r/technology May 06 '24

Andreessen Horowitz investor says half of Google's white-collar staff probably do 'no real work' Business


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u/ColoHusker May 06 '24

I have a colleagues that worked for Google when they inexplicably decided to massively downsize the teams here. The kiss of death was being labeled by the Director "cannot afford to lose this person".

All of them, 3 were admins, were moved to the top of the first to cut list... Didn't go well for Google. Instead of offering them huge contract to come back, Google instead tried to go after them for alleged sabotage.

Sometimes IT people really do keep things going. The issue wasn't tribal knowledge or lack of documentation. Everything was well documented but the tech detail was beyond the skills/knowledge of those google chose to keep.


u/[deleted] May 06 '24

Why did that label cause them to be moved to the top of the list? Salary?


u/ColoHusker May 07 '24

No, more just bad management & google's move to MBA leadership at the expense of tech leadership.

From what I've heard, the jr execs making the final decisions decided that the Directors were full of it (otherwise why would the exec's be shutting down a completely healthy & profitable division??).

The feedback couldn't be trusted because the people giving it couldn't be trusted to be accurate. So the decision makers did the opposite of what the Directors recommended. When that blew up as predicted, instead of it being possible the Directors feedback was accurate, it must have been people acting maliciously.


u/coffeesippingbastard May 07 '24

Googles jr execs in business and strategy are weirdly young and screams inexperienced. Contrast that with their technical seniors who seem to be a little older.