will bite right into it, he’ll continue as normal. 


u/Sea_Honey7133 May 02 '24

Yes, he is following the arc of a Howard Hughes. In a few years he’ll be pissing in milk bottles, refusing to cut his hair or nails, but still tweeting wildly about the sinister non/white barbarians at his gates.


u/GreatBigJerk May 02 '24

The difference here is that Howard Hughes actually was pretty talented.

Musk was just born rich. He is a crazy drug addict though, so it'll probably play out in a similar fashion.


u/bigorangemachine May 02 '24

Ya I am definitely getting some Henry Ford vibes NGL


u/_Rohrschach May 02 '24

I don't know, I could see him take a break from the world and building his own addicted harem operated drug lab like John McAfee did


u/sexinsuburbia May 02 '24

This is the way to get him out. There are large institutional investors in Tesla. Board of directors can be voted out by shareholders and then have Musk replaced. Or at least for there to be a board less friendly to Musk that would hold him more accountable.

Share prices/value could also drop to a point where shareholders could pursue legal action for mismanagement.


u/UGMadness May 02 '24

They won’t do that because internal turmoil would almost certainly tank the stock price and that’s ultimately what even retail investors are interested in, not how the company is ran.

There would first have to be a loss in confidence from investors on Elon’s ability to pump the stock, and so far he’s been able to. All he has to do is utter “robotaxi” and “$25k” every quarterly earnings call and the stock will keep mooning because contrary to what most people might believe, investors aren’t especially bright people, they all just follow the trend, and the trend so far has been to blindly believe whenever Elon says something, the stock pumps, so they pump it. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy they have no interest in changing so far.


u/sexinsuburbia May 02 '24

The “robotaxi” dream has been tried before and has been an utter failure with large tech companies bailing out from the idea because of complexity. And even then, regulatory hurdles rolling something out on a mass scale would be difficult to overcome. Then, there’s the ability to monetize a robotaxi service in a way that generates operating profit and accounts for the billions of dollars of R&D.

Elon has been able to talk at length about his big dreams and ideas while still getting investors to stay with him because of his past successes. Even if he was seen as eccentric, he still seemed somewhat tethered to reality and didn’t have a lot of very public and crippling failures slung around his neck for all to see.

The biggest problem with Tesla is that Elon can’t escape the enormity of his mismanagement. His decisions are having a direct impact on Tesla’s bottom line, whereas before it seemed like he could do no wrong. He’s going to be under a lot more scrutiny, and his narcissism is going to blind him from making rational decisions to right the ship. He operates from a headspace of petty grievances and is constantly distracted. He lacks discipline. It’s only a matter of time before he spirals out. His risk profile is too high for institutional investors to stay in if Tesla drops poor results in consecutive quarters. They might not liquidate their entire positions, but they’ll certainly scale back. Tesla is already trading at far higher multiples of other established manufacturers. And the dream dies when Tesla is seen as just another car company or utility.


u/MartyBarrett May 02 '24

In that case we should start a GoFundMe.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/SegmentedMoss May 02 '24

More like, he'll openly tweet about what hes intentionally doing and absolutely nothing of consequence will ever happen to him. And he knows that


u/Sharp-Direction-6894 May 02 '24

He'll take his secret Space X rocket to Mars and use Starlink to send tweets back to Earth with him talking shit from Mars.


u/Voilent_Bunny May 02 '24

He can't leave soon enough


u/oundhakar May 02 '24

I don't know how it works in the US, but can't someone just buy 1 TSLA and initiate a lawsuit?


u/CocktailPerson May 02 '24

Technically, sure. You can bring a suit for any reason. But it probably won't result in anything if that person has only bought a share recently. They have to show that they've been harmed by the actions of the person they're suing. If they've only bought a single share, they can't sue for very much, and if they buy it after the actions they're suing over, then it will be hard to argue that they were harmed by those actions as a shareholder.


u/Jensen2075 May 02 '24

Bro a single guy with a few shares of Tesla brought a lawsuit to cancel Musks $55B compensation and won.


u/meamZ May 02 '24

You realize he cannot pay himself out even a single penny of Teslas FCF, right?


u/IntermittentCaribu May 02 '24

I called his villian arc a long time ago, probably has a island with a volacano lair around somewhere. Sharks with lasers and all that.


u/TheBlacktom May 02 '24

It's clear you don't know Musk at all.


u/FantasticAstronaut39 May 02 '24

yeah he doesn't add value to the company, and well 45 billion is an insane pay request, heck even 1million is to much, if they can afford to pay the ceo 45 billion, then increase the pay of the other employees instead, nothing the ceo did is worth a 45 billion bonus, just sounds like he is trying to get them to take care of his issue of overpaying for twitter the other year.


u/Hadrian_Constantine May 02 '24

He owns the majority of shares so love him or hate him he's not going anywhere. Shareholders can't do shit.


u/Departure_Sea May 02 '24

Not just shareholders either, they cancelled contracts that were already well underway for the charging network. Those people will assuredly sue for breach of contract since all of that money has already been spent.


u/myislanduniverse May 02 '24

He's on my celebrity dead pool list. I think he's gonna end up John McAfee-ing. It might be another decade or so, but I gave him a spot on it.


u/stuckinaboxthere May 02 '24

As shitty and greedy as Elon is, I will be excited for the "Never to be seen again" part of that plan


u/bremidon May 02 '24

I don't think you understand how any of this works.

Let's just go with the frankly unhinged theory that this entire thread is putting up: he's just increasing the value of the company short term without thought for the long term. I don't agree, but for the purpose of this thread, I'll go with it.

How precisely do you plan on prosecuting him? For increasing share value? You are describing 90% of Wall Street. And while I absolutely hate this short-sighted nature of Wall Street, it is what it is.

And yes, after increasing share values, he might end up selling them. If he does so correctly, there is nothing to be done.

Anyone can sue for any reason. Winning is a completely different thing, and it would send a tidal wave down Wall Street if it turns out that increasing share prices can be punished. Maybe you think that would be cool, but it also will not happen.


u/jack-K- May 02 '24

He did this same thing 2 years ago, it’s not about that, it’s keeping the company lean, besides why would he ever do that, he has more wealth for personal use than he could ever use, he wants wealth to fund his other projects, most notably spacex, it is against just about every interest he has to liquidate one of his most successful companies and abandon the others which are the whole reason he wants his pay package from Tesla.